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<se5a> helo, don't know if this is the best place to ask, but I'm trying to write an orbital mechanics math library, but I'm strugling with creating kepler orbits from state vectors, more specificaly I'm having trouble getting a correct velocity vector for anything other than a non inclined orbit.
<se5a> er, that migth be the other way around, getting a correct velocity vector from a kepler orbit.
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<Guest79792> Hello
<Guest79792> I have KSP on the PS4 and my english is not the best. My Question is KSP on PS4 in German??? Please Help me :-)
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<packbart> weird. I assign two Kerbals to command chairs in the SPH, yet on launch the seats are empty. that did work some time ago...
<Deddly> That is odd
* packbart tries turning KSP off and on again
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<Deddly> packbart, Steam or store version?
<packbart> Steam. And I used the command chair in science and sandbox games before. I just researched in in this career game
<packbart> basically I used the same rover before. I'll see if copying the craft from another save changes anything
<Deddly> If it recently updated, it might be worth verifying Steam files
<packbart> oookay. I moved a solar panel a bit because I guess it was hanging over the back of the seats. now Bill and Bob just explode on launch. well, at least they're in their seats :)
<packbart> because of "not enough oxygen" - on the KSC runway. ok... I'll try something else :)
<packbart> it looks harmless - but it contains the spirit of the Kraken
<Deddly> Teleporting into a place with a solar panel stuck through your neck prevents you from breaching? Who would have thought? ;=
<Deddly> ;)
<packbart> even with the science containers and solar panel removed, they still die immediately on launch. huh. I'll test something simple
<Gasher[work]> seats too close?
<packbart> I didn't clip the chairs into the rover body, did I?
<Deddly> Seats do look close together though
<packbart> nah, it happens even with the seats separated much further. and I didn't even use the move tool with snapping this time. weirdo.
<packbart> just a rovemate body and two seats on top at the edges
<packbart> it's odd because I built many rovers that looked like this
<Gasher[work]> ok, the design is cursed. delete it and make it anew :)
<packbart> well, the oxygen message reminds of a setting about default EVA helmets. I'll check
<packbart> hmmno, they're both checked
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<Deddly> Does it happen also in another save?
<Deddly> I'm still betting on it being the Steam files though
<packbart> yeah, I'll try that. and remove all mods first, then test again (although the seats used to work before) -
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<Deddly> "High Atmosphere Alt. 18,000.0m" <-- what's that?
<packbart> the border between flying low and flying high
<Deddly> So it doesn't mean he went that high? OK then :)
<packbart> I don't really need that info there :)
<Deddly> Weird results like this are almost always Steam files
<packbart> no, he just exploded on launch from lack of oxygen, apparently. same in a test sandbox. I'll remove all mods, verify files, then try gaian
<Deddly> Well...
<Deddly> Maybe verify files before removing mods?
<Deddly> Otherwise we'll never know if it was mods or files
<packbart> good point
<Deddly> SCIENCE!
<Gasher[work]> lol
<Gasher[work]> last time i got problems with a steam game it was that i had too much saves and when i deleted them steam sync redownloaded them
<Gasher[work]> without me noticing that
<Deddly> lol
<Eddi|zuHause> i once had a game where it kept adding suffixes to the save file, until it was too long and couldn't save anymore. or load the saved games.
<Gasher[work]> lol
<Eddi|zuHause> ... and then there's games that need you to set "LC_ALL=C" because they used some weird localized number storage format
<Eddi|zuHause> ... which it can't parse back
<packbart> well, verifying did download a few kB, though git says that nothing changed in GameData/
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<packbart> but still the same. put a chair ontop of a Mk 1 pod. Bill on top explodes, Jeb goes on EVA and wonders where all the dust comes from
zz_mikeprimm is now known as mikeprimm
<Eddi|zuHause> tried without mods?
<packbart> restarting right now
<Eddi|zuHause> the good thing is restarting will be a lot quicker without mods, the bad thing is you then possibly need to bisect which mod is at fault
<packbart> nope, even without mods and after verifying files, Bill still goes *poof* on launch. craft file:
<packbart> that is odd
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<Wastl2> That craft with a single pod and external seat crashes your game?
<Wastl2> Uh, what am I typing... it explodsß
<packbart> Wastl2: Kerbals launching in the command seat just explode on load.
