UmbralRaptop changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | Latest versions: 1.7.3, NaN | Rules: | PM ops as needed | ΔV maps:
Wetmelon has joined #KSPOfficial
<Wetmelon> man I haven't played in forever
<Wetmelon> and they've changed the names on all the engines D:
<UmbralRaptop> Well, added additional names and changed the models and textures
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<Wetmelon> dang it
<Wetmelon> I used to be able to press backspace to reset my camera... has that hotkey changed?
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<Wetmelon> ... Does the mk1 pod come with a heatshield?
<lordcirth__> Wetmelon, no, you'll need to attach one.
<Wetmelon> Well, Jeb magically survived reentry anyway :p
<Rolf> jeb is jebv
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<Wetmelon> What's the hotkey to change my patched conic draw mode?
<Wetmelon> LOL
<Wetmelon> I just did a burn to exit munar orbit, not realizing that it was going to cause me to impact the Mun before I finished the burn xD
<Wetmelon> Poor jeb impacted the Munar surface at 874.5m/s
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<Althego> what, wintergqatan video on monday?
<Mat2ch> Wat
<Mat2ch> WHAT
<Mat2ch> Link!
<Mat2ch> Got it
<Mat2ch> woah
<kmath> YouTube - Vibraphone Experiments - Microphone Type
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<Mat2ch> Ah, he had to throw in this episode, because in last video he was one step further already...
<Althego> and as usual i get the latest scot t ivdeo 20 hours later
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<Milford> Heyo
<Deddly> Hi
<Mod9000> Hello, Deddly
<Deddly> You too, Mod9000
<Althego> hehe
<Milford> Hello everyone! We are new here.
<Althego> "i am the architect of my own destruction" - the prince (of persia)
<Milford> lol
<Deddly> Milford, awesome. Welcome to the official KSP IRC channel
<Althego> i intentionally waited because i knew that saying hi automatically prompts a response
<Milford> Thank you!
<Deddly> Milford, Been playing for long?
<Milford> Umm not really
<Milford> We are doing this for a school project
<Deddly> Nice
<Milford> We suck at the game tbh
<Milford> We play in sandbox to make it easier XD
<Deddly> Hehe, who doesn't in the beginning?
<Deddly> It's one of those games where even failure is fun
<Althego> with enough explosions
<UmbralRaptop> Surprise rescue mission!
<Milford> Yep
<Milford> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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<Deddly> It's usually quite quiet here in the chat, