UmbralRaptor changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program 1.7.3 official channel | Rules: | PM ops as needed | ΔV maps: | <packbart> stupid Kerbals, begin to breathe before the air has materialized
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<JVFoxy> at a bit of an impass it seems. Originally I thought I'd do a stock craft sorta series. Its just, after seeing some creations with this one mod, things don't look quite as ...'messily built'.
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<JVFoxy> yo
<JVFoxy> Althego: how awake are ya over there?
<Althego> mostly
<JVFoxy> ah, on the upswing or down?
<Althego> up
<JVFoxy> wanted to poke ya on some thoughts. Though wasn't sure how... 'hardcore' gamer you were..
<Althego> "tick tock, prince, tick tock"
<Althego> have to go to the bakery soon. but i am not sure how soon. it depends on whether they handle this technical saturday as a saturday or monday
<JVFoxy> erm, sorry, wasn't sure if you were feeling up to talk is all.
<Althego> i am here
<JVFoxy> stock vs mod'd... originally I thought I'd stay stock but, guess... sorta falling down the rabbit hole as it were
<Althego> with the latest updates i managed to reduce my mod usage from 1 to 0
<Althego> although i still miss the generated torque readout of ker
<Althego> and i used to have chatterer too, but i dropped that a long time ago
<Althego> i just dont want the pain of managing the mods
<JVFoxy> almost 10 mods on one old version. half of them don't show up on CKAN in latest version of the game
<Althego> they still work, probably
<Althego> the updates are really minuscule lately
<JVFoxy> I could force but, then I'll complaints from ckan and ksc..
<JVFoxy> actually ... CKAN had an update recently but it crashed on me pretty badly when it tried
<JVFoxy> other thing I'm noticing, I could be spending days tinkering with things, just getting it right before dropping into a proper session I feel is good enough to record
<JVFoxy> I'm going to guess it was mechjeb you had going previously?
<Althego> ker
<Althego> i always thought a game playing itself is a stupid idea
<Althego> so i don really need a mechjeb style autopilot
<JVFoxy> thats... kerbal engineer redux right? ... isn't that basically mechjeb or..? I hadn't really looked into compairing the two, just heard about htem a lot
<Althego> ker is mostly a delta v design aid for me. it can also display a lot of information in flight. but it never pilots the craft
<Althego> i think i risk the bakery now. they usually dont care for the replacement saturdays.
<JVFoxy> k, all best
<Althego> back
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<JVFoxy> oh...
<JVFoxy> not so much an autopilot for getting into space for me.. its just, be nice to have a horizon lock while flying aircraft
<Althego> yes, altitude hold would be nice
<JVFoxy> well that too...
<JVFoxy> also, given how often I end up with very slight aircraft roll/yaw despite being made pefectly mirrored. some kind of independant assist for those be nice too
<Althego> yes, that shouldnt happen
<Althego> not even dihedral wings help
<JVFoxy> its been an issue for years, though not as bad these days, what with rigid connections and autostrut. Though even those don't always fully help. I noticed autostruts also takes extra CPU too
<JVFoxy> given what I seen in the past, I'm half wondering if certain parts aren't mirroring like they should, certain flight dynamics either flipped or missed..
<Althego> didnt seem like it
<Althego> the effect is stronger with physics warp
<Althego> probably it is some tiny difference between the sides, that is magnified with the forces
<JVFoxy> ever use those tiny fuel tanks in mirrored mode?
<Althego> yes
<JVFoxy> Mk0 (looked up to be sure)
<JVFoxy> ah.. not rocket.. more seen a particular 'issue' with the Mk0 jet fuel tank. When I turn on show dynamics, first mirrored MK0 on one side doesn't show body lift, but everything else does
<Althego> the white ones
<JVFoxy> not sure if its just error with the displaying or if it actually is missing lift
<Althego> never noticed that
<Althego> usually body lift is too small to even have a visible arrow
<JVFoxy> I've pulled some g's just to test.. they'll show up a bit
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<JVFoxy> not sure if its still an issue in current versions though. I sorta gave up checking
<Althego> lol, nasa wants to use bacteria for space mining
<Althego> i am still for space lasers
<JVFoxy> space pick
<Rolf> space backpack
<JVFoxy> ... space engineers ... pretty much.
