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<UmbralRaptop> You read that eccentricity correctly
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<Eddi|zuHause> "hyperbolic comet" is code for "interstellar object randomly passing by"?
<UmbralRaptop> Yes, also apparently outgassing (unlike 'Omuamua)
<Althego> what, innew interstelalr object?
<UmbralRaptop> (´Omuamua? That first character is confusing )
<Althego> no, the first character is not confusing, the second is. oumouamua
<Althego> hehstill cant write it
<Althego> cant even say it correctly
<Althego> oumuamua
<UmbralRaptop> ʻOumuamua
* UmbralRaptop gestures at that thing that is not an apostrophe
<Althego> oh yes
<Althego> "orbit"
<JVFoxy> built own telescope... :)
<UmbralRaptop> a 65 cm telescope
<JVFoxy> I live too close to major city, then there's ski hills to the north of me..
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<Althego> wow that is a huge telescope
<JVFoxy> otherwise.. telescope would be neat to have working in backyard..
<Althego> why is it so short?
<JVFoxy> compound telescope my guess
<Althego> űdoesnt look like catadioptric
<Althego> you wouldnt see the bars holding up the secondary mirror
<UmbralRaptop> Looks like a cassegrain
<Althego> still very short
<UmbralRaptop> … or an RCT. Maybe f/3?
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> it might be because of my perceotoin
<Althego> because this has just so big mirror
<Althego> so it looks short
<Eddi|zuHause> didn't they say there's probably an interstellar object like once per yer?
<Eddi|zuHause> *year
<Althego> yet we have never found any until 2017
<JVFoxy> probably more... problem is, we can only see so much of our solar system because of the sun getting in the way that side
<Althego> and humans were watching the stars for thousands of years, and professionally for hundreds
<JVFoxy> so much sky, only so much can be watched at a time
<Althego> many amateurs
<JVFoxy> its calls space... for good reason :)
<Althego> they are watching all the time
<JVFoxy> perhaps, maybe that first one kickstarted more interest in watching out there
<Eddi|zuHause> so? there was a time where we hadn't spotted any exoplanets. or jupiter moons, or ...
<Althego> i would do this too, but the city lights block everything
<JVFoxy> city here too, yet we have an observatory built nearly downtown. Mind you.. its also pretty old. Probably not as much lights back in those days.
<UmbralRaptop> Large scale surveys with decent speed are relatively recent
<Eddi|zuHause> exactly, there've been technical advances...
<Althego> the telescope design he used is nothing new
<Eddi|zuHause> you probably couldn't have spotted omodingsbums with galileo's telescope
<Althego> true
<JVFoxy> ah.. they built it in 1972
<Althego> not so long ago
<JVFoxy> no but the city sure has gone through a lot of changes since
<UmbralRaptop> PTF started in the distant year of… 2009
<UmbralRaptop> JVFoxy: for students or something?
<Althego> what is that giang fountain crab?
<UmbralRaptop> ah
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<JVFoxy> represents a first nations leged of a crab that protects the harbour.
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<Eddi|zuHause> wait... no random idler coming in shouting MUSEUM!?
<JVFoxy> lol.. this comment, which is relavent because they recently done a series on netflix: When I was younger and going to that area of Vancouver that thing always freaked me out. It reminded me of those crab-like things in The Dark Crystal.
<Eddi|zuHause> when i was in school we spent a night at a small observatory that was literally in the middle of nowhere
<JVFoxy> I was driving at night, south of Spokane, heading towards Pullman in WA. I had to stop side of the road, look up at the sky, there was so little light, I actually saw a bit of the milkyway first time in my life
<Althego> well, depending on his location it is around midnight, but that doesnt seem to bother him
<JVFoxy> I mean, I've driving late at night the middle of no where in the past. Just, some reason it occoured to me to just pull over that one time. I guess driving on highway, you don't really get much chance to stop in middle of no where
<Eddi|zuHause> huh? i don't remember a time where i hadn't ever seen the milkyway
<JVFoxy> where I live, light density is a little higher than usual I guess. Being everything is all crammed into a valley
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<Eddi|zuHause> i remember a story where an american city had a power cut, and there were calls into emergency services asking whether that glowing strip in the sky caused the blackout
<JVFoxy> lol... now if an aurora had gone through, imagine the chaos that would have caused
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<Eddi|zuHause> can't find any traces of that observatory on google maps, i wonder if it has been replaced in the last 20 years
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<Eddi|zuHause> ah, i think it's this one:,11.505959,124m/data=!3m1!1e3
<Eddi|zuHause> google doesn't seem to think there's anything there at all
<Eddi|zuHause> openstreetmap seems to know it
<JVFoxy> aw.. tiny little place
<JVFoxy> also geez, how germany is so devode of google street view.. for most part
<Eddi|zuHause> that is what happens when you have data collection zealots vs. data protection zealots and the protectionists win
<JVFoxy> well.. other than a number of big cities.
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<JVFoxy> anyone mess around in universe sandbox 2?
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<JVFoxy> meh.. just someone messing around in it, seeing what happens when spinning earth at billion times speed light
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<Deddly> I just watched that this morning
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<Deddly> Was quite entertaining
<XXCoder> i like to watch that being played sometimes lol
<XXCoder> did you see one where guy lines up tons of earths
<Deddly> I haven't seen that, no
<Deddly> I saw the one where he span the earth at many times the speed of light and then crashed it into Jupiter. It was interesting to see the earth's rotation transfer to Jupiter as the entire planet gets absorbed.
<JVFoxy> GreyJustPlays?
<JVFoxy> er.. Gray...
<JVFoxy> it threw me the video where he first places Universe Sandbox 2... the comments. I wanna just call it Gray's sandbox of chaos
<XXCoder> Deddly: it was lineup where guy sends umm something? forgot very high speed impacting earths till it slows down
<XXCoder> he had hard time lining it up and making it work lol
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<kmath> YouTube - If the Earth Rotated at 1,000,000,000x Light Speed - Universe Sandbox 2
<XXCoder> looking
<Deddly> "Add enough zeros to stuff, you're probably gonna fix the problem"
<Deddly> lol
<packbart> my father told some anecdotes about his time as a physics student at
<packbart> built an ultrasonic delay line in the basement for the radio telescope, so that when it detected an event, the graph plotters would have time to spool up. it also kept the basement free of mice. good times.
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<Deddly> Nice
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<Althego> scott
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<kmath> YouTube - Quadcopter Rover KSP 1.7.3
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<JVFoxy> ooof... suppose I shoudl work on something, but... so much left unfinished..
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<Mat2ch> So, inflight abort test soon?
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<UmbralRaptop> Mat2ch: not sure of context, did Elon discover the backspace key?
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<kmath> <✔SpaceX> Ahead of our in-flight abort test for @Commercial_Crew—which will demonstrate Crew Dragon's ability to safely carry…
<Mat2ch> ;)
<Mat2ch> They're talking about the inflight abort test
<Mat2ch> so it should be soon(tm)
<UmbralRaptop> ah
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