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<Althego> "born too late to explore earth, born too early to explore the galaxy, but born just in time to witness flat earther. what a time to be alive!"
<Althego> lol atmoplane
<Eddi|zuHause> there probably always have been flat earthers, but they're just more visible now?
<Rolf> yeah for long time
<Rolf> thing about internet, no matter how weird you are, you can find your kind of weird people. you weirdo
<darsie> Earth is wider at the equator, so it's flat ;).
<Rolf> of course it is. it is locally flat.
<Eddi|zuHause> yeah, like finding weird people who play a game set on a fictional planet building exploding rockets
<Rolf> remember, in ksp, if rocket is not exploding, its because it have not launched yet.
<darsie> Just like real rockets on real planets :).
<Althego> wrong, it can explode on the launchpad, and also make the launchpad explode too
<Rolf> yeah CAN.
<Eddi|zuHause> Althego: but that is after you pressed the "Launch" button
<Althego> i thought you meant the launch as in engines on
<Eddi|zuHause> that's advanced gameplay :p
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<Mat2ch> Althego: I'm still waiting for the next big invetion, which probably will include ftl. Should happen any year now.
<Althego> hehe doubt it
<Althego> the road not taken
<Mat2ch> Do you doubt that it's possible or that it will happen soon?
<Althego> ftl in itself is unlikely. and we are still struggling to come up with a quantumgravity theory
<Rolf> we need reactionless drive more than ftl
<Mat2ch> and my guess is that the latter will be soon figured out and with it comes ftl
<Rolf> we have lot to do in this solar system so reactionless would be awesome for now
<Althego> yes, we have to kill the microbes on mars too
<Althego> and go fishing on europa and eat all those
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<bees> next big one would probably be room-temperature superconductors
<bees> predicted on quantum pcs and biosynthesized as a very complex molecule
<Althego> that is realistic, and we really do need them
<Althego> but as far as i know there is still no complete theory of how high temperature superconducting works
<bees> The Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded for the theory of Type-II superconductivity in 2003.
<Rolf> biggest one right now is energy storage
<Althego> hmm
<Althego> i have to look that up
<Rolf> what we need is "hot" superconductivity too. up to 100f
<Althego> at least this means we are really ready for this
<Althego> somebody just needs to put in an insane amount of research to find materials
<Rolf> funding to new science isnt quite 1:1
<Rolf> more spending does make knowledge increase but its not consisent
<Rolf> man space program gave us so much and its comparatelu cheap compared to benefits we have now, for example
<kubi> would be nice to get a proper video not just this overcompressed one...
<Althego> actually the low quality one looks better to me
<Althego> yay, systematic classification of life, episode 42
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<ircuser> Hi
<Mod9000> Hello, ircuser
ircuser is now known as ARM28
<sandbox> ahoy
<ARM28> I came across a bit of a design challenge
<ARM28> The issue is that I don't know how to get fuel around the heatshield here
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> your only choice is to route a fuel pipe on the side
<ARM28> But how could I do that here?
<Althego> cubic octagonal strut that sticks out on the side, then a fuel pipe
<ARM28> through the fairing?
<Althego> no, outside
<Althego> it cant pass through the heat shield
<Althego> but why does the cabin need to be below the tank?
<sandbox> upside-down?
<ARM28> There's a cupola module at the top
<ARM28> and I don't want to add a docking port on top of it
<ARM28> so I decided to place the cabin below it
<ARM28> upside down wouldn't help sandbox
<ARM28> it just flips the problem around
<ARM28> btw how can I get cubic octagonal structs to snap?
<ARM28> to eachother that is
<sandbox> can't you still transfer fuel using the menu?
<Althego> you shouldnt be able to
<Althego> but i think that depends on settings
<ARM28> hmm interesting idea would be impractical in practice though
<ARM28> Unless it's possible to keep doing that in the menu continuously as a burn happens
<Althego> what if you put 2 of those small 2 person cabins inside the fairing and you dont get blocked by the heat shield
<Althego> because they you would have 2, and could easily connect in the center
<ARM28> well true but I still couldn't reuse the engine then
<ARM28> the idea is to use the engine for both the rendezvous and deorbiting
<Althego> how so?
<ARM28> or do you mean that way I could more easily place the fuel line?
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<ARM28> well if I place the engine below the whole upper stage
<ARM28> the heatshield would still have to be either above or below the "lander"
<ARM28> or wait I think I misunderstood what you said - did you mean placing the capsules sideways Althego?
<Althego> have a center shaft that connects the stages just like the cabin now. then put 2 cabins on its side
<Althego> that way the fuel never passes through the heat shield
<ARM28> yeah that sounds good
<ARM28> just not sure how to re-enter two capsules at the same time
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<ARM28> Althego I ended up going with this based on your recommendation btw:
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<ARM28> And turns out I had enough delta V left to slow myself enough that I didn't even need a heatshield lol
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<Althego> i didnt think it like this
<Althego> more like the two airplane cabins on top
<Althego> (i had an afternoon nap)
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<Eddi|zuHause> <ARM28> I came across a bit of a design challenge <-- would it maybe work that you combine the two fairings into one (around the heatshielded part), and then connect the heatshielded part to an interstage node instead of the actual column?