<Althego> space minecraft? :)
<JVFoxy> at least can build ships that move
<Rolf> minetest heh
<Rolf> world gen is far more extreme since world height is 64k
<Rolf> vs minecraft 512
<Rolf> while randomly digging, I found a cave that was taller than minecraft world is tall
<Rolf> i didnt explore extents fully
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<Eddi|zuHause> minecraft is 512? i thought more like 128
<Eddi|zuHause> as in, sealevel is 64, and you can go as much below as above
<Rolf> or maybe its 256
<Rolf> but not 128 no
<Rolf> anyway minetest is much taller world
<Rolf> and mining is really mining lol you can get insane depths
<Althego> electron launch in less than 6 hours
<Althego> if it happens
<Rolf> eddi im at 1 km deep now
<Rolf> and theres still 63k to go lol
<Rolf> fel over 300m
<Rolf> fell
<Rolf> good thing im creative or..
<Rolf> from 2201 to 2524
<Rolf> 4k now. fun lol
<nate> Rolf: Build-height in minecraft is 255 (256 counting sea level exactly) yeah, but I believe it's easy to change that nowadays
<Rolf> theres mod for that too., cubic chunk somethig?
<Rolf> fell long way into lava lol
<Rolf> good thing im creative
<Rolf> if I wasn't, I'd do it the slower way of building massive stairs
<Rolf> my standard mining is massive 3 wide and 4 height stairs to bedrock, 2x2 branches, and 1x2 mining rows
<Rolf> 2 touches blocking the way means "ugh there be lava"
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<Rolf> oh im wrong, its not 64k deep, its 31k deep
<Rolf> makes sense
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<Eddi|zuHause> so, why exactly is cities skylines using 12GB ram?
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<Rolf> its fun game huh?
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<nate> probably because you have settings up high and a complicated city going?
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<Althego> electron in 2 hours
<Althego> elec
<Althego> eh
<kmath> YouTube - Rocket Lab 'Look Ma, No Hands' Launch
<Rolf> 15000m down lol
<Rolf> minetest is insane
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<Althego> 30 min remaining
<Althego> stream on
<Althego> go for launch
<Althego> t-1 min
<Rolf> fire looks like a monster hand catching up to rocket
<Rolf> cant be unseen, forever
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<darsie> oops, posted 365 twice
<darsie> another. Don't click, I'll repost a clean list.
<darsie> Should have made an imgur gallery, but I just copy it to my home server.
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<kmath> YouTube - Kerbal Space Program 2 Cinematic Announce Trailer
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<Althego> what, 2?
<darsie> 2.0.0?
<Althego> "not actual gameplay"
<Althego> star theory and private division
<Althego> no squad
<Althego> this will either be great or huge fail
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<Althego> i have this fear, that the soul of the game will be lost during this development
<sandbox> I predict fail
<Neal> in other words do I have to buy it again
<cringe> yes
<Neal> I can feel it already, DLC is going to be bad on that
<sandbox> when did KSP1 become "Complete Edition"?
<UmbralRaptop> So, actual caves, n-body, and/or less scattered instrumentation?
<Althego> how about simplerockets n+1?
<Neal> I want good extraplanetary colonization
<sandbox> I want candy
<UmbralRaptop> Only if the candy has an Isp >> 100 s
<UmbralRaptop> Also, consider stock kRPC or kOS? Hopefully
<Althego> maybe in liquid oxygen
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<Scolar_Visari> Sons and daughters of Kerbin: Does it really count as a launch failure if some of the rocket gets into space?
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* Scolar_Visari ponders if Elon Musk was actually considering threat detection as part of asteroid defense or simply hasn't read any technical literature on the subject of asteroid deflection.
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<Scolar_Visari> Two Raptors? I didn't believe there was any conclusive evidence of pack hunting behavior!
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* UmbralRaptor pounces on Scolar_Visari
<halcyon_b> Clever girl
* Scolar_Visari is pinned underneath by the large talons, per the prey restraint method, and remains alive while their predator begins to eat.
<Scolar_Visari> Oh why could I have not fallen to something that would've had the chivalry to kill *then* eat me!?
<UmbralRaptor> hah
* Scolar_Visari is also puzzled as to how one would eat Scolar_Visari, as most of their biology is incompatible with that of living organisms and unrecognizable to all but the most well trained xenologists who did not go mad from their revelation.
<Scolar_Visari> There are strange physiologies that dromaeosauridae were never meant to know!
<UmbralRaptor> UmbralRaptors are a bit different from velociraptors, which helps some
<Scolar_Visari> So are you not a raptor in much the same way a photino bird is not a bird?
<UmbralRaptor> heh
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* UmbralRaptor is sadly mostly getting devoured by grad school (and health?) issues these days
<Scolar_Visari> That's why you should've studied time travel!
