TheKosmonaut changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program 1.7.3 official channel | Rules: | PM ops as needed | ΔV maps: | No, we don't have details on KSP2
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<Avocado> Hello!
<UmbralRaptor> greetings, future salsa component
<Avocado> Im having problems with all of my ships.
<Avocado> When i launch, my parachute goes off.
<Avocado> Any advice?
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<sasamj> Avocado: check your staging probably
<UmbralRaptor> As Scott Manley says "check yo staging".
<Avocado> How? Im new.
<sasamj> the thing on the right side of the screen with the orange rectangles
<UmbralRaptor> It's on the bottom left when you're inside the VAB
<UmbralRaptor> er, right
<UmbralRaptor> left in flight
<Avocado> How do i change the staging with starting equipment?
<sasamj> Avocado: just drag the chute up to the stage you want it to be
<sasamj> probably last
<Avocado> Thanks!
<Avocado> Ill go try that!
<Avocado> Thank you so much! That worked perfectly!
<UmbralRaptor> yay
<Avocado> I finally left the atmosphere!
<UmbralRaptor> \o/
<Avocado> aaaaaaaand crashed into the ocean....
<Avocado> the parachute didnt deploy.
<UmbralRaptor> Hrm. Probably descent was always at unsafe speeds
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<UmbralRaptor> (decoupling the capsule from any boosters is likely to help)
<Avocado> yea i just got the decoupler
<Avocado> anyway
<Avocado> bye!
<Avocado> thanks for the help
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<Scolar_Visari> Sons and daughters of Kerbin: Did ya' ever wonder what propagates the phenomenon of gravitation?
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<Scolar_Visari> Cause I'd sure like to know what it is, and 60 Minutes refuses to investigate.
<Scolar_Visari> I think . . . I think negativity acts as a carrier wave for gravity, depressing space-time around the averaged center of bad vibes.
<Scolar_Visari> Thus, we may conclude that positive thoughts are a repulsive force.
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<umaxtu_mobile> Makes sense to me
<Scolar_Visari> Oh dear, that won't do at all. Nothing about physics should make sense immediately.
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<umaxtu> which hasn't happened yet right?
<umaxtu> oops wrong channel
* Scolar_Visari ponders why umaxtu is on mobile and not-mobile on the same channels.
<Scolar_Visari> That's some multitasking!
<umaxtu_mobile> Cause i had my VPN enabled on my desktop earlier. Which is banned by espernet, so I signed in on my phone
* Scolar_Visari seems to recall VPNs being finicky with IRC.
<umaxtu_mobile> Espernet seems to have PIA's ip addresses banned
<Scolar_Visari> Honestly, I'm still surprised IRC is in use.
<umaxtu> its hanging in there
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<Scolar_Visari> It's like that one elderly couple's old desktop that's still running on Windows 95 and Netscape Navigator. It's full of security risks and probably ought to be donated to a museum, but it's still going.
<umaxtu> speaking of old tech, I recently got my hands on a dumb terminal.
<Rokker> museum
<umaxtu> what about it?
<Scolar_Visari> Hey, it's our last, best chance for peace in pieces!
<umaxtu> Babylon 5, the last of the Babylon stations
<Scolar_Visari> The year is 2258. The name of the place is Babylon 5!
* Scolar_Visari is amused that they're specifically looking up images of Bernal Spheres and getting this instead
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* Scolar_Visari ponders if a wormhole could have severe tidal forces for objects passing through.
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<Scolar_Visari> Like, could it be small enough to let a ship pass through albeit snapping it at its weakest point?
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* Scolar_Visari goes off to run an experiment, hopefully finding a wormhole orbiting Saturn.
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<lordcirth> Well, as I understand the hypothesis, you'd need negative matter/energy to keep it from collapsing anyway.
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<kmath> YouTube - NASA Live: Official Stream of NASA TV
<Althego> seems there is some problem
<Althego> couldnt dock automatically
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<Eddi|zuHause> now someone has to climb in and do it manually?
<Althego> i think there is a remote
<Althego> but they were talking about replacing a signal amplifier
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<SDS200> Is there some kind of technique I can use to align engines to the center of mass without torque in stock KSP?
<Althego> keep the vessel symmetric
<Althego> failing that, just turn off gravity, turn off sas, and start engines
<SDS200> I don't see how turning off gravity and sas would help against torque?
