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<JVFoxy> weee.. cargo drop testing
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<Twixy> hello
<Mod9000> Hello, Twixy
<Twixy> hello, Mod9000
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<Althego> hehe
<JVFoxy> hmm?
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<Eddi|zuHause> what a great, classic, conversation :p
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<GlassYuri> so the guy at work who said "can't you just 3d print a stamp, I'm tired of filling out shipping labels" as a joke is in for a surprise tomorrow
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<GlassYuri>'s not working all that well, the font might be too thick
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<UmbralRaptop> The sticky part seems like it would present a problem
<FLHerne> GlassYuri: What sort of surface?
<FLHerne> (on the stamp)
<GlassYuri> plastic
<GlassYuri> and my stamp pad is a sponge with some paint on it
<FLHerne> I think you might need it to be a bit more flexible than that?
<FLHerne> Paint is almost certainly too viscous, you'll get blobs
<GlassYuri> it works okay enough when doing it wrong, getting a stamp pad would probably work
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<Althego> scott
<Althego> but very long video
<Althego> wait a sec, 9 minutes ago, but comments from 3 days ago
<Mat2ch> Nice!
<JVFoxy> got comments from 4 days ago here
<JVFoxy> my guess? probably had it unlisted for a few days with link from twitter?
<JVFoxy> ... oh in Seattle. Something happened over there this weekend or this jsut some random meetup?
* JVFoxy ughs.. updating AMD stuff... was hoping to try test streaming
<Althego> there was something called pax
<Althego> he stood next to a real life sized jeb
<kmath> <DJSnM> Life sized Jeb is here:
<Althego> and this was retweeted by ksp
<JVFoxy> ahcool
<JVFoxy> sorry, head been in a spin the past few days. Not sure which direction going. Room mate pestering me about trying to help move a camper but I don't feel safe moving it with my smaller truck. :\
* JVFoxy acks! updating video stuff and just went all black. comes back, everything on secondary screen shoved to primary. :(
<Althego> video driver update?
<Althego> or cable fault
<JVFoxy> at first I thought video card overheat and shutdown
<JVFoxy> driver update...
<JVFoxy> now I gotta replace all my icons back to the scondary screen.. ugh.
<JVFoxy> more like untangling icons, since it just literally shoved them all to one side on my main screen and anything already there got shifted to the right
<JVFoxy> ah.. fortunately, its not as bad as I thought. Most of the mainscreen stuff didn't move.. still just annoying
<Althego> anyway the top comment has time links to the things happening there, i think i just read those
<Althego> lot faster
<Althego> underwater exploration and no weather
<Althego> also continuous acceleration engines
<Althego> wee needed that anyway
<JVFoxy> hour long video... then i see something from Kevin Gustafson, shorter video on history of the ISS... hmm
<Althego> just read the top comment
<Althego> it contains the content
<JVFoxy> lol... devs don't want sim city in space
<JVFoxy> well there was moonbase ages ago already...
<Althego> hah, vomiting kerbals
<Althego> not what i always wanted
<JVFoxy> green puke?
<JVFoxy> I'll probably listen to the whole thing later in the background, alla podcast or something
<Althego> ah there is a shorter video
<JVFoxy> still trying to come down from grump-mode when computer decided to suddenly blank on me
<Althego> joe scott about skylon. and he has a falcon 9 on his t-shirt... which has sunglasses and says i'll be back
<Althego> hehe pressure vessel flying away from spaceship is not realistic, only hypothetical, especially when you are testing spacex hardware :)
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<sandbox> Althego, I saw that video 3 days ago
<Althego> yet according to youtube they came online an hour ago or so
<sandbox> it was unlisted at the time
<Althego> i want this i'll be back falcon t-shirt
<sandbox> did he edit out the sweary bits?
<Althego> didnt notice swearing or editing
<Althego> but i watched only the short video
<JVFoxy> did he just hide the long version again?
<JVFoxy> oh.. so.. it on his channel but hidden from subs it seems. :\
<Althego> but the urls should sty the same
<Althego> oh wait i didnt link it
<kmath> YouTube - What We Learned from the Developers of Kerbal Space Program 2
<Althego> still there
<Althego> also thee in his feed
<Althego> not hidden
<JVFoxy> ya but not showing my sub, its just the shorter version..
<JVFoxy> its been a while since I've posted anything, not even sure how you post, but it only shows on your channel, not giving an update to your subs
<Althego> that is usual
<Althego> there are like 3 levels
<Althego> the bell and the stuff
<Althego> luckily i never used these
<Althego> i just look at stuff i am already interested in
<Althego> i dont need a notification for that
<JVFoxy> I know, private, unlisted, public...
<Althego> i meant even if you are subbed to somebody you dont necessarily get notifications
<JVFoxy> actually, if I remember right, there's a checkbox for if you want to let your subs know you've posted something
<JVFoxy> I've mostly used unlisted and public myself though.. a few videos of my KSP gameplay that aren't listed from some years back.
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<JVFoxy> aww.. george takei is on our local news here.
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<JVFoxy> he's in studio talk'n about his childhood past... raising awareness about the not so good things that happened during the war. :\
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<Eddi|zuHause> wasn't there a tv series starting about that?
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<JVFoxy> eep
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<X> Is this room going to be pro ksp2?
<Eddi|zuHause> who knows?
<Eddi|zuHause> haven't seen any anti-voices so far, but we also didn't see much yet.
<JVFoxy> the way I figure, all things KSP
<UmbralRaptop> We need to know enough about KSP2 to have useful opinions first
<Rolf> enjoy
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<Rolf> rainbow lighting strike hitting a plane
<Eddi|zuHause> well, i haven't seen anyone going "KSP1 is the bestest and bugfreest game ever, we don't need a version 2!!"
* JVFoxy read that as bugfest
<Rolf> whats chances of taking that picture
<JVFoxy> but we still love it
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<sandbox> as long as they don't add a casino
<UmbralRaptop> If I can build a casino and fly tourists to/from it, that's fine. Gacha mechanics for getting crew or parts, though…
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