UmbralRaptop changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | Latest versions: 1.7.3, NaN | Rules: | PM ops as needed | ΔV maps:
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<JVFoxy> bleh.. everyone ok? been so quiet in here the past while
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> somehow the channel is dying with 150 people
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<JVFoxy> well granted, it is midnight in a few places
<JVFoxy> half wondered if the hype for KSP2 meant eveyrone's sitting out, waiting
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<JVFoxy> zoomzoom
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<Eddi|zuHause> IRC is dying in general, and this was accelerated by the spambot attacks and the reaction of setting +R by most larger channels, which turned away "casuals"
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<Mat2ch> Eddi|zuHause: also the interest in KSP is falling. I guess with KSP2 this will grow to 400 users again
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<packbart> won't they be all on the KSP 2 Discord channel? ;)
<Althego> maybe
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<darsie> I won't be on discord, whatever that is exactly.
<Gasher[work]> yet another chat program
<Mat2ch> with a massive overhead
<Mat2ch> because nobody today learns about being ressourceful anymore.
<Mat2ch> it's sad.
<darsie> Does it blink, beep and support voice and video chat?
<Eddi|zuHause> i'm pretty sure you can connect it to your RGB
<darsie> End to end encryption? OTR?
<Eddi|zuHause> IRC doesn't do any of those
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<Gasher[work]> only voice chat
<Gasher[work]> it has 'servers' with 'channels'
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<Mat2ch> Jo flub3
<Mat2ch> flub3: nice tank you got there!
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<Deddly> IRC is like email - part of the backbone of the "old internet" and a de-facto open standard that's unlikely to go away, if only because it is a standard
<Deddly> Compare SMS on phones. Sure, WhatsApp, Trillian, Viber and endless numbers of others provide functionality that an SMS can never do, but everyone has SMS as standard.
<Deddly> Hangouts was the only thing that got close to a new standard, and that's only because Google used to install it as a system app on all Android phones.
<Mat2ch> I don't know anyone who uses hangouts anymore...
<Deddly> Nobody used it, even though they had it. But it was fun to send them a message on Hangouts and see their reaction
<Deddly> "What's this??"
<Deddly> Isn't Hangouts depreciated now?
<Deddly> Oh, apparently not
<Mat2ch> well, ICQ is still a thing...
<Gasher[work]> friend used it until i think last year
<snow> they killed off 3rd party clients early this year
<snow> that's when I finally gave up
<Gasher[work]> oh, so it was this year
<Gasher[work]> that's why he also stopped
<rubdos_> It's only the second time today I've seen that comic cited.
<snow> they announced it for mid december
rubdos_ is now known as rubdos
<snow> I think it took until february or smoething
<snow> I expected 1810 or 1782
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<kubi> the version number is back!
<kubi> all hail the topic admin!
<darsie> blame me
<Althego> hehe
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* UmbralRaptop sprays darsie with WD-40
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<Mat2ch> UmbralRaptop: that's not a punishment!
<UmbralRaptop> It's really just a joke about squeaky wheels <_<
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<darsie> I brought up the topic.
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<Althego> we saw the video
<Althego> the tank runs nicely
<Althego> can it shoot?
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<Eddi|zuHause> <snow> I think it took until february or smoething <-- it was going on multiple waves. after each wave, some more clients broke
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<Tank2333> bless french for their cool tank design :)
<Tank2333> looks awsome btw
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<Mat2ch> flub3: are the thread 3d printed or somehow casted?
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<flub3> Althego not yet
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