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<Althego> hehe wintergatan video, karate chopping a teel part in half :)
<Althego> steel
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<Althego> lol that old synth
<Eddi|zuHause> spoilers?
<Althego> retracted
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<Althego> i swear this an-2 pilot is a local curse. have to shoot him down
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<JVFoxy> Althego ...?
<Althego> flying extremely low
<Althego> circling around
<Althego> happens around once every week
<JVFoxy> guess it doesn't help its also one of the slowest big planes
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<JVFoxy> get a good steady wind, you can almost land it vertically
<Althego> it is fast enough to fly out of view before i can take a short clip with my phone
<kubi> is it still 1.7.x?
<Althego> supposedly
<kubi> the most important info in the channel topic was the version...
<Althego> nobody reads the topic
<kubi> I'm old school
<Althego> but 1.8 is coming
<kubi> I start the book from its title
<kubi> soon (tm)
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<JVFoxy> Well... if you call having a max speed of 160kph in a plane fast....
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<Althego> covers a lot of angular distance when it is close, and i have a limited filed of view because of the other buildings
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<JVFoxy> hoping to get video for evidence or.. just cuz uncommon aircraft? :)
<Althego> not really that uncommon. even i flew in one once
<Althego> the uncommon thing is how low it is flying
<JVFoxy> ah.. so pilot too huh?
<Althego> no i am not
<Althego> i was just on one once
<JVFoxy> oh
<JVFoxy> oops.. ok so maybe not fully awake, I read that as 'I flew one once"
<Althego> although i can say i can land an e-3a
<Althego> spent too much time on that simulator
<JVFoxy> ah.. well basically 707 with a dish on the back
<Althego> since then they started to upgrade the nato version to glass cockpit too
<JVFoxy> some day I should probably dig up my ol' flight sim, get a good stick working, get back to flying again
<JVFoxy> at least till I figure out whats going on with our fllying school. Managed to find out where they moved too, its getting ahold of the staff thats proven a bit of a pain
<JVFoxy> and with that.. windows nagging it really wants to update so... maybe is a good time to poof and let it do its thing.. lates
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<sandbox> and that was the last we ever saw of them
<Althego> doesnt look like that
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<Guest16896> hi?
<Althego> yes
<Althego> hah, managed to avoid the bot reply again
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