UmbralRaptop changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program 1.7.3 official channel | Rules: | PM ops as needed | ΔV maps: | Starhopper test
<UmbralRaptop> bah, they left
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<arch> guys, i would really appreciate it if someone could point me to a mirror of the "Kerbal - A KSP Movie" video by Nassault. it was taken down by youtube recently, well, in February of this year.
<arch> wayback machine does not have a video archive unfortunately. i WAS able to salvage the Bob trailer by Nassault, which was also taken down.
<arch> i've downloaded the build fly dream trailer locally. god knows when google decides to pull the plug on quality content. cannot trust cloud providers.
<arch> this is the video i'm talking about. a picture that was taken inside the video:
<arch> it was a pure work of art
<arch> and i am afraid it has been lost to internet history. i can only hope someone has a backup video somewhere
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<Althego> what do you know, a flying water tank
<Althego> right on target
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<JVFoxy> ok... seemed to have run into a weird bug in game
<JVFoxy> gone done doing a burn, now nothing works. I can't even 'esc', stuck in IVA mode, game says I can't eva because building wasn't purchased, yet I EVA'd last mission..
<JVFoxy> I can't even debug mod, just keeps toggling flight dynamic arrows
<JVFoxy> ah. ok n/m.. I can get to debug mode.. but now says some instance error
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<JVFoxy> ok weird...
<JVFoxy> some reason /all/ input locks was turned on
<JVFoxy> not sure if I touched 'advanced orbital'... I'll have to keep a watch out for next time. mood killed
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<Althego> hopper hopped nicely
<umaxtu> I'm amazed it didn't RUD
<Althego> it should have been
<Althego> because now it will be a test stand
<Althego> that is kind of sad
<Althego> once flying, a peioneer of flying raptor engine, is just a simple test stand
<UmbralRaptop> Oh, the other raptor
<Althego> one of the others
<Althego> to me it is always call of the shadows :)
<umaxtu> what I find odd is that it appears the mixture ratio changes at lower throttle
<Althego> it became really yellow when it was just above the ground
<umaxtu> thats what I'm referring to
<Althego> i still dont get how
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<Althego> maybe elon or scott explains it in a few days
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<JVFoxy> maybe something to do with temperature?
<JVFoxy> you burn more propellant in a given space..
<Althego> chemicals have a color when burnt, that shouldnt change
<JVFoxy> I think things get a little weird when you work with such high temps and pressures.
<Eddi|zuHause> well, if you take a bunsen burner, it has two modes (open and closed) where it burns at different colours
<Eddi|zuHause> it's still the same gas that's burning
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<Althego> and here is scott
<Althego> with the best intro ever
<umaxtu> would be better if it was a b-wing
<Althego> and there it is, the explanation for the flame
<Althego> i was also speculating about the dust
<Althego> but there was not much dust around it
<Althego> a bit farther, tyes
<JVFoxy> lol.. garbage can type thing
<Althego> and i watched everyday astronaut's video already
<JVFoxy> huh..
<JVFoxy> tank goes flying off
<Althego> i havent noticed that previously
<JVFoxy> think it came loose when it slammed the ground?
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Judge_Dedd changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | Rules: | PM ops as needed | ΔV maps: | Starhopper test
<Judge_Dedd> (Because now there's version 1 and 2 in parallel)
<Althego> but this is the one that failed
<Judge_Dedd> What failed?
<Althego> the first test failed because there was no ignition
<Althego> this is from that time
<Althego> in the topic
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Deddly changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | Rules: | PM ops as needed | ΔV maps: |
<Deddly> Ah I see what you mean now. I had only changed the bit about KSP version
<Althego> but you removed the version, how does that help
<Black_Phoenix> umaxtu, the mixture ratio likely changes to reduce exhaust temperature (at the cost of Isp/efficiency) to reduce burning of the bottom part of the starhopper as it approaches ground (and gets exposed to hot exhaust gas reflected from the ground)
<Black_Phoenix> Reducing exhaust temperature is in principle very easy, just shift mixture ratio away from optimal so the extra fuel (or oxidizer) take up the excess heat energy onto themselves
<Deddly> Althego, I couldn't think of a nice way of putting 1.7.whatever + 2
<Black_Phoenix> A slight shift of mixture ratio can reduce temperature by 30% or more without too much penalty to the efficiency
<Althego> however loosely this channel is affiliated with squad, and ksp 1. no such connection with ksp 2
<UmbralRaptop> Arguably we no longer need the version info because it was mainly a way to deal with a common question about new releases back circa 2012-14
<Deddly> Althego, it's the official KSP channel, all versions
<Deddly> Althego, run by the same people who run the forum
<Althego> if you say so
<Deddly> That's why it has the word "official" in the topic
<Althego> so ksp 2 has the same forum?
<Deddly> Yup
<Althego> i wouldnt know, i never use forums
<Althego> but then why did they change? the development team?
<Deddly> UmbralRaptop, did it work?
<Deddly> Althego, I was wondering the same thing
<Althego> especially that it is unity too
<Deddly> I suppose they needed two teams anyway
<Deddly> KSP 1 continues development in parallel
<Althego> but this can also mean some development on ksp 1
<Althego> even though mostly dlcs
<Deddly> Yeah. Who knows, maybe KSP 1 will offer things 2 won't for some time
<Deddly> KSP 2 seems to have an emphasis on "near future" tech
<Althego> latest kerbal hats and other fashion!
<Althego> maybe even sunglasses
<Deddly> Don't forget the Hamburger mod, with radial bacon
<Althego> you can already change the space suit
<Deddly> NBones is da man!
<Althego> wasnt it spraying ketchup with some appropiate noise?
<Althego> yes, for scott it makes the noise in the video
<UmbralRaptop> Deddly: it was hit or miss
<Deddly> I can imagine
<Althego> nobody reads the topic
<Althego> users: cant read, cant click on anything
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<Althego> another thing i found because of flat earth
<kmath> YouTube - Earth seen from MESSENGER
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<Althego> the first was the arago/poisson spot
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<Eddi|zuHause> <Deddly> Althego, I couldn't think of a nice way of putting 1.7.whatever + 2 <-- "[...] official channel | Current Version: 1.7 | KSP 2 announced | [...]" maybe?
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<kubi> what is the current version?
<kubi> I do not want to start steam just to check
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> 1.7.3
<Althego> 1.8 is in development
<kubi> cool
<kubi> no need for steam then :)
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<UmbralRaptop> Steam spins turbines. Turbines produce electricity. Moar steam!
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<Mat2ch> UmbralRaptop: but I can start steam just once
<UmbralRaptop> hrm
<UmbralRaptop> Docker?
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