UmbralRaptor changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program 1.7.3 official channel | Rules: | PM ops as needed | ΔV maps: | <packbart> stupid Kerbals, begin to breathe before the air has materialized
<Tank2333> did somebody watched the apollo 11 documentary type movie?
<Tank2333> when they showed footage when they docked with the LEM it looked realy odd, no exhaust gas where visible and the movement was oddly riged and spongy sometimes
<Tank2333> couldnt find a clip of it but i found this on youtube wich may be the scene im talking about
<kmath> YouTube - Apollo 11 - 16-mm magazine 1122-D
<Tank2333> i found out that the LM used Aerozine-50 as RCS fuel, maybe there is no visible exhaust from that?
<FLHerne_> Movement looks right to me
<FLHerne_> Conservation of momentum (including angular) - each thrust changes the movement vector and/or rotation pretty much instantaneously, so it looks 'jerky'
<FLHerne_> (I can't see RCS exhaust either)
<FLHerne_> Hm, yes
<FLHerne_> 'Aerozine-50' is basically hydrazine monopropellant
<FLHerne_> And that decomposes to ammonia, hydrogen and nitrogen, all of which are colourless gases
<FLHerne_> So you wouldn't expect to see anything
<Tank2333> hm
<Tank2333> with the crew dragon docking you can see the flashing from the RCS system wich uses also Hydrazin i think
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<FLHerne_> I was going to say that's different, Draco is biprop hydrazine/NTO
<Tank2333> i guess the jenky movement could be the Guidence computer not being perfect?
<FLHerne_> But I was wrong before, the LEM is the same
<FLHerne_> > Astronauts commented that after leaving the moon with most of their consumables gone, the LEM RCA became extremely touchy (since the ship had gotten much lighter). As a result, RCS plumes are mostly missing from the low frame rate DAC camera footage of the LEM maneuvering in space, because the thrusters were only firing for milliseconds at a time.
<FLHerne_> I don't know if that can be traced to a reliable source
<FLHerne_> (would expect so, but it's the internet...)
<Tank2333> maybe the footage is sped up because of the the low fps, i played it back at 0.75 and it looks a bit more realistic to me
<Tank2333> in the Apollo 11 movie i heard housten advising the crew to set the camera FPS to different settings throughout the mission, so im fine with that
<Tank2333> form all the scenes those stuck out to me and it kinda looked like forged or refilmed with props and slipped into this movie
<Tank2333> there where also a sequence of scenese where they smaller and smaller earth where they replaced the low quality film footage with a "photoshop" earth, wich i think was not a great choice
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<kmath> YouTube - Will We Colonize Our Solar System? with Dr. Robert Zubrin
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<JVFoxy> 2+2+5 tourist contracts.. ugh. and I took them all. Mk3 command pod but not the matching fuel tanks.. hmm..
<darsie> Multiple destination tourist contracts are tedious. I don't usually take them.
<JVFoxy> new craft, Trinity, sorta looks like a motar missile
<JVFoxy> depends.. I probably didn't really have to but, was something to do while waiting for night time to roll by.
<JVFoxy> past game, 10 total, 8 wanted mun orbit.
<darsie> O'Neill cylinder with massive rocks/mountains, waterfalls, a deer ...
<JVFoxy> Ended up building a docking station, large cruiser ship. and a couple of surface to orbit craft
<darsie> You could sort the tourists by destination, but that fails if they have multiple destitinations each.
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<ChateauDav> Hi everybody !
<darsie> High
<JVFoxy> lo
<ChateauDav> best joke ! ;)
<darsie> High over Mun
<JVFoxy> .. how high?
<ChateauDav> Is there a NullReferenceException doctor here ? =)
<JVFoxy> Ah.. a challenge I sense. Only, its still early in the morning, only just started on my coffee (and been up since 330am, 5 hours ago)
<JVFoxy> ChateauDav: game throwing around errors?
<ChateauDav> Sorry, I'm french it'es 5pm here ;)
<ChateauDav> So yes, and a lot ^^
<JVFoxy> normal game or with mods?
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<ChateauDav> mods
<Althego> isnt there something in the log that hints which mod it is?
<ChateauDav> yes
<Althego> remove mod, problem solved :)
<JVFoxy> ChateauDav do you know if your PC is 32 or 64 bit?
<ChateauDav> 64
<JVFoxy> ok one down
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<ChateauDav> This type of errors
<ChateauDav> with FAR, with USI-LS too
<JVFoxy> ugh so much log to go through...
<JVFoxy> I'm hoping, mods installed through CKAN?