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<TonyC> hello!
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<UmbralRaptor> hey
* Scolar_Visari ponders how much carriers will cost in Elite's December update.
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UmbralRaptor changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program 1.7.3 official channel | Rules: | PM ops as needed | ΔV maps: | No, we don't have details on KSP2
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<halcyon_b> heh
<halcyon_b> The trailer seems to imply that abject failure will still be a large factor in the game
<halcyon_b> I appreciate that.
<Scolar_Visari> Imma be real honest . . . I'm absolutely sure that giving Kerbals nuclear pulse drives is a Bad idea.
<UmbralRaptor> heh
<Althego> there is this
<UmbralRaptor> Are there also NSWR options?
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<Scolar_Visari> There appears to be Epstein Drives, so plenty of death from too many Gs.
* Scolar_Visari did not see KSP 2 coming. This is as unexpected a development as Evil Genius 2.
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<RockyTV> "realistic physics"
<UmbralRaptor> Stock Principia + FAR?
<Scolar_Visari> So, if Principia than Lagrange colonies? I mean, the trailer *does* have rotating doughnuts.
<UmbralRaptor> Mmm… O'Neil doughnut…
<Scolar_Visari> Wait, what in the name of Stanford, Bernal and O'Neill . . . ? StarTopia's getting a SEQUEL!?
<umaxtu> Yup
<Althego> heh 60 usd
<Althego> and i can just hope it will be on gog too
<Scolar_Visari> It's pretty funny that it's being made by the people who did Dungeons, as StarTopia itself was developed by Dungeon Keeper 2 devs.
<UmbralRaptor> Anyway, my fastest computer for the time being is a Linux raptop, so eh
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<Althego> eh and stilél on unity
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<kmath> YouTube - Kerbal Space Program 2 Developer Story Trailer
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<Neal> I see a few shots taken from the museum of flight in that dev story trailer
<Neal> I was there a week ago
<Rokker> MUSEUM
<Neal> what
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<Rokker> pretty clear what I said
<UmbralRaptop> museum
<Rokker> precisely
<Rokker> museum
<Neal> muesum
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<Scolar_Visari> Sons and daughters of Kerbin: Live from Stellaris it's Scolar Visari!
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<Scolar_Visari> Well that was weird. Perhaps I shouldn't try entering wormholes with singularity reactors in tow?
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<UmbralRaptop> It's fine. Only ~7e15 kg of exotic matter got scattered around the system
<Scolar_Visari> I'm sure there will be no negative consequences whatsoever.
* Scolar_Visari begins to ponder the advantages of KSP II's inhouse engine.
<Scolar_Visari> Will it have cupholders?
<Scolar_Visari> More seriously, the non-gameplay trailer is showcasing some very parts heavy ships and bases. They would be enough on KSP I to make most computers overclock-out, send in their two week notices and apply for work as DogeCoin miners.
<umaxtu> I think those are actually colonies. Sounds like the game treats them differently then ships
<Scolar_Visari> Oh no, I was thinking about the very, very, very large interplanetary and interstellar ships.
<Scolar_Visari> Including the one propelled by nuclear explosives.
<UmbralRaptop> :D
* Scolar_Visari seems to recall there is at least one mod that actually gets around the parts count issue by, uh, "welding" lots of small parts into singular, larger parts.
<Scolar_Visari> A StarTopia reboot and KSP 2 on the same day. This cannot be a coincidence. Nay, it is a herald of the End Times.
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* Scolar_Visari begins integrating the puny Humans.
<UmbralRaptop> ∫human dx
<Scolar_Visari> Their culinary and philosophical uniqueness to be adapted to our own. Resistance is not appreciated.
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<drak> i can't believe they went with unity
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<Scolar_Visari> It's 2019, and we still can't make a Steam browser that's not as buggy as circa 1999 Netscape Navigator?
* Scolar_Visari recognizes the irony of this while using IRC, something that wasn't even that advanced in 1989.
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* UmbralRaptop likes to point out that freenode has outlived every Google product, including search
<Scolar_Visari> I'm not sure if that's good or bad. That's like pointing out that asbestos has outlived other insulating materials in old buildings.
<Scolar_Visari> Hah, Deserts of Kharak was Unity, too.
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<drak> yeah but you would think with such limitations on the first ksp they would have learned their lesson
<taniwha> which limitations?
<Scolar_Visari> Well, the first KSP also did start out on an older version of Unity.
<taniwha> KSP blew past Unity's limitations years ago
* Scolar_Visari has nightmares relating to Unity and 64 bit windows shenanigans.
