UmbralRaptor changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program 1.7.3 official channel | Rules: | PM ops as needed | ΔV maps: | <packbart> stupid Kerbals, begin to breathe before the air has materialized
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<kmath> <✔NASAInSight> Steady… ⏎ I’m getting ready to try pushing on the ground near my heat probe. Getting close up lets me take some image…
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<darsie> Challenge: Get to orbit without fuel fully reusably.
<darsie> Should be easy on Gilly.
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> the without fuel part makes it a bit hard
<Eddi|zuHause> does EC count as fuel?
<packbart> how would that convert into thrust? putting all energy into the launch won't lift your orbit clear of the surface on its own
<packbart> maybe catapult a craft from Gilly's surface into an Eve slingshot?
<packbart> oh, wait, I see. I had the reference wrong. Of course you could launch from Gilly and not encounter its surface on the return to the launch point because Gilly would have moved
<darsie> Eddi|zuHause: no
<packbart> you'd need to escape Gilly on launch which should be easy enough
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<packbart> and the craft would still crash the next time the moon comes around
<JVFoxy> eep?
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<Guest29257> hi
<Mod9000> Hello, Guest29257
<Guest29257> for game in italian lenguage?
<darsie> Well, launching would not be too hard, but landing and reusing would be quite tricky.
<darsie> hi Guest29257
<darsie> Guest29257: Type /nick Mario29257
Guest29257 is now known as Mario29257
<Mario29257> lol
<darsie> Hi Mario29257 :)
<Mario29257> anyway
<JVFoxy> yo
<darsie> idk about KSP language settings.
<Mario29257> ok
<darsie> My English is good enough.
<JVFoxy> darsie landing and reusing in which respect, sorry?
<darsie> JVFoxy: Challenge: Get to orbit without fuel fully reusably.
<darsie> e.g. on Gilly
<darsie> I guess a lot of KSP puns are non translatable.
<JVFoxy> hmm..
<JVFoxy> wasn't sure if you meant relaunching SSTO from Kerbin, skipping the refueling part
<JVFoxy> actually, something I did in early version KSP, rather unintentional.. command seat plane and was before heating effects
<Althego> in early versions you could go supersonic just with the control surafces
<JVFoxy> lol.. oh right. the 'waggle' ships
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<Althego> in fact i had trouble landing in some cases because of that
<JVFoxy> ya.. then it became level-0 landing wheels blowing up if you so much as breathed on them
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<Althego> in ksp everything is made out of explosive. the difference is, those wheels were made of azidoazide azide
<Althego> "Due to their behavior during the process of synthesis, it was obvious that the sensitivities (of these compounds) will be not less than extreme. . .
<Althego> The sensitivity of C2N14 is beyond our capabilities of measurement. The smallest possible loadings in shock and friction tests led to explosive decomposition. . ."
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<packbart> well, Nitrogen desperately wants to be a gas. Shouldn't we just accept that on not try to force it into ever longer chains?
<JVFoxy> I thought the idea of steam powered cars was kind of neat. But, no, some say, its dangerous having a pressurized tank of steam and water that could blow up. Oh and having a tank of gas strapped to the back of a car isn't any more safer?
<Althego> not exactly the same
<darsie> I typed echo hot tea >/dev/random and then this happened:
<UmbralRaptop> It depends on details? Also, you still need to heat the steam
<JVFoxy> the other thing too is, boiler vs steam generator... first one you have a massive tank of water trying to heat up. Second, is just a little bit, which flash boils
<packbart> Wind-up cars are the future ;)
<JVFoxy> and true you do need a fuel source for heating, but you can use basically a heavy oil, which isn't quite as potentially explosive as gas used in cars
<Althego> hehe the wind up train in syberia 1 and 2
<Althego> it always broke down a few meters from the next wind up station
<JVFoxy> packbart: I thought compressed air would have been cool. Its actually used in a few places for small people 'carts' on warehouse floors.
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<_8> ù
<Althego> ű
<_8> hi
<Mod9000> Hello, _8
<_8> if you see that your cursors are going crazy, know that I haven't hacked you
<UmbralRaptop> ü
<UmbralRaptop> Unicode allows for much silliness
<Althego> ☃
<Althego> unicode snowman for you .com
<UmbralRaptop> consider: ☠☢☣☡
<packbart> "SSTO: Straight Shot To Ocean"
<Althego> or so the flat earthers say
<JVFoxy> if it such a flat earth, wouldn't going to space be easy? Just fly off the edge
<darsie> Fall off
<Althego> no because you hit the dome
<darsie> Or see what engine powers Earth to provide artificial gravity.
<Althego> there is n o gravity
<darsie> That's why Earth is accelerated.
<Althego> they say it is buoyancy and density lol
<darsie> How did Reinhold Messner get from one side of the Antarctic to the other on foot?
<darsie> Didn't happen?
<Althego> yes
<Althego> nobody cross or flew over the south pole
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<JVFoxy> dome huh? how convenient..
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<Althego> these people are so dumb, they see videos from yo yo despin rockets and they say it hit the dome
* darsie cheated out of a contract: Measure temperature on Gilly below 7000 km etc. 4x. Forgot it was below and took the contract, but that's too slow.
<darsie> 1x acceleration <8000 km.
<darsie> Althego: lol
<darsie> I thought a yoyo despin video was fake when I first saw it.
<JVFoxy> don't know about 'dumb'.. the fact they are so hard set on something, nothing will change their mind is actually a little scary
<packbart> I was on maintenance detail for the northern star spotlights on The Dome for 6 months. Boy, what a crummy job. Those things are hot and they fail every other night.
<Althego> hehe
<JVFoxy> twinkle twinkle little star.. wait what? :P
<Althego> the frog leap studios version :)
<JVFoxy> come to think of it... ever read Steal Beach?
<JVFoxy> ... *steal beach, by John Varley I believe
<JVFoxy> Humanity ended up living on the moon, spaces carved out under the surface. Something about aliens making it so we couldn't be on Earth.
<JVFoxy> Any case.. dome there, big sun on tracks. sorta of a play on the whole 'flat earth' I suppose...
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<packbart> the VAB music reminds me that I was going to build Ninja Base into a multi-moon hopper thingy. Replace one lab with an ISRU converter, add a drill and larger tanks, rejiggle some weights.
<packbart> so it can land on the Mun and on Minmus, then get on its way to Duna. I've got contracts to fulfill
<JVFoxy> heh.. jiggling weights
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<APlayer> Their explanation is not as far-fetched as it seems. After all, the "d" in "despin" obviously stands for "dome"
<APlayer> And as for star twinkle, that is caused by atmospheric turbulences. As the air moves, the areas of varying pressure and density cause the tent-like dome structure to move with them, which is the main cause of twinkling stars
<packbart> oh don't get me started on that stupid flexible design. It's not easy to build high-current connectors that withstand the push-pull motions. Even then, *THEY* had to skimp on costs, of course, and buy the cheapest plugs they could get (think coax connectors, just with meter-size diameters)
<packbart> most of the aurora lights we see are just arcing in the starlight wiring
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<JVFoxy> .... saturday crazies?
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<UmbralRaptop> I guess
<UmbralRaptop> same hostmask anyway
<JVFoxy> gotta go play in traffic... enough crazy for me to deal with...
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