<JVFoxy> ah... issues with reflection and contract configurer
<ChateauDav> yes all through CKAN
<ChateauDav> reflection and contract configurer ? :/ i'm waiting for your analysis, thanks ! =)
<JVFoxy> just something I caught in the log you posted on the forums.. didn't see any nullref come up other than the second link you gave
<JVFoxy> according to CKAN, says there's a conflict with the aerodynamic virtual modelling but no details
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<JVFoxy> sadly I only used FAR once, in very early version KSP...
<ChateauDav> lots of nullref with usi ls too
<ChateauDav> t LifeSupport.LifeSupportPersistance.SetupSettings () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
<ChateauDav> setupsettings, getsettings, updateGUIinfo and onGUi are null ref errors for USL_LS =(
<JVFoxy> this come up just after you installed the mods? Not running any games with the mod currently?
<ChateauDav> that's the 2 major mods thats are throwing nullrefs ^^
<ChateauDav> i don't really know
<ChateauDav> i supposed these arror are here for a while
<JVFoxy> long as you don't have any saved games using it currently. I'd say pull the mods off, do a test run, see if any other issues come up.
<JVFoxy> I'm not in 1.7.9 myself, and I think it only just came out recently
<ChateauDav> Ok, i'll do that
<JVFoxy> beyond that, sorry
<ChateauDav> Thanks ! ;-) Have a good day
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<JVFoxy> :(
<Althego> 1.7.9?
<Althego> is there an 1.7.9?
<JVFoxy> oh.. ugh, CKAN and my not being fully awake.
<UmbralRaptop> Latest is 1.7.3. 1.7.9 is a version check that some mods do
<JVFoxy> ya... I just saw 1.7.99, not realizing it was 'version up to' combatiblity thing
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<JVFoxy> i've a copy of first early public release for ksp on file for the past few years. Wanna record my impression on it after so many years of current KSP... or something
<UmbralRaptop> 0.7.something I assume?
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<JVFoxy> ya.. 0.7.3
<JVFoxy> I've heard a few things about it..
<UmbralRaptop> Just be aware that fuel flow doesn't exist, so you need 2 stages to get to orbit
<JVFoxy> I think no symmetry or mirroring, if there is even surface mounting.
<JVFoxy> by no fuel flow... as in, fuel only goes from one tank to engine, can't stack tanks?
<UmbralRaptop> correct
<UmbralRaptop> Surface mounting I think exists, but is turned off in the for the fuel tank's CFG file
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<Eddi|zuHause> you put 1.7.99 if you say "i'm fairly confident that it won't break any time soon, and i can't be bothered to update whenever there's a new version"
<JVFoxy> so.. lots of engines with equal amounts of tanks...
<UmbralRaptop> The tricoupler helps, but IIRC it's not perfectly symmetrical
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<JVFoxy> long as its not too far off... I already know the game at that point isn't exactly 'polished'
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<JVFoxy> been dealing with pefeclty mirrored planes not holding level for a long time so...
<Althego> hehe yes they alweays roll
<Althego> and in my experience not even dihedral angle helps
<JVFoxy> setting things to rigid connections helps some..
<Althego> i usually autostrut the wings
<JVFoxy> originally I thought when you mirrored some parts with body lift, the lift itself didn't get mirrored properly
<Althego> now that i was checking lift
<Althego> actually sometimes the lift is reported negative
<Althego> because the wing is upside down
<Althego> but you cant see that when you put it on in the editor
<JVFoxy> actually, some cases, depending on what you do, like offsetting a mirrored part will cause it to go into radial orientation
<JVFoxy> more so when you revert flight back to VAB/SPH, and try offsetting a mirrored
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<JVFoxy> I find it weird when you put a part on the surface with mirror, like the material science bay, it'll face out on one side, and in against the body on the other.
<Althego> yes, really annoying
<Althego> the only way around it to put it on without symmetry
<Althego> ok now you finally have the remove symmetry option
<JVFoxy> I've yet to mess with that but know of it
<Althego> it is essentially for dual props
<Althego> or maybe not, because i can just put them on separately
<JVFoxy> sigh.. props. shame that isn't stock game
<Althego> yes
<JVFoxy> I've learned a few work arounds.. though its not common for me to need them.. much
<JVFoxy> multiple radial parts, at least you can still put just put a part on one of the radial points
<JVFoxy> any case... I go poof for a bit.
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<Althego> scott
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<Althego> touch an asteroid
<UmbralRaptop> *boop*
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<packbart> asteroid petting zoo
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