<packbart> Kerbals in the command pod can go on EVA without helmet just fine
<Wastl2> Works fine in my 1.7.2 game.
<packbart> It did work fine in mine, too. Just not today.
<Deddly> Huh
<packbart> Wastl2: thanks, at least I know it works in general. I don't remember to have fiddled with anything besides mods.
<Deddly> packbart, you don't have some other planet's gravity and atmosphere being simulated, do you?
<Eddi|zuHause> is that a feature that exists?
<Gasher[work]> cheat menu
<packbart> not that I know of. I'll copy the save files and reinstall KSP
<packbart> and besides, Kerbals inside the command pod can go on EVA without helmets just fine
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<Deddly> What an odd problem
<Eddi|zuHause> we can't all have even problems...
<Deddly> :P
<packbart> deleted and reinstalled KSP, still no luck. absolute weirdness. anyway, I'll launch something else now and think about it again, later
<Deddly> That is so strange.
<Deddly> Even with a new install and a new save?
<packbart> yes. uninstalled KSP, reinstalled KSP, started a new sandbox, loaded my old Park Bench ( ), fill the seats, launch -> poof. all killed
<packbart> maybe physics are weird today
<packbart> I tried disabling the Breaking Ground DLC or changing EVA suits. no change. *headscratching*
<packbart> it's probably something simple
<Deddly> I suppose the only things you haven't tried is a new craft with a new save, and an older version of KSP
<packbart> downgrading to 1.7.1 right now
<Gasher[work]> craft file wont work in older version
<Gasher[work]> i tried, it did not start on 171
<packbart> I tested it with a Mk1 pod with a aommand seat on top. that's just 2 parts I can always rebuild
<packbart> the ParkBench was just to test if old designs have the same issue
<packbart> nope, same in 1.7.1 - "Bill Kerman died without a helmet: Not enough oxygen, the air is too thin"
<packbart> I'll try it on a another computer, later
<Deddly> What the heck... I'm downloading at over 8.4 MB/Sec
<Mat2ch> *criesinslowGermaninternet*
<Deddly> Something must be wrong
<Eddi|zuHause> that's 100MBit?
<Deddly> Is MB/Sec the same as Mbps?
<Eddi|zuHause> no
<Deddly> Eddi|zuHause, yeah I'm on 100/100
<Mat2ch> you have to multiply it by 1024 to get the bits
<Mat2ch> Wait
<Mat2ch> by 8
<Deddly> So Firefox gives download speeds in Megabytes per second... ?
<Eddi|zuHause> there's some protocol overhead losses, so the real factor is usually between 10 and 12
<Mat2ch> yeah, why not?
<Deddly> Well I find that odd, since most connection speeds are measured in Mbps
<Mat2ch> Eddi|zuHause: that feels a bit too much for overhead somehow
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<Mat2ch> not all.
<Eddi|zuHause> so 8.4MB(yte) is perfectly plausible for 100Mb(it)
<Mat2ch> It's more userfriendly as well
<Deddly> I love it how I get double upload speed than download on my connection
<Deddly> Plausible it may be, but I've never seen it
<Mat2ch> the file sizes are usually given in MB as well and not in bytes, so telling a user that it downloads a file with 10 MB/s is far more reasonable
<Eddi|zuHause> i don't think i've seen any programs displaying Mbit
<darsie> Mb is just a signalling rate, not net data rate.
<Eddi|zuHause> exactly
<darsie> Or at least it used to be. Who knows what the idiots do. They changed to base 10 prefixes for storage ...
<Eddi|zuHause> yeah, for marketing reasons...
<Eddi|zuHause> anyway, for example SATA, if it says 600Mbit, the protocol transmits 10 bits for every 8 data bits, so the maximum data transmission rate will be 60MB/s
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<Deddly> It just clicked for me. Of course it should show MB/sec if the speeds I usually see are KB/Sec
<Deddly> Also don't get me started on "mebibyte"
* Deddly shudders
<Eddi|zuHause> i wonder if there's an overlap between people who insist on saying "mebibyte" and people who insist on saying "xe" instead of "he/she"
<darsie> I use she as default gender.
<darsie> She includes he.
<Deddly> Is "xe" a thing?
<darsie> There's
<Mat2ch> Deddly: it is
<darsie> How do you pronounce mebibyte?