<ARM28> hmm that could've also been a solution
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<sandbox> oh deary me "RAF to allow beards for the first time"
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<ARM28> hmm is there a way to detach the klaw without force?
<ARM28> Right now I have to wait ages for my minmus tanker to stop wobbeling after the detaching force is applied to it
<ARM28> In fact I'm not sure if it ever stops...
<lordcirth> ARM28, do you have advanced tweakables turned on? I think there's a slider for it.
<ARM28> Is that a mod?
<lordcirth> ARM28, no, it's a setting in stock/
<Althego> always have advanced tweakables on
<ARM28> hmm I don't see anything new other than autostrut
<Althego> even that alone is incredibly useful
<Althego> but many oparts have settings that dont appear without it
<ARM28> That's good to know but there doesn't seem to be a setting for the klaw
<Althego> too bad
<Althego> but what is with this wobbling?
<Althego> just activate time acceleration and all movement stops
<ARM28> that doesn't help
<ARM28> it stops during time acceleration and then starts again
<Althego> strange
<Althego> must be self exciting
<ARM28> It didn't happen when I soft landed it
<ARM28> and it seems to stop itself once you reach a certain acceleration
<Althego> bbut usually struts fix these kinds of things
<ARM28> after which it can be slowed again
<ARM28> I had this issue with both wheels and landing legs
<ARM28> Ok found a solution with advanced tweakables
<ARM28> setting spring and damper of the wheels to the lowest value manually
<ARM28> then detaching doesn't induce the wobble - it just rolls back gracefully
<ARM28> Thanks for pointing out the option lordcirth
<lordcirth> np
<ARM28> I'm really glad I have a relay satellite around minmus since I remembered to put everything on this craft except for an antenna...
<Althego> hehe, still better than forgetting parachutes :)
<ARM28> now I wonder if I can make the claw dock with my makeshift miniature lander
<ARM28> I'll probably have to fly it up slightly with rcs to get captured
<ARM28> apperantly my tanker breaks like a train
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<ARM28> oh hey it worked
<ARM28> a wonderful sight
<ARM28> uhm
<ARM28> seems like I provoked the kraken there
<Althego> lol
<Althego> swamp of sadness
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<ARM28> To be fair it might've been in part due to my amazing ladder landing legs
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<ARM28> of which I sadly lost one during landing - but then again - less mass
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<ARM28> The most fun part is that I will have to do that twice since I misread the contract
<Eddi|zuHause> how very kerbal... "we lost landing legs" "it's ok, less mass" ... "we lost wings" "it's ok, less mass" ...
<Althego> hehe
<ARM28> Having any landing legs at all is quite a luxury in the first place
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<Althego> especially for minmus flats
<Eddi|zuHause> i wonder if i should once again try to correct my awful minimus base landing site...
<Eddi|zuHause> but the only viable autosave i have it's already descending...
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<LupiDragon> anyone here involved with the ksp wiki?
<Eddi|zuHause> i can't get astroneer to run anymore :/
<Eddi|zuHause> it's been stuck on the loading screen with 100% CPU for like 20 minutes
<LupiDragon> someone's been griefing it
<Althego> heh
<LupiDragon> of course, they've done a childish job. the usual, "lol autism" "lol ur gay" "the jews" and dumb copypastas
<LupiDragon> Like if you're gonna try to wreck a website for kicks, at least be creative, y'know?
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<ARM28> rendezvouz with an orbiting vessel on minmus right on ascend is quite satisfying
<ARM28> and thanks to my misreading I'll get the opportunity to do it twice
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<LupiDragon> looks like all the contributions were done by someone called electricbutterfly who links to kiwifarms on their page, so if anyone can just sweep through and mass undo all their changes, the wiki should be back to normal
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<ARM28> hmm does upgrading the tracking station add to the connection range of vehicles without antennae?
<LupiDragon> not so much
<LupiDragon> there's a spreadsheet on the wiki you can use to determine things
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<darsie> ARM28: You mean with built in antenna.
<darsie> It should increase the range of those, too.
<Fluburtur> good progress on the tank
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<darsie> Not sure if the builtin is enough to Mun.
<ARM28> would be helpful
<ARM28> I'm not sure if I actually have a proper relay around the mun
<ARM28> the low tech ones don't seem to work
<UmbralRaptop> Built-in is sufficient for a fully upgraded tracking station, though unsure about level 2
<ARM28> Maybe I should just upgrade it
<ARM28> it's not like I lack the funds
<darsie> You can go to Mun without relay.
