UmbralRaptop changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | Latest versions: 1.7.3, NaN | Rules: | PM ops as needed | ΔV maps:
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<lordcirth__> packbart, the science mechanics are fun tho
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<kmath> <kkim_zomvie> @Kidou_S 이제 읎음
<GlassYuri> it actually worked
<Althego> what is that, the meteorologist's stone in korean?
<Althego> ah there is soem english
<Althego> stone gone: people stole it
<Althego> and there was no mention of wind (stone moving)
<GlassYuri> this was an actual typhoon
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<Rolf> :(
<Rolf> Aron Eisenberg died
<Rolf> He was Nog in star trek
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<sandbox> :(
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<sandbox> born with only one partially functioning kidney
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