UmbralRaptor changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program 1.7.3 official channel | Rules: | PM ops as needed | ΔV maps: | <packbart> stupid Kerbals, begin to breathe before the air has materialized
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<JVFoxy> oof... seem to be at an impass on what to do as a next mission: 1) flight to pokes, 2) robotic docking mission about the mun, 3) send two three crew capsules to orbit mun and dock...
<JVFoxy> buy in for each part research so... groups and parts unlocked a bit scattered, half the 90's unlocked so far
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<packbart> I've unlocked everything I'll ever need, I guess. yet, I'm still undecided where to go next ;)
<Althego> there area few interesting spots around jool :)
<packbart> hmmyeah, I think it's time to start longer time-warps. I'd either need some 6k+ dV vehicle or wait a year for a better window for Jool
<Eddi|zuHause> do science "while flying low on the sun"
<darsie> Is the altitude over the sun down to a surface or the center?
<Eddi|zuHause> dunno
<darsie> IIRC it's a surface.
<Eddi|zuHause> i just vaguely remember that in the description of [X]Science! it said it hides some of these "impossible" experiments
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<darsie> My friend wants to fly on vacation with me and to keep my CO2 emissions low I said I'd do it if she does a Duna sample return mission :). She now has a Duna impact trajectory and has yet to find out that without landing gear the rocket will probably fall over and be very hard to take off.
<darsie> I managed to do it and returned with 39 m/s or so left.
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<darsie> Heh, a cubic strut on the side could be used to provide the tilt for take off instead of landing gear.
<darsie> or two
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<kubi> there was a solar system modification that put Dres into an orbit just next to Kerbin, making it as a semi-moon
<kubi> which one was it?
<kubi> aaah
<kubi> snarkverse
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<packbart> poor Dres. either it gets ignored or shoved around
<UmbralRaptop> Making Dres real means you can put it anywhere!
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<darsie> Rolling over a battery nicely allows take off of fallen over rockets:
<darsie> Saves heavy landing gear.
<darsie> Cubic strut not yet available.
<darsie> Even 4 toothpick landing gears are 200 kg.
<darsie> nope, 4*15=60 kg.
<darsie> Still, battery is only 5 kg.
<darsie> A single toothpick could be used to lift the rocket.
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<lordcirth> For some reason, my framerate is ok when taking off on Kerbin, with the most parts and effects and such, better in space, and absolutely terrible when I get low over the Mun!
<lordcirth> Has anyone had this happen / know how to fix it?
<darsie> While waiting for certain contracts, alternately waiting a week at 100,000x warp and going to mission control, I noticed that the warp varies in speed. Sometimes, I think, just doing that got KSP into the faster mode.
<darsie> Like, days would go by much faster or slower.
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<Neal1> does the US still do short range tactical ballistic missiles?
<Neal1> *conventional warhead
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<lordcirth> I'm switching from 8k textures to 4k, maybe that will help
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<packbart> do you use Kopernicus? I just came across a forum post (with video: )
<packbart> where Kopernicus seems to cause a huge performance drop unless the Breaking Ground surface features are disabled
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<Guest15624> hey does anybody have a link to a working dl for the BAD-T prop pack?
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<pakaran> Hi, I just got back into playing KSP after most of a year away, and started a new career. I got to orbit, but I'm not really sure what to do next.
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<Black_Eagle> pakaran: go explore the Mun
<Black_Eagle> build a rocket with science equipment, maybe a small rover and go biome hopping
<packbart> it's the same as going to orbit, just a bit higher
<Black_Eagle> hmm.
<Black_Eagle> you could try one of the challenges where you make it to orbit but with some sort of handicap
<Black_Eagle> like a budget restriction, weight restriction, part count, amount of fuel etc
<pakaran> hmm. right now I'm doing a part test contract... just have to have the standard decoupler I'm using now in orbit.
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<pakaran> actually had enough spare delta-v with the test craft that I could have orbited the Mun, if I hadn't had slightly too little money to upgrade the tracking station. That'll be the next major project.
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<pakaran> Should have gone with a much lower reentry perikerb on the test craft; it's going to take a few more passes, but I wanted to make sure the science gear had a fair chance to not burn up.
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