UmbralRaptor changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program 1.7.3 official channel | Rules: | PM ops as needed | ΔV maps: | <packbart> stupid Kerbals, begin to breathe before the air has materialized
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<JVFoxy> ugh.. this urge not to waste time sitting a rocket idle on the pad, waiting for a station to come around the backside of planet...
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<Althego> proton launch in 7 hours
<JVFoxy> lol....
<JVFoxy> sorry, got thinking to RL doesn't have a FF feature
<JVFoxy> then mind went to, what if KSP had a rewind feature like in some of those racing games
<Althego> imagine jeb with the dagger of time
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<JVFoxy> instead of special sand, kerbal fears
<JVFoxy> actually jeb with anything sharp and pointy.. do we know if he's as good with such items as he is with flying?
<Althego> lol the flat earth was invented to cover up the hollow earth
<Rolf> nah it isnt hollow earth, it just seems so
<Rolf> its really a hypersphere
<Rolf> well fine hypergeoid anyway
<Althego> since everything is in 4 dimensional spacetime
<Althego> that must be t rue
<Rolf> you should read the three body problem trilogy
<Rolf> amazing
<Rolf> lol
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<kmath> YouTube - Does Mars Have Life? Methane on Mars with Dr. John McGowan
<darsie> Someone said the answer to such questions is no.
<Althego> i think if there was ever life on mars it is still there now. even earth has a huge biomass living kms under the surface
<darsie> I will excuse your use of kms as plural this time.
<darsie> But don't ever say 299792.458 kms.
<Althego> i would never
<darsie> :)
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<ATCycle> I'm trying to install Astronomer's visual pack in KSP 1.7.3 via CKAN and since it's only officially compatible with 1.7.2 I was trying to use the "Compatible KSP Versions" Settings and checked "1.7"
<ATCycle> However, it still doesn't show up as compatible
<ATCycle> What am I doing wrong?
<JVFoxy> lol.. I just dropped into say I only just now noticed 1.7.3 is now a thing, thanks in part to Shadowzone video getting suggested in my youtube videos. :\
<Althego> i linked that shadowzone video here lol
<Althego> but even that was a day late
<JVFoxy> Althego I just woke up, first thing I did was pop by my youtube, then came here
<JVFoxy> i've yet to even unpack 1.7.0...
<ATCycle> Would it be safe for my save games to roll back to 1.7.2 via steam for compatibility instead if the compatibility feature of CKAN doesn't work?
<JVFoxy> ATCycle You could try running KSP as 1.7.3 and the mod by itself, see if it works.
<Althego> for this small changes it is possible it actually works
<packbart> my career game survived the update, so I guess downgrading should be safe, too
<JVFoxy> packbart heh, any times it hasn't survived?
<packbart> I keep hearing "I do not upgrade because that would break my game"
<packbart> I never had that problem ;)
<Althego> there is no kill like overkill
<JVFoxy> game breaking can come at least two ways, game just dosen't work, or work as intended..
<JVFoxy> or they added something that changes that would have affected progress of game play in some way
<JVFoxy> like with the Mk3 command pod, between versions, they changed it quite a bit, made it lighter. If you were to move a save file over, you'd still have the old part but anything new would be forced to use the new one
<Althego> hmm, looks familiar
<Althego> kernobyl :)
<JVFoxy> The 'overkill' pic.. so why the covered docking ports on the side of the giant engine blocks?
<Althego> hmm, one hour until proton launch
<ATCycle> JVFoxy ATCycle You could try running KSP as 1.7.3 and the mod by itself, see if it works. < The issue is CKAN doesn't let me install it - it's what I was planning to do
<Althego> because the two halves of the ssto dock together after releaseing the payload
<JVFoxy> ATCycle ah ya... it blocks any version mis-matches.. I guess either revert to previous version that works. or manually install. Though I think version checker might still throw a fit
<ATCycle> the weird part is that I thought that's what the "Compatible KSP versions" thing was for
<ATCycle> but it doesn't seem to have any effect
<Althego> proton launch stream
<kmath> YouTube - Запуск астрофизической обсерватории Спектр-РГ
<Althego> in russian
<ATCycle> the whole reason I installed CKAN in the first place is so I don't have to manually install the mod and all of its dependencies...
