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<kmath> YouTube - Punching Water So Hard LIGHT Comes Out
<UmbralRaptor> I'm bothered that the title is probably physically accurate
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<sandbox> punching light so hard water comes out
<Althego> making light cry
<UmbralRaptor> CNO cycle?
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<Althego> hehe, guy was like, no pilot, i can fly this too
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<nate> Althego: Chances are he's a pilot of the actual airline that was just hitching a ride to his next flight
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<Althego> obviously
<Althego> otherwise he couldnt have called them to ask if he can fly instead
<nate> Highly doubt they'd let some random passenger fly lol, insurance company alone would throw an absolute fit. I think I'd be concerned about the "Oh the pilot is missing" bit though lol
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<kubi> still no 1.8?
<Althego> no
<Althego> but there will be bigger srbs
<Althego> i always thought they are too small
<kmath> <✔KerbalSpaceP> KSP Loadiing... Preview: New SRBs ⏎ ⏎ You asked: "how about a few larger SRB's...?" ⏎ ⏎ And we listened to you. Kerbonaut…
<Althego> if they give us smaller ones that is good too. because in certain cases i had to put on a lot of sepratorns
<UmbralRaptor> Realistically, the largest engines should be SRBs
* UmbralRaptor is joking. Mostly.
<Althego> 200% power factor is a good idea from scott
<Althego> so that you can scale it up with a shorter burst if needed
<UmbralRaptor> Makes sense
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<UmbralRaptor> But also *gestures at the 12-14 MN if shuttle SRBs*
<UmbralRaptor> *of
<Althego> i found it funny that most of the thrust was coming from them
<Althego> the 3 main engiens were not even close
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<kubi> would be nice to have a configurable thrust pattern for the SRBs
<UmbralRaptor> yeah
<kubi> there was a mod if I remember correctly
<Althego> it is a bit annoying that they produce so high thrust at the end (or rather lose so much mass)
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<Gasher> it's done by profiling the SRB's inner hole of the fuel into something like star i think
<kubi> yes
<Althego> yes that is a common pattern
<kubi> just not supported by ksp :(
<Gasher> when i learned that i was fascinated about how elegant that is
<Althego> scott
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<Althego> hehe, what goes up, musk come down :)
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<Neal> can anyone tell me what my quit message was from 1hr30min ago was?
<Azander> (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
<Neal> looks like windows restarted for an update despite being out of active hours
<Neal> wiped my progress on a document. classic.
<UmbralRaptor> Have you tried stabbing things?
<Neal> **despite being inside of active hours
<Neal> I'll start with stabbing my psu
<sandbox> not recommended
<UmbralRaptor> I'd suggest starting with Cortana or Clippy
<sandbox> it looks like you are trying to stab things
<UmbralRaptor> I *could* suggest another OS, but eg: OSX and Ubuntu are drifting towards the Win10 model. So, 🔪🔪🔪
<Neal> The previous system shutdown at 12:20:40 PM on ‎9/‎5/‎2019 was unexpected.
<Neal> eh dunno
<Neal> my computer only ever crashes when I'm AFK, not when im gaming or anything
<UmbralRaptor> aaaaa
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<JVFoxy> windows on my tablet: "oh give me 2.5gigs for updates." Runs through till hits 96%, "sorry.. I now need 10gigs for this update" Uh.... wait what? But windows there is only 10gigs itself? Windows: Btw.. we mention your version win10 is soon to be going end of life? >_<
<Neal> I hope you don't have a soldered drive.. or your computer may reach end of life
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<Azander> yeah :(
* UmbralRaptor 🔪
<Neal> depending on the use case of the computer you could put GRUB on the computer's drive and then have it point to a windows bootloader on a usb drive
<JVFoxy> ... soldered drive?
<JVFoxy> I jsut find it funny.. 10gigs for an OS that is same size, so.. full OS replacement?
<JVFoxy> technically.. it does have a feature where I can stick a flash drive into the laptop and it'll use the emtpy space on there
* JVFoxy blinks..
<JVFoxy> oh.. youtube, you got me there. It three me a movie based on Homeworld 1. I know of the game, heck its made city where I live.
<JVFoxy> now just threw me Homeworld 3 trailer
<JVFoxy> which came out a few days back
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<JVFoxy> oh... I see a Manley comment pinned to the top. c.c;
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<Eddi|zuHause> is pinning manly comments sexist?
<sandbox> pin safe
<UmbralRaptop> blink
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<JVFoxy> fuh...
<JVFoxy> so much for using AMD's built in capture software for use on KSP..
<JVFoxy> looks like I'll be using OBS but tying it in with AMD's card for the encoding instead. Turns out can't be bothered to figure out how to get ReLive to stay focused on the game and nothing but
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