<darsie> Please answer with IPA ;).
<Deddly> "They" has worked just fine as a third-person pronoun for decades. Why the need for a new one?
<packbart> English texts often use the female form to refer to a generic somebody
<Mat2ch> but I really wonder, why they always choose an x for the third-gender. So many nice letters in the alphabet and it has to be the one that sounds worse.
<Deddly> In fact, for centuries not decades
<Eddi|zuHause> imho there's two problems with this "speech-gendering", a) it's trying to treat symptoms without adressing the underlying issues, and b) they can't make up their mind, and come up with new stuff, and some people actually think that should be the main point, and you should switch between styles every paragraph
<Mat2ch> Deddly: most use "they". So, I'd count it as something that'll go away someday
<Deddly> I imagine "xe" would be used by people who don't know that "they" is actually perfectly acceptable in English
<packbart> KSP uses "they", too. rescue contracts often contain "until XXX decided to leave their capusle"
<Deddly> Sounds good to me
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<Mat2ch> or it's some kind of protest. Knowing binary people have he and she, they want to have their own
<Eddi|zuHause> <Deddly> "They" has worked just fine as a third-person pronoun for decades. Why the need for a new one? <-- that's part of what i mean... english is probably the least-gendered language i know, and yet they're having the exact same (mostly symptomatic) discussions as all the other languages. so the genderedness of the speech doesn't seem to be any actual cause for anything
<Deddly> Persian is a nice language in that respect - only one word for he/she
<darsie> I know a person with undefined gender. I refer to the person by the person's name.
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<lordcirth> "They" is also the plural. On a similar note, "yall" should become standard as the plural you.
<TheKosmonaut> lordcirth: y'all is the only appropriate working
<TheKosmonaut> Spelling, rather
<Deddly> "yell" works too
<lordcirth> TheKosmonaut, if it becomes the plural you, then it is no longer a contraction, and should not have an apostrophe.
<packbart> oh, deinstalling KSP doesn't remove the KSP directory with settings.cfg. hmm, maybe I should run the test again
<TheKosmonaut> lordcirth: as a southerner I strongly disagree
<TheKosmonaut> Plural for you is still you
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<TheKosmonaut> So it's still a combination of you and all
<Deddly> It's still a contraction...
* TheKosmonaut grabs hammer
<Eddi|zuHause> you should reintroduce "thou"
<packbart> th'all?
<Eddi|zuHause> as the informal/familiar version
<Deddly> I variation is still used in parts of the UK
<TheKosmonaut> Yalls'nt
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<Deddly> A variation*
<Eddi|zuHause> surely Y'alls'nt?
<packbart> J'ool
<packbart> reinstalled KSP completely (Steam didn't remove all files), now my command chairs work again
<packbart> I probably should have saved the old settings.cfg to look for difference, but oh well, too late
<packbart> I had thought maybe PHYSICS_FRAME_DT_LIMIT = 0.12 was the problem but it's not
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<Deddly> Yay!
<packbart> huh. changed some settings, now it happens again. ok, this time I should be able to figure it out :)
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<packbart> so, Physics Delta-Time Limit seems to be responsible, still. If I set it >= 0.10 and uncheck "EVA Kerbal: Helmet On by Default", Kerbals in chairs explode on launch (they survive loading an existing vessel)
<packbart> stupid Kerbals, begin to breathe before the air has materialized
<packbart> weird though, I am sure to have checked the Helmet On option, earlier. anyway, now I know
UmbralRaptor changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program 1.7.2 official channel | Rules: | PM ops as needed | ΔV maps: | <packbart> stupid Kerbals, begin to breathe before the air has materialized
<packbart> I see, every Kerbal in a save has their own "hasHelmetOn" flag. so even if I changed the default later on, Bill would still pop into existence without helmet and soon pop out again
<packbart> all oddities explained. good.
<UmbralRaptor> Hrm
* UmbralRaptor isn't sure if that counts as a bug
<packbart> yeah, I was wondering about that. It's good to know but it's definitely outside default parameters :)
<packbart> I changed the delta-time option because I can live with less fps better than with slow-motion
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<UmbralRaptor> fair
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<Deddly> Interesting
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<Eddi|zuHause> that might be one of those "holy hell, we have to completely revamp the architecture to fix this" bugs
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<Tank2333> Hi
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<darsie> .
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