<Althego> you see if there is torque or not
<Althego> if there is minimal, the ship is just going up
<SDS200> well yeah
<SDS200> I did quite a bit of trial and error
<SDS200> but after 10 tries of unsuccessfully moving my engines around I was wondering if there's a better way
<Althego> ker displays the torque of the engines
<Althego> move them until the number is zero
<Althego> altough in complicated cases the fuel level matters so you cant have a forever zero torque
<SDS200> hmm I guess I won't be able to play this game without a whole bunch of mods after all
<Althego> i do
<SDS200> yeah that's part of what makes it tricky
<Althego> i build eve ascent vehicles in the soup era without ker
<SDS200> I don't need a lot of fuel in my case but it's enough to make it annoying to do in a trial and error manner
<Althego> built
<SDS200> It wouldn't be as difficult if the center of thrust and center of mass indicators where more helpful
<Althego> and since delta v is stock now, and there is radar altimeter too, ker has very little use aside from the edge cases like asymmetric vehicle torque
<SDS200> yeah
<SDS200> The thing with delta V is it's something you can calculate by hand
<SDS200> but the torque thing is mostly a UI issue
<Althego> i used to calculete them
<SDS200> It's significantly more fun than eyeballing engine placement that's for sure lol
<Althego> but then ker did the same thing, and i knew what they do and could do it just slower, i thought it was ok to use ker too
<SDS200> I guess the thing about these calculations is it's fun to do them a couple times
<SDS200> but at some point it gets a bit repetitive
<SDS200> Still necessary to do it sometimes in stock since stock delta V to my knowledge doesn't calculate RCS delta V (?)
<Althego> rcs delta v is about pointless
<Althego> i always use less than 1 unit of fuel for docking
<Althego> if at all
<SDS200> I mostly use it to figure out if it's enough to de orbit some of my heavier tugs
<SDS200> but yeah just for docking it's not really necessary
<Althego> if you want to use rcs to deorbit, you could have used the main engine with less mass involved
<SDS200> some of them only have rcs
<SDS200> and if they don't iirc burning monoprop first is always more efficient
<SDS200> so I can calculate how much fuel I need for the main engines afterwards
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<SDS200> Now I'll just have to figure out how to launch this
<Mat2ch> Boosters. Many. :D
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<SDS200> Mat2ch, and struts :P
<Mat2ch> many many more ;)
<Mat2ch> Some day I should do my huge Jool mission...
<Mat2ch> But I'm still not sure how to transport the space plane
<Mat2ch> uh
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<Mat2ch> I just may have got an idea
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<darsie> I flew my Duna glider/lander to Kerbin orbit and then pushed it to Duna:
<SDS200> Ok this might just be a little bit insane
<darsie> To Minmus?
<Althego> to the batmobile!
<SDS200> darsie, uhm yes
<Mat2ch> SDS200: Insane? That's small. :D
<SDS200> I think this might have a bit too much delta V in the vacuum stage tbh lol
<darsie> Does KER get mixed/multiple engine stage TWR right?
<Althego> supposedly
<darsie> Landing vertically on Minmus and falling over may work.
<SDS200> I do have horizontally mounted engines on the payload
<SDS200> also the reason why I installed KER was to get the torque on those right
<SDS200> so it *should* be able to land horizontally at a speed that doesn't result in a small fireworks display
<darsie> The attitude of my "curiosity" propulsive lander was uncontrollable:
<darsie> No RW.
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<SDS200> well I tested it on the landing pad with hacked gravity
<SDS200> idk how close that is to actual conditions
<darsie> atmosphere
<darsie> Have you ever landed on the landing pad? ;)
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<SDS200> yes actually
<darsie> A hopper or something orbital?
<SDS200> but only with a paragliding Kerbal :P
<darsie> :)
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<APlayer> o/
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<kmath> <unveriphiedMike> 13 years ago today, @plutokiller killed #Pluto.
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<Althego> hehe "to be fair, it had it coming"
<UmbralRaptor> :D
<UmbralRaptor> . o O (Mike "deathstar" Brown)
<TheKosmonaut> That’s no moon...
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<SDS200> < so who wants to board my space train?
<SDS200> Given my terrible design and piloting skills I'm glad I got this into space at all lol - I guess it was a good thing I added some extra fuel after all
* SDS200 sighs
<SDS200> I just noticed one of the wheels broke - somehow?
<Althego> probably the fairing
<SDS200> hmm could be
<SDS200> well time to try this again..
<Mat2ch> SDS200: do you have an engineer on board? They can fix wheels
<SDS200> I don't think I have any level 3 engineers
<Mat2ch> :(
<SDS200> I'll just have to fly this again
<Althego> you need to go outside kerbin soi for 3 stars
<Mat2ch> which should be easy.
<Althego> one damaged wheel should be ok
<Althego> the mars rovers worked fine like that :)
<SDS200> It won't be because it has to dock
<SDS200> if it's not aligned with the claw it will just wobble everything it attached to around and things will flip over
<SDS200> already needs quite a bit of tweaking with the landing gear as is to avoid that
<SDS200> :/
<Althego> strange that all the serious spece channels on youtube report on ksp2 :)
<SDS200> ok I managed to do it - almost more efficiently before I mentioned to flip it over and lose some fuel margin over my previous attempt
<SDS200> anyhow I added some ejection force to the fairing so the wheel is saved!
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<kmath> YouTube - 8K Video: Dawn Rises on Spacex Dragon In Orbit
<Althego> now i have to watch this tomorrow on the tv. and even that is only 4k
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<SDS200> My best screen is my 1080p laptop screen
* UmbralRaptor has, uh, let's see…
<Althego> my worst screen is the 1080p laptop
<UmbralRaptor> 1920x1080 and 1280x1024 external monitors…
<UmbralRaptor> also a s/1080/1200/
<UmbralRaptor> 1920x1080, 1440x900, and 1280x800 displays on various raptops
<SDS200> I do wonder if I should get 4k screens as part of my next upgrade
<Althego> i was watching the video full screen, what i rarely do with youtube. and that annoying green little alien mascot for alza jumped onto the screen at the end. i wanted to hit somebody
<SDS200> lol
<UmbralRaptor> Admittedly I could have gotten a 4k screen, but it seems silly on a 13" laptop
<SDS200> you mean on the 13" laptop itself or as a secondary one?
<UmbralRaptor> On the laptop itself (Dell XPS 13)
<SDS200> ah I didn't know the 13" version had a 4k option as well
<Tank2333> why does a 13" screens needs a 4k is beyond me
<Tank2333> i guess marketing
<Althego> look, even our phones are in around resolution
<Althego> and nobody knows why :)
<umaxtu> is the 1080p panel >60hz?
<UmbralRaptor> SDS200: depends on the processor choices, etc
<Tank2333> my one has 1080p and that is pletny
<SDS200> I was thinking of one of the XPS series laptops as my next one for traveling UmbralRaptor
<UmbralRaptor> Pros: very smol, and you can get ones with Ubuntu installed, so no driver [REDACTED]. cons: smol, you might prefer Debian, Arch, etc
<UmbralRaptor> Also, 3 USB-C ports ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
<SDS200> well what it comes preinstalled with doesn't matter right?
<SDS200> I can just wipe the Ubuntu install
<UmbralRaptor> Yeah
<SDS200> just means I don't have to pay for a windows license I assume?
<SDS200> also does it use optimus aka will I need bumblebee?
<UmbralRaptor> I think that's correct? This ended up being a maxed out business one
<UmbralRaptor> And unsure about that
<SDS200> that's usually a bit of a tricky one with laptops
<SDS200> bumblebee is a bit of a hack
<SDS200> and I think it still doesn't have vulkan support (?)
<umaxtu> UmbralRaptor, thunderbolt ports right?
<UmbralRaptor> Uh, the Ubuntu ones have Intel video chips, not nvidea
<UmbralRaptor> umaxtu: some yes, others no
<UmbralRaptor> USB-C is not compatible with USB-C
<umaxtu> somebody needs to make a utility that can detect and display exactly what each type-c port supports
<Althego> "universal"
<Althego> i got the solution, we need usb-d (see competing standards xkcd)
<umaxtu> and the versioning is nuts.
<umaxtu> USB 3.2 Gen 2x2 for pete's sake
<UmbralRaptor> Unique Serial Bus
<Althego> and gets worse with every iteration
<Althego> i wouldnt be so sure it is completely serial, there are additional lines since usb 3
<UmbralRaptor> hm
<SDS200> <UmbralRaptor> Uh, the Ubuntu ones have Intel video chips, not nvidea < ah that's annoying
<SDS200> Having a dedicated nivida GPU would be useful since I work a lot with linear algebra things
<SDS200> < and the train has landed
<SDS200> I spent way too much time on this tbh lol
<raptop> Minmus flat express
<SDS200> It's two parts
<SDS200> one of which is an extension to my duct tape mining base
<SDS200> the other part is a tanker for refueling my orbital shuttle
<SDS200> I already had a smaller tanker but it didn't have much capacity making it annoying to use
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