UmbralRaptor changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program 1.7.3 official channel | Rules: | PM ops as needed | ΔV maps: | <packbart> stupid Kerbals, begin to breathe before the air has materialized
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<JVFoxy> this little test run with KAS/KIS sorta given me a little drive to get back into sandbox a little more again
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<JVFoxy> huh.. new vid from CuriousMarc on AGC recreation
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<JVFoxy> .... AGC mode for KSP... anyone bothered looking into?
<JVFoxy> maybe asking too much but having a Gemini guidance computer would be neat to mess around with too
<lordcirth> JVFoxy, well, there's kRPC already, and there's an AGC emulator on Github. Perhaps something could be hacked together.
<JVFoxy> wasn't familiar with kRPC.. though I had seen a lot of home brewed control consols online people have made
<JVFoxy> I suspect not everyone's going to have a working AGC on hand, so perhaps something emulated... I had thought about a simplified version of the AGC in a way
<JVFoxy> also mentioned Gemini, a bit of a fan of that program myself. I don't think it gets much attention, let alone the computer they used. Ya its a little more simple but still..
<JVFoxy> manual on kRPC got my gears turning, thinking of what I could make for later
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<JVFoxy> though I think in order to connect to the PC from outside, you have to use network?
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<lordcirth> JVFoxy, from another PC? Yeah, how else?
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<JVFoxy> sorry.. back
<JVFoxy> Lordcirth I don't know.. just seen pics of people building boxes with dials, gauges, displays. I don't know if they were using USB or TCP/IP
<umaxtu_mobile> so you are talking about some sort of external flight panel?
<lordcirth> JVFoxy, oh, those generally use USB, I think.
<JVFoxy> looks like a cute starter set
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<umaxtu_mobile> maybe try starting with something like that first
* JVFoxy finds a pic, "oh ya.. a parent's project for their kid, takes things way farther, but is really cool of them:
<JVFoxy> sits under the bed... seen it a while back, but now foundout it wasn't actually functional, but he left it unfinished for later if kid wanted to do anything
<JVFoxy> I've seen a few other control systems people have built... I wouldn't mind a little something myself as a project if I could ever get the motivation
<umaxtu_mobile> hows your soldering?
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<JVFoxy> umaxtu_mobile ... I can solder. I've built various things.
<JVFoxy> even repaired things..
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<Mat2ch> looks like they found the answer to the anomaly
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<Mat2ch> Looks like you shouldn't mix NTO with Titanium then
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<JVFoxy> huh.. testing something out with KIS... that EVA tank.. infinate fuel source? I recharge kerbal pack wiht it but, the tank stays full
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<JVFoxy> ok I guess kerbal enters pod, refuels mono but doesn't affect onboard reserves.. ah well
<Gasher[work]> it's been a thing since ever
<kubi> so you can refill monoprop tanks for free
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<JVFoxy> I new from the command pods, ya
<packbart> usually, it doesn't mix EVA propellant and Monoprop, iirc
<packbart> there are mods that do that
<packbart> but yeah, there's infinite EVA propellant as long as you've got a capsule around
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<JVFoxy> eh, instructions tend to make it seem otherwise. I don't know. refuel the EVA-11 tank from command pod.. yet the tank doesn't even reduce when recarging eva kerbal
<kubi> even thoug if cannot mix, you can push the pod with a kerbal
<JVFoxy> though as you said, maybe its in place for some other mod
<JVFoxy> so basically can stick a KIS EVA-11 tank on my kerbal's inventory, infiniate eva fuel long as I recarge from the tank... or when suit supplies last and kerbal dies
<packbart> I've never been on EVA long enough to need to refuel
<packbart> uh. no. wrong, once
<packbart> Jeb had to walk a bit on the Mun back to the craft
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<JVFoxy> heh
<JVFoxy> did a jetpack trip from mun landing, make sure I had enough to get back. Was curious how far out I could go and wanted to check out a moutain ridge
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<Gasher[work]> em, what does these anomaly question marks do?
<packbart> they mark an anomaly?
<Gasher[work]> kerb net and you could see question marks
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<packbart> yes, they are anomaly markes, as far as I know. Go there and you'll find an easter egg
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<Gasher[work]> em, then i guess they are approximate
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<kubi> yes
<kubi> depends on the resolution of the scan you had
<kubi> at least if you use scansat
<kubi> might be just a bug, but nice that it is not precise...
<Gasher_> heh
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<Gasher_> it's about stock btw
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<Althego> scott
<Althego> about dragon explosion
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<transitbiker> Apollo 11 tribute LIVE! Kerbal Space Program mission to the MOON! Tune in here:
<kmath> YouTube - Apollo 11 tribute LIVE in Kerbal Space Program!
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<packbart> huh, so robotic parts can detach yet stay connected. I already broke my refuelling rover :/
<packbart> it's got a hinge connected to an adapter to a claw. the hinge visually rotates but the adapter connected to it stays in position
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<Althego> is it really connected to it?
<Althego> also you dont need robotic parts for this, some years ago i got an interesting undocking bug that had something similar
<packbart> well, it did turn the claw before. and the whole arrangement moves together
<packbart> I wanted a height-adjustable, rotatable claw to dock the ISRU-rover to any lander
<Althego> so the big blade duna plane failed. now i am going for a 4 engine 8 blade concept, maybe that generates enough "lift"
<Althego> with smaller engines because they were too big before
<packbart> hah, a few scene changes later, the hinge is connected again but with an offset
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<Althego> i think it flies now
<Althego> 0.3 kN lift on a single blade
<Althego> that is almost 10 kN
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<Althego> lol blades rotated 90 deg
<Althego> ok, it cant really land and cant take off, too little thrust
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<Althego> maybe if i tried it with even bigger folding wings and 6 props...
<UmbralRaptop> 6 turning, 4 burning?
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<Althego> hehe
<Althego> hopefully nothing burning
<Althego> but making such huge foldable wing is a problem. maybe not on duna
* UmbralRaptor was reminded of the B-36 randomly
<Althego> i know
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<Althego> 50% more thrust, 60% lift...
<Althego> but it is too late, i have to test this tomorrow
<Althego> and i forgot about chandrayaan-2 completely
<Althego> apparently delayed
<Althego> also why cant the props make reverse thrust? i mean have an angle deploy setting fort hat
<packbart> the heli blades do that
<packbart> I had the deploy limiter bound to wheel throttle and could deploy them into negative values, too
<Althego> i havent looked into this wheel throttle i yet. i noticed its existence, but what is it bound to?
<packbart> depends on what you set it to. initially it's w/s, iirc. I set it to h/n for rovers
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<packbart> screenshot tool can't really capture 460RPM. heli test craft:
<packbart> for some reason I had to set the clockwise blades to inverted deploy direction
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