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<Althego> wo ho scott 3 minutes ago
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<kubi> where?
<kmath> YouTube - Watch A Martian Landslide Move Across The Surface of The Red Planet
<Althego> anoying aspect of youtube,new videos show up in recommendations, but not in the channel of the creator
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<Althego> lol action lab: so if you feel you need a little bit more of oxygen, just grab a giant neodymium magnet, put it right next to your face, and enjoy around 0.49% increase in oxygen
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<kubi> interesting
<kubi> when I loaded the page it was not available for me
<JVFoxy> eh, which?
<kubi> so the propagation speed of content is definitely below c
<kubi> scott
<JVFoxy> mm k?
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Althego has quit [Quit: HMI Module Alpha Humana on approach to Space Station Mercury]
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