UmbralRaptor changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program 1.7.3 official channel | Rules: | PM ops as needed | ΔV maps: | <packbart> stupid Kerbals, begin to breathe before the air has materialized
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<JVFoxy> oh... was going to say, firespitter been dead for years? Then I see download that works with 1.6.X at least
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<senry> My rockets are suddenly flipping in the atmosphere, whereas they weren't before. I didn't change anything, it's just suddenly unstable. Any ideas
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<UmbralRaptop> The usual things about making the top less draggy, adding control authority, etc
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<Mat2ch> Althego: But there would be something to look forward to. Maybe relight the fire for some players and get new players to KSP, while waiting. Also new alpha builds to test :P
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<darsie> Maybe teh bouncing on Duna's surface was just realistic. It's not really as flat as a runway or as the mesh.
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<Eddi|zuHause> anyone know of a hexeditor where i can do easy formatting, like, insert linebreaks at random places?
<Eddi|zuHause> which don't affect the file itself
<Eddi|zuHause> say, i want to edit a basic RIFF structure, i want to make a linebreak to find the start and end of a chunk
<sandbox> I haven't used one in years
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<UmbralRaptop> I feel like this is a job for regular expressions, and am unsure why
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* JVFoxy tries to make an irregular expression but then realizes you not talking about face-making
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<JVFoxy> sigh...
<JVFoxy> so many parts blowing up when using KAS.. :\
<Althego> "how not to land an orbital rocket booster"
<Althego> embrace the explosions with joyous music
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<JVFoxy> no.. more, kerbal picks up container off plane cargo floor, wings blow up
<JVFoxy> suspect KAS throws a hissy if you have parts clipping?
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<JVFoxy> so.. doing some testing.. those fat wings love to just blow up soon as you do anything.. :\
<packbart> JVFoxy: I had more trouble with Kerbals attaching parts and clipping themselves into it - then get flung far away into space when physics resume
<JVFoxy> trying to figure out whats going on between parts clipping, goliath engines and fat wings.. I was hoping to put a tanker plane into service, but if things just blowing up soon as I touch anything, sorta .. well.. frustrating a bit
<JVFoxy> doing a little 'staging experiment', ejecting a nose cone off the cockpit. I'm noticing the whole plane jumps even without ejective force. Most cases, fat wings blow up, poof, or goliath engines just simply detatch and drop to the ground
<Eddi|zuHause> <UmbralRaptop> I feel like this is a job for regular expressions, and am unsure why <-- if you've even the slightest understanding of complexity theory, you'd know that regex are incapable of handling a structure like RIFF
<Althego> "do not parse html with regex"
<Althego> that usage of unicode is still the best i have seeen
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<Eddi|zuHause> well, you can certainly push html through a regex. but it'll never be able to match a < with the correct >
<Eddi|zuHause> but with RIFF, none of that matters, as there's no syntactical elements that could be tokenized
<Eddi|zuHause> so the whole regex step of parsing is irrelevant
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<JVFoxy> so.. replace goliaths with 4xwheazlies.. ejector test didn't cause any problems. only thing I'm worried about now is range...
<Eddi|zuHause> "this post looks exactly as it is supposed to look" :p
<JVFoxy> ?
<Althego> the do not parse html with regex answer
<JVFoxy> would 6 engines on a fuel tanker look stupid?
<Althego> it is ksp
<Eddi|zuHause> yes. (why is that a metric you care about anyway?)
<Althego> anything goes as long as it flies
<Althego> look at the lem. it looked stupid in real life. it worked
<JVFoxy> Ya well... having wings and engines exploding during staging no thanks to parts clipping also KSP...
<JVFoxy> so.. switch from giant engines to small, means no more explody.. but..
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<JVFoxy> I suppose I could save some weight, dumping the Mk3 crew cabin, for double bay cargo. It'll just mean longer plane slightly
<Eddi|zuHause> what are you using part clipping for anyway?