<Althego> too bad i am not going to be able to watch the chandrayaan-2 launch
<JVFoxy> Althego geez... size of those fairings, might wanna recover them. Maybe in version of KSP :P
<ATCycle> what's even stranger is
<ATCycle> that some mods with 1.7.2 do become compatible when I change the option in the settings
<Althego> hah, local leet time
<JVFoxy> ATCycle KSP has moments it updates pretty frequently, there will come times when CKAN and the mode makers will need at least a little bit of time to play catchup. CKAN isn't a perfect system, granted.
<ATCycle> just that specific mod doesn't O_o
<ATCycle> JVFoxy I don't have an issue with it not being updated just that its force compatibility feature seems to be bugged
<ATCycle> or there seems to be something there that I don't get
<JVFoxy> I tried manually installing a mod meant for 1.7 into a 1.6 game. I think CKAN threw a hissy-fit at me and disabled the mod
<ATCycle> This is what happens
<ATCycle> All the other 1.7.2 mods become available just not the one I wanted to install
<ATCycle> Is it because one of the "Suggests" dependencies is still not available?
<JVFoxy> ya.. I was trying out EVE and Scatterer myself. Turns out my GPU was gagging on things a bit too much anyways so.. I removed it. :\
<ATCycle> hmm actually that seems to be the case
<ATCycle> because one of the *optional* dependencies was incompatible it didn't let me install it
<JVFoxy> might wanna wait a bit till things play catchup 1.7.3 only came out a few days ago
<ATCycle> I think I'll just try it
<ATCycle> since it's just a visual mod what's the worst that could happen? (famous last words)
<packbart> the linuxgurugamer doesn't put any "max version" into version files anymore. I guess that is the way forward
<JVFoxy> Althego watch'n CuriousMarc and Scott shows up at his door as they were running a data dump on LEM AGC computer... @.@
<Althego> yes the special guest
<JVFoxy> here I was thinking someone from NASA or something, last thing I was expecting was Scott. I guess with his videos of being Europe kinda threw me
<JVFoxy> A while back, I offered to help a friend figure out why their spaceplane wasn't working too well. They through me the craft file, and I noticed it had a lot of 'missing parts' in my version of the game.
<JVFoxy> I asked what they had going, they threw me list of something like 50 different mods.. I put them in, ugh, I was so stupidly lost in all the changes it did to the game x.x
<Althego> hehe
<JVFoxy> not to mention the stupid amount of time it took to just start up KSP
<Althego> for now even the robotics parts add enoug hcomplexity for me
<Althego> now i really have to make the folded plane to duna and eve missions
<Althego> although the props alone are complicated enough
<Althego> since you cant mirror a part, counter rotating props would looks silly
<JVFoxy> ya.. thought it funny, you have jets, rockets, but rotating props somehow got missed?
<Althego> you have rockets before wheels
<ATCycle> looks like it works just fine with the exception of the warning
<JVFoxy> they had those cars flying around in the VAB/SPH... Grounded mod allows you to build stuff based off kerbal ground vehicles
<Eddi|zuHause> i find it a stupid idea to load up a list of 50 odd mods someone else sent you without looking up what each indivdidual mod does
<JVFoxy> Eddi|zuHause I think it was more... unexpected. We talked about them using some mods, didn't realize the extent of how many they were using.
<JVFoxy> It may not acutally have been 50, just it was a lot
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<JVFoxy> ... nice touch with the flip clock on the launch video.
<Althego> now if they could produce some english commentary
<Althego> had i been born a few years sooner i would have learned some russian in school
<Althego> now i think it would have been useful
<JVFoxy> Danish, mom's from Denmark... sadly she gave up pretty quickly on me. :\
<JVFoxy> Also japanese but later in life friend said I should have learned sooner, gets way harder in life.