<ARM28> I should probably put a sticky note somewhere about not forgetting the antenna
<darsie> I use this checklist: staging, comm, electricity, crew
<ARM28> Seems like I really underestimated my tanker rover
<ARM28> reducing the traction which I set too high for safety makes it really quite manouverable
<ARM28> nvmd I spoke too soon
<ARM28> breaks are still terrible
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<ARM28> darsie that sounds like a good idea
<Althego> dont expect much from brakes on minmus
<ARM28> crew is another one - though I usually notice it quite quickly when I'm on the launchpad
<ARM28> yeah I figured
<ARM28> though it's not as terrible as I expected
<darsie> ARM28: 79% at Mun with just the okto2 internal antenna and tracking station level 3:
<darsie> 76%*
<darsie> Quick trip to Mun just for you :)
<ARM28> nice
<ARM28> Thanks!
<Eddi|zuHause> crew is so annoying, any time i revert from launchpad to vab, i have to redo the crew completely
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<ARM28> yeah or after moving some parts
<ARM28> apparently this contract wants me to expand my space station around Kerbin to 24 kerbals and an extra science lab - for some odd reason
<ARM28> Not sure why you'd ever need that much space for kerbals to stay in
<ARM28> I mean there's a reason why ladders were invented
<darsie> ARM28: You can't transmit science with internal antennae, though.
<ARM28> yeah that's not an issue
<ARM28> I'm planning to rendesvouz with my kerbin space station and add my science to the lab
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<Eddi|zuHause> for that i use science containers, so i can have multiple copies of an experiment
<ARM28> yeah I'm planning to do that as well for future missions
<ARM28> right now I do have a craft with multiple capsules
<Eddi|zuHause> it's a bit fiddly to collect science that way, though
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<ARM28> I only really have some science on this craft though
<ARM28> it's actually mainly a tourism ship with some science on the way because why not
<ARM28> at this point I might end up processing all of my minmus science near kerbin before I even build my minmus station
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<ARM28> Ok 3500 delta V on this thing really was overkill
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<JVFoxy> for just getting off planet or?
<ARM28> for getting to minmus, landing, then to the mun and then rendesvouz with my kerbin space station before deorbiting
<ARM28> I do have an extra seat so I guess I'll at least save a kerbal on the way
<ARM28> and maybe after that there's still enough fuel to get it to not burn up during re-entry
<JVFoxy> hmm.. minmus doesn't need much to land but .. ugh mun does
<JVFoxy> well return at least
<ARM28> I'm not actually going to land on the mun is the thing
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<JVFoxy> considering size and even with slightly higher gravity.. adds up on DV needed
<ARM28> that's true
<ARM28> One of the reasons why I didn't bother going to the mun a lot this career
<JVFoxy> I've been.. a few times..
<JVFoxy> in career, takes far less time. which is a good thing if you dealing with lifesupport
<ARM28> that's true
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<JVFoxy> guess depends on the mods.. I keep wondering about doing a probe out to minmus, and while its going out there, do some other mission at same time
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<ARM28> ksp contracts sometimes - asks me to put a survey scanner in a polar orbit around duna that is too high for the survey scanner to operate
<UmbralRaptop> That seems like a bug
<JVFoxy> just to place, or also send results?
<ARM28> Just to place from what I understand
<JVFoxy> long as the requirements are met...
<ARM28> I just think it's a bit silly lol
<UmbralRaptop> okay, fair
<ARM28> would be nice if it was actually usable afterwards
<JVFoxy> some of them can be pretty out there. solar orbit station, 12 kerbals, 12000 fuel, 6000EC, coupula, power, relay... and this is just in still early career... ugh
<UmbralRaptop> Also, they never seem to care if you test an engine without fuel
<ARM28> yeah I (ab)used that one a few times
<ARM28> Right now I have a contract for a station around duna and one in solar orbit
<JVFoxy> test parts on launchpad? no fuel? can still test without fuel, could just be anything
<ARM28> which is quite neat
<ARM28> I'll use the same station for both contracts ofc
<ARM28> one of these X amounts of fuel on a station missions is one of the reasons I got this mining base on duna in the first place
<JVFoxy> test wheeled landing gear in escape trajectory from Kergin.. or Mun.. ok what sorta use would that be to anyone?
<ARM28> I got testing a fairing in solar orbit
<JVFoxy> I've avoided placing satellites in particular orbits, but the ones I really hate are the put tourists on high-g sub orbital flight.
<ARM28> The only reason why I take some of those satellite missions is either because I wanted to place one there anyway or as an excuse to place pointless satellites all over the place
<ARM28> launching those small payloads is a bit of a change of pace compared to the heavy stations and bases I tend to launch at this stage of the career
<JVFoxy> I had a booster target for a firsts mission of my own. I reused it to push a satellite up into mun orbit. On the way back to Kerbin, contract wanted me to place it into another high ecentric orbit with a different plane. Ok I can do that. But then a second one showed up that was a big phase change. Nope.. not enough fuel. I wanna reuse this thing
<JVFoxy> of course.. now I gotta way 6 days for it come back down to the node. 14 days for round trip before I can then finally put it back into orbit
<JVFoxy> oop gotta go now
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