<Eddi|zuHause> "hey, i made this disobeying the laws of physics, but now it doesn't follow the laws of physics anymore"
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<JVFoxy> Its more for asthetics...? it look weird having an engine just floating off the wing..
<JVFoxy> or landing gear not really 'connected' to something..
<Althego> put a strut there
<JVFoxy> my understanding of 'part clipping' is some part inside another. Otherwise, its just 'surface attachement'.
<Althego> nothing seems to be wrong there
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<JVFoxy> this the 4 wheezly version testing right now.. the one that was giving me explody problems was the 2 goliath engined one.
<JVFoxy> goliaths were sitting about where the two inside engines are now on the wing
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<JVFoxy> tanker plane flying with 5k points fuel... originally thought I'd try 10k but weight was a bit too much
<Althego> now the issue is to do an air refueling
<Althego> nigh impossible
<JVFoxy> multiplayer maybe?
<Althego> or some auto script
<Althego> what we are missing is is a steady autopilot on the tanker and a boom operator
<JVFoxy> wasn't really going for air refueling.. more looking at base building..
<JVFoxy> wanted to test a few things out before hand
<Althego> flying tanker is usually for air refueling
<Althego> wait, now we have robot parts, it is possible to make the boom
<JVFoxy> starting to wonder if I should dump the passenger pod for lighter cargo bay.. 6tons, I only stuck it on for counter balance.
<Althego> usually weight is not an issue for jets in ksp
<JVFoxy> can be if it shifts around a lot
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<JVFoxy> found out when I emptied the transfer tank of 5k fuel, weight actually went backwards, oddly enough
<Althego> that is the worst, unstable, never flies
<JVFoxy> the 6.5 passenger pod somehow managed to balance things near perfectly
<JVFoxy> I was messing around with using an upside down cargo bay, with a platform that comes down on cables for cargo. But thats when I happened to find the issue with goliath engines... again
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<JVFoxy> been mulling over if I should do a transfer point at the edge of the iceshelf, or just do a single base right at the pole...
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<bees> <JVFoxy> tanker plane flying with 5k points fuel... originally thought I'd try 10k but weight was a bit too much
<bees> rocket assisted takeoff
<bees> it is not too much if you can barely stay in the air at 1k altitude & 250m/s and dont dare to turn
<JVFoxy> may as well be rocket powered the whole way... wings I had wasn't enough to even get it off the ground
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<JVFoxy> got the current design in a nice bit of a cruise... just sad that soon as you turn SAS on, nose wants to drop a lot suddenly before settling down again
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<JVFoxy> what was the cause to aircraft in-game slowly rolling despite being mirrored perfectly?
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<Althego> scott
<JVFoxy> ok.. I think I might know whats going on...
<JVFoxy> pull a whole bunch of parts off as a section, so I could swap the mk3 crew cabin with a cargo bay. Then reconnected things.
<JVFoxy> think it freaks out when you reconnect parts after swapping something out.. its done this to me before.
<JVFoxy> I'll try rebuilding from scratch and testing it, but later. Gotta run out
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<Black_Eagle> Mat2ch: yeah... i think this channel has been reasonably active
<Black_Eagle> also there are 140 people joined
<Black_Eagle> so it's not completely abandoned
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<Mat2ch> Black_Eagle: well, we're mostly talking about everything
<Mat2ch> and most of the 140 people seem to have forgotton about the channel
<Mat2ch> and the mods aren't fully here anymore, too
<Black_Eagle> talking about everything *is* how IRC channels are
<Black_Eagle> pfft do we need mods
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<Mat2ch> just wanted to mention it
<Mat2ch> since discord and all the other chat plattforms it has become quiet nice in the IRC world
<Mat2ch> few trolls, less spam
<Mat2ch> etc.
<jgkamat> +1 :)
<Mat2ch> and in here we take care of each other and remind people to not use profanities and such things.
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