<Althego> yes, basically i am unable to learn new languages now
<JVFoxy> ... that radar dish looked awfully familiar
<Althego> yes
<Althego> i just thought so
<Althego> lot of parts have a real world original
<Althego> so i guess it is from the venera series
<Althego> or maybe nt
<Althego> at least it resembled venera, but who knows
<JVFoxy> can still learn something new.. crews that head up to ISS pick up on at least a few things I think
<Althego> since they can only go with the soyuz, they have to learn russian
<Althego> at least enough to operate the vehicle
<JVFoxy> it also helps if you have some way you could actually use it on a regular basis
<Althego> venera 15 and 16
<Althego> the wiki doesnt mention this either
<JVFoxy> ah or venus
<JVFoxy> *for
<Althego> did she mention lenin?
<JVFoxy> don't know.. muted so I can watch shadowzone video
<JVFoxy> half wondering if firespitter is now spitting dust
<JVFoxy> I may have to try and make my ol' fav bird (beech 18) again some day.
<darsie> Expand surface outpost "Mun station" on The Mun. 1 star.
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<JVFoxy> expand how so?
<Althego> add a new module
<Althego> those contracts originally require at least one docking port
<darsie> Dock
<JVFoxy> guess they figured since you can already get there, nothing new?
<darsie> Easy peasy. Make a precision landing (cheating with KER's landing spot indicator), tip over the module on wheels, drive and dock.
<Althego> less than 5 minutes remaining
<darsie> Till the true vacuum bubble reaches us?
<Althego> lol
<darsie> :)
<Althego> we wouldnt know, it happens at the speed of light
<darsie> almost
<Althego> until the protn launch
<JVFoxy> ... vacuum bubble?
<Althego> there is this possibility
<Althego> that the current physics vacuum is afalse vacuum
<Althego> and at any moment in a random point
<darsie> url?
<Althego> the vacuum undergoes a phase change, similar to freezing
<kmath> YouTube - Запуск астрофизической обсерватории Спектр-РГ
<Althego> and that effect is going to propagate from that point with almost the speed of light, changing the physics as we know it, destroying everything
<JVFoxy> L2 point of sun-earth or L2 of Earth-moon?
<Althego> it looked for a few secodns it wouldnt launch
<JVFoxy> ya.. clock probably a little off...
<JVFoxy> some asking about telemetry.. guessing this one of those 'no frills' launch
<Althego> no, actually
<Althego> they had a lot going on
<JVFoxy> oop spoke too soon ;P
<Althego> they even have nice cg
<Althego> as we know from the failed soyuz launch these cg screens are prerendered, so they can show false info
<JVFoxy> I think its timing is a little off, first stage looked like it already dropped off a few moments before it showed
<Althego> but at least it is in english
<Althego> still cant beat spacex with the multiple cameras
<kmath> YouTube - Royal Navy International Air Day 2019 - RNAS Yeovilton Live
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<darsie> Two tourists to land on Minmus ...
<Althego> as long as they dont want to land on the mun too, it is easy, just take a long time
<darsie> Time fetishist ;).
<Althego> this can be easily parallelized, so "time not important, only life important"
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<darsie> Jeb showed Rosmin and Halbin a great time on the surface of Minmus and returned to Kerbin with 13 m/s left.
<darsie> Take off at Kerbin was very slow with 1.25 TWR.
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<Althego> that is normal
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<darsie> Seemed to be less than 2.5 m/s^2.
<Althego> all my rockets start under 1.3 tw
<Althego> r
<Althego> anything higher means they are overpowered
<Althego> planes start under 0.5 or even lower
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<Althego> yes, matt was faster
<kmath> YouTube - KSP: Stock SCIENCE PLANE to EVE! (Breaking Ground DLC)
<Althego> those wings are huge for eve
<Althego> it is obvious that wings should be folded, now that it can be done
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<Althego> scott
<Althego> sadly no temporary intro
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