UmbralRaptor changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program 1.7.3 official channel | Rules: | PM ops as needed | ΔV maps: | <packbart> stupid Kerbals, begin to breathe before the air has materialized
<darsie> Yep, that's an ok landing:
<umaxtu> absolutely
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<hoglahoo> nice
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<kmath> YouTube - Turning Earth Into a Telescope | The Terrascope
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<UmbralRaptor> Research done in part by David Kipping's group?
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<kmath> YouTube - Jupiter Hell - Trailer
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<UmbralRaptor> "Time moves when you do" and some of the screen effects remind me of superhot
<UmbralRaptor> (That's not a bad thing)
<Tank2333> SUPER
<Tank2333> HOT
<Tank2333> SUPER
<Tank2333> HOT
<Althego> yes, that occured to me too
<Althego> but i liked the duke nukem style lines and the epic store joke at the end too
<Tank2333> never played it though, just watched scott manley play it
<UmbralRaptor> It's a fun little FPS
<nate> Althego: Sounds like you at least weren't one of the people who got upset at DNF for being, well, duke nukem.
<Althego> i didnt care about it
<Althego> apparently nobody did
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<nate> Althego: A lot of people did, like most of the bad reviews and critic writeups about the game were about the 'bad jokes' and 'sexual humour misfitting the era', even though that literally is duke nukem
<nate> lol
<nate> well cared as in being upset I mean
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<UmbralRaptor> OTOH, Shadow Warrior did a reimagining that was less… icky
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<Neal> found a hack for KSP performance on amd ryzen chips
<Neal> I fin out what core the physics engine is running on and overclock that while I downclock the rest
<Neal> **find
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<packbart> the XCOM soldiers use the same "Come and get some" clip as Duke Nukem, if I remember that sound correctly
* packbart ponders whether to reload the quicksave or just accept Major "Nova" Wilson's death and level a new Heavy
<packbart> the economy is modelled very realistic - the end of humanity is nigh but I can't get the good stuff because of no budget. for some reason BigCorp demands their profit even if they won't be alive to spend it
<packbart> I need to sell alien hides on the black market to buy armor for my squaddies. that feels to real.
<JVFoxy> One old game I played: New clip reporting on last tree in the world was just cut down. Response from logging company: 'Oh well..'
<JVFoxy> *news
<JVFoxy> Another part, news shows planet exploding while workers at a factory are watching. Smoke clears, works go back to their job as if nothing's happened. Ok granted, game does take some liberties to the extreme..
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<UmbralRaptor> JVFoxy: I vaguely remember the game with that tree story. Some top scrolling shooter with 99 levels?
<Eddi|zuHause> <JVFoxy> One old game I played: New clip reporting on last tree in the world was just cut down. Response from logging company: 'Oh well..' <-- if it were made now, it'd be some instagram troll hater who wanted to mess up all the "treehuggers"
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