UmbralRaptor changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program 1.7.3 official channel | Rules: | PM ops as needed | ΔV maps: | <packbart> stupid Kerbals, begin to breathe before the air has materialized
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<taniwha> keep in mind that 1.7.3 has a lot more to it than just BG
<taniwha> though I suspect most of the fixes in 1.7.3 were BG related
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* darsie found a Mk2 lander can in orbit. Never seen that before. Looks like a van.
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<Mat2ch> well, the Mk2 lander can can be configured to look like this
<Black_Eagle> ?
<Black_Eagle> oh that, yeah. my hightlight colours were playing tricks on me
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<Rolf> new danny!
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<Eddi|zuHause> was there an old danny?
<JVFoxy> so.. out of bordom... fat-concorde..
<JVFoxy> 80 kerbals, mach 3.5, fuel enough to go halfway around kerbin... ugh now I wish I had runway otherside of the planet.
<JVFoxy> flying back, seeing if I can land on ksc runways again after a quick round trip to north pole
<Eddi|zuHause> "where we go, we don't need runways"
<JVFoxy> ya well I'd rather not be crashing, thanks
<JVFoxy> ooop... that was fast. coming up to ksc mountains and still doing 1100ms..
<JVFoxy> ooof... nearly stalled crashed it on end of runway. last second pull on stick, touched down very nicely
<JVFoxy> a bit of high stall speed
<kmath> YouTube - Infinite Jump & Sidon Glitch - Breath of the Wild Glitches - Son of a Glitch - Bonus Episode
<Rolf> such a strange glitch
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<darsie> When Argar met Kimtrey to tell her she has to jetpack home herself:
<darsie> Kimtrey even has a chute.
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<Mat2ch> Hrm. I wonder why the two docking ports I use to dock the two boosters together in space do not align properly.
<Mat2ch> I remember that different
<Mat2ch> it's a bit sad :|
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<Rokker> god dammit flub
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<Mat2ch> Muuussseeee....
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<kmath> <✔zachtronics> We're releasing a new game and it’s… wait for it… a visual novel! ⏎ ⏎ Eliza is a story about an AI therapist, the peop…
<JVFoxy> so.. do I really need a plane that can move 80 kerbals halfway around kerbin at nearlry mach 4?
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<darsie> If they are tourists, yes.
<darsie> Hmm, but tourists can't leave the plane.
<Tank2333> should i know zachtronics?
<JVFoxy> not tourists
<Tank2333> more kerbals = more fun
<JVFoxy> was more surprised the chub-corde flew so well.. though gotta take care of landing, has a bit of a higher stall speed
<Tank2333> mach 1?
<JVFoxy> normal concorde cruises at 2.02mach, chub goes around 3.5mach.. its a bit flamie..
<JVFoxy> nah.. landing around 90-120m/s..
<JVFoxy> any lower than 90m/s, find I have to max my pitch just to keep from nosing down and more throttle cuz of more drag
<UmbralRaptop> Tank2333: SpaceChem, Infinifactory, TIS-100, Opus Magnum, Exapunks, and that game Notch cloned?
<Tank2333> i think i bought spacechem
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<JVFoxy> zachtronics... almost thought it was fictional company in ksp that made contracts
<darsie> JVFoxy: Aim for the runway/beach, turn before crashing, nose up to keep constant, low altitude, then magically touch down.
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<darsie> No need to increase throttle, theoretically.4
<darsie> -4
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<darsie> Should be possible from an unpowered glide.
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<JVFoxy> darsie Oh.. I know how to land a plane. It may sound counter intuitive: you use pitch to control speed, throttle to control altitude. But they are also connected as well
<darsie> IIRC it depends on the plane. With prop you use pitch to control sink rate, with jet you use throttle. Or was it speed?
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<JVFoxy> with prop.. also have to account for asymetrical thrust, gyroscoping
<JVFoxy> any case.. it all depends on the design of any aircraft. Engine placements can also be a big factor weather it be prop or jet
<darsie> Kimtrey safely parachute landed on the runway.
<JVFoxy> I seem to make use of the pitch trim a lot when flying in ksp.. which is a bit of a surprise for me
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<JVFoxy> anyways.. questioning about chubcorde.. it be a fun plane to mess around with sometimes. Just a little concerned with how much CG moves as fuel is used. no way to store fuel in wings since just panels, and 16 person crew cabin don't have fuel stores. Or baggage given how big the things are.
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