TheKosmonaut changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program 1.7.3 official channel | Rules: | PM ops as needed | ΔV maps: | No, we don't have details on KSP2
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<umaxtu> why on earth are Nvidia drivers almost 600meg?
<Azander> No idea, but they are huge on Linux as well
<umaxtu> so its not the quality making them large
<bees> umaxtu: probably a few browsers included
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<Scolar_Visari> Sons and daughters of Kerbin: Do you really want to know my secret? One hundred launches! One hundred landings! One hundred pad aborts! Then a ten thousand meter per second delta-v change. Every single day!
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<NomalRaptor> The secret is using something like Medusa for propulsion?
<Scolar_Visari> Nope. Just manually launching things into space with a sling.
<Scolar_Visari> The real trick is getting them back down.
* Scolar_Visari briefly ponders having John Travolta play the leader of the excessively friendly insectoid, Shadow-esque aliens in their Stellaris playthrough as part of a cinematic adaptation.
<Scolar_Visari> But exactly as their character from Battlefield Earth.
<Scolar_Visari> "I was learning to make friends and forge alliance before you could even SPELL YOUR NAME!"
* NomalRaptor never saw that movie <_<;;
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<Scolar_Visari> It's . . . Not worth going out of your way. It is something to watch if you're long haul space trucking in Elite.
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<wir3> Morning all!
<darsie> .
<wir3> ..
<wir3> ...
<wir3> Not had your coffee yet darsie ?
<darsie> I drank 200 mg caffeine after I got up, even before showering.
<wir3> oh wow nice xD
<darsie> egress
<kmath> YouTube - NASA Live: Official Stream of NASA TV
<darsie> EVA
<Althego> eva 01 (with one ohorn
<Althego> -o
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<Althego> =exit
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<wir3> Anyone else watching the live NASA EVA?
<darsie> somewhat
<darsie> What are they doing?
<wir3> Preping the ISS for future comercial space craft to dock
<wir3> Mainly wire, managment and small junction replacements it seems
<darsie> Ahh, something about a docking adapter.
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<wir3> Yep!
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<wir3> Anyone else here work in IT?
<darsie> What, my tourist popped when impacting ground on a parachute at 24.6 m/s.
<darsie> hmm, maybe it works better if I turn off physics warp.
<darsie> wir3: I do, a bit, sometimes.
<wir3> darsie: Cool, how do you like it? Do you do and programming?
<darsie> I did some proof of concept coding on raspberry pi and ESP8266 and then the good guys took over from there.
<darsie> Electronic/internet enabled public locker boxes.
<darsie> It was nice.
<darsie> Small enough for me. I tend to not finish bigger jobs.
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<wir3> # more hours folks
<wir3> 3 more hours
<Althego> until what
<darsie> 23:14
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<Althego> 9 hours and 19 minutes until the empty soyuz. maybe scott will talk about it
<SDS200> Before your nick will change to wir0?
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<Althego> this built in ssh in win10 is lovely
<Althego> copy-past is killing (right click? why???) but way more useful than putty with the clunky interface
<SDS200> I think it's meant to be clunky on purpose
<Althego> no, it was not touched for like 15 years, that is why
<Althego> while in a command line client i can just type everything as usual
<SDS200> well 15 years ago it wasn't less clunky
<SDS200> idk how someone made that and thought that it works well as is
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<wir3> oh Althego just until I got off work xD
<Althego> i guess usa than
<Althego> then
<wir3> yup
<SDS200> oh I would've guessed Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
<sandbox> Danny2462 "I had a sigh of relief when I saw the rocket folding over itself after launch.
<sandbox> My beloved physics is still there."
<Althego> maybe not anymore in ksp2
<kmath> YouTube - Kerbal Space Program 2 Is Sending Those Poor Kerbals Back Into Orbit - Gamescom 2019
<sandbox> that's where I saw the comment
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<Althego> ksp2: all new ways to destroy whole planers
<Althego> planets
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<Mat2ch> Althego: huh?
<Althego> what
<Mat2ch> new ways to destroy planets
<Mat2ch> but I just saw the Gamescon video.
<Althego> danny could destroy the planets
<Mat2ch> The pre-alpha footage looks like a heavily modded KSP
<Mat2ch> and so many parts added that it will take hours to find the right tank for your craft
<SDS200> hopefully the end of the stock oscar-b stacks
<Althego> those never got new textures
<Althego> maybe in one of these rework updates
<Althego> but probably 1.8 is the last one
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