<taniwha> that's because 64-bit windows was badly designed
<Scolar_Visari> But that was . . . Fixed, I think? Certainly runs better than it used to.
<Scolar_Visari> Nonsense. Windows is, and always has been, perfect.
<drak> how can you exceed unity's limitations?
<taniwha> made jumping from 32-bit code to 64-bit code a nightmare
<drak> when you are using unity?
<Scolar_Visari> Don't listen to them Windows 98. Shhhhhh, it's okay.
<taniwha> drak: very easily
<taniwha> do most of the work in C#
<taniwha> ie, not using Unity or PhysX when possible
* Scolar_Visari still ponders how one gets bigger ships and sharper graphics without resorting to Quantum Computing.
<drak> i would have just went straight c and skipped unity, not that the money matters to them, but now unity gets a cut too
<taniwha> then you'd have to do your own game engine (graphics, sound, input, etc etc), no small task
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<taniwha> also, doing everything in C has its drawbacks
<drak> there are many 3d engines out there and many input libraries too
<drak> opengl, sdl2, etc
<taniwha> those are not engines
<taniwha> and sdl is... ick
<drak> sdl2 is a handler for input
<drak> opengl is raw 3d
<taniwha> sdl2 is twice the ick
<drak> no not engine, but other libraries to work with ogl
<drak> sdl2 is not bad
<drak> easy for me
<Scolar_Visari> Obviously KSP 2 should've been designed in Telltale Tool.
<taniwha> sdl (1 or 2) makes easy things easy and hard things impossible
<drak> what have you tried to do with sdl that was hard for you?
<taniwha> anything beyond the basics for input
<drak> ah, just takes time i guess
<taniwha> anyway, I got a very bad taste of SDL with quakeforge
<drak> did they use that?
<taniwha> "thay"?
<drak> i don't know what quakeforge is
<taniwha> it's only a google away };>
<taniwha> anyway, I have probably 90% of the commits for quakefeforge
<drak> and a monitor and a mouse movement and a keyboard type and stuff
<drak> lol
<taniwha> the problem with SDL is going beyond the LCD for the various platforms
<drak> use opengl in combo with sdl
<taniwha> anyway, I know enough about game engine development to know that unless you have a very good reason to roll your own, you very much do not want to roll your own
<drak> yeah it is time consuming, if i was in a hurry i would use a premade engine
<drak> but sometimes there is great satisfaction in rolling your own
<taniwha> and at this stage, rolling your own includes bashing a 1996 engine into something modern (yet I do it anyway)
<Scolar_Visari> Satisfaction can also require increased development time, which means increased cost, which means, ah, something.
<taniwha> anyway, there's a lot more to a game engine than throwing together a graphics library and input lib
<taniwha> Scolar_Visari: means canned project
<drak> of course
<Scolar_Visari> Hey, now, you can release a game prematurely too as a budget title!
* UmbralRaptop eyes the amount of work that has gone into MJ, FAR, Principia, etc
<taniwha> not if you're stuck rollling your own engine :P
* Scolar_Visari tries to imagine how on earth Freelancer came out as well as it did despite its troubled history.
<Scolar_Visari> Psht, there are plenty of games that don't have complete engines. Like, ah . . . Big Rig Racing or what's-it?
<Scolar_Visari> UmbralRaptop: To his discredit, Newton was a bit of a procrastinator sometimes.
<Scolar_Visari> Ah, this game!
<kmath> YouTube - BIG RIGS Over The Road Racing - The worst game ever made...
<drak> the first time i did a 3d engine was on vb6, and it was ok, for an interpreted language, then a 2d platformer in c with ogl and sdl
<taniwha> vb1 wasn't even a pipedream when I did my first 2d and 3d games :P
<drak> ah the wayback
<taniwha> heck, windows didn't exist
<drak> dos?
<drak> amiga
<taniwha> yeah, dos
<taniwha> and even further back
<taniwha> apple ][+
* Scolar_Visari laughs in Braben programming Elite on a BBC 2. In a cave. With scraps.
<drak> i did assem on amiga, but thats about it
<drak> just basic on the c64
<drak> you must be around my age ;)
<taniwha> 48
<drak> ah 46
<drak> bbs's ruled!
<Scolar_Visari> That would confirm my suspicion about the demographic which still uses IRC.
* Scolar_Visari is ERROR UNDEFINED.
<Scolar_Visari> Huh, must not take that many zeros.
* Scolar_Visari is upset the Artisan Troupe is already demanding 2000 energy into their second contract.