UmbralRaptor changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program 1.7.3 official channel | Rules: | PM ops as needed | ΔV maps: | <packbart> stupid Kerbals, begin to breathe before the air has materialized
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<jUMPSu1t> Just came back from Space Academy in Huntsville, Alabama! Most of the kids in my group are from England, so you could say we have an international crew *hehe*. AND one kid knows Russian so...I actually learn Russian from everybody changing the group chat name to Russian things. Yeah. Anyways, does anybody actually know how to install Mechjeb? My fi
<jUMPSu1t> les got so mangled I had to download a new KSP but that one doesn't work either. So yeah.
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<jUMPSu1t> HErp DEpr
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<UmbralRaptop> …
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<JVFoxy> I know its Apollo's time to shine right now, given the 50th anniversary... I was wondering if it be wrong time to do a dedication to anyone involved in space exploration.
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<UmbralRaptop> LupiDragon: first I've heard of it
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<JVFoxy> hmm.....
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<UmbralRaptop> It's a right time for Chris Kraft, I suppose
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<JVFoxy> kinda came up with an idea for a momento of sorts to build on the mun.. but now I'm having second thoughts. :\
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<JVFoxy> half thought, something along the lines of 'reaching for the stars'... hmm
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<JVFoxy> test run on surface, turned ok.. still getting used to KAS though..
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<Eddi|zuHause> "I was wondering if it be wrong time" <-- why would there be a wrong time for that?
<JVFoxy> I don't know.. guess I just bad at second guessing myself
<JVFoxy> Just an idea that came to me.. couldn't tell if I should wait for a bit first till this 50th thing settles down a litlte more.
<Eddi|zuHause> my thought would be the exact opposite, actually
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<JVFoxy> I suppose... I know the landings took place over a few years at least.
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<JVFoxy> I just did a built test.. seems to work out ok. I still need to figure out a few things before I do the actual recording. I thought about streaming but given the connection our house has is crud... eh
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<Althego> crs-18 in less than 5 hours. sadly cant watch this
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<packbart> what's past tense of "rerunnable experiment"? reran experiment? probably doesn't matter, it just crossed my mind
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<packbart> the Internet seems to agree. oddly enough, the first image in search results is a screenshot of KSP
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<Eddi|zuHause> "rerunnable" is an adjective, it has no tense
<Eddi|zuHause> "experiment" is a noun, it has no tense either
<Eddi|zuHause> your question makes no sense
<Eddi|zuHause> also, youtube makes no sense either... it seems to think i want to watch a video whose thumbnail is a duck and whose title is in japanese
<Althego> i would want to :)
<Althego> an an-2 is making repeated low level passes above the area
<Eddi|zuHause> circling in an airport holding pattern?
<Althego> probably not
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<Eddi|zuHause> well, it could be spying on you, but that sounds like an odd choice for a spy plane :p
<Eddi|zuHause> well, it would be a perfectly fine choice for that, 70 years ago :p
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<flub2> how good is current artificial skin?
<umaxtu> as in medical or props?
<UmbralRaptop> I'd recommend against running current through any sort of skin
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<packbart> something something SpaceX -
<kmath> YouTube - CRS-18 Mission
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<packbart> not going to space today
<darsie> We may see hopper hop.
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<Mat2ch> darsie: oh, when?
<Mat2ch> And I wonder what the problem was
<darsie> uly 24 2100-0400 GMT (4p.m. - 11p.m. CDT) SpaceX Hopper - Hover Test
<darsie> From #space@freenode topic
<darsie> weather
<Mat2ch> well, they can have our weather and I take theirs...
<Mat2ch> so freaking hot
<FLHerne_> (reminder that #SpaceX is right next door here)
<Mat2ch> still 26° outside
<Mat2ch> well, who needs sleep anyway
<Mat2ch> There was a new heat record here today: 40.5 °C
<Mat2ch> And they expect this record to be broken tomorrow.
<darsie> where?
<Mat2ch> Geilenkirchen
<darsie> Germany?
<Mat2ch> yes
<Mat2ch> The next two days all that matters is to survive somehow...
<darsie> I recommend to consume less fossil fuels and animal products.
<Mat2ch> Well, that's just a small portion of the problem
<Mat2ch> we have to stop burning coal, have to ban almost all flights, have to start producing our stuff locally and not moving it around by huge ships
<Mat2ch> but nobody wants to listen. So I'm going to have to move somewhere, where it's colder in the summer. And then I can watch all those other people sweating in the heat waves, while I enjoy a few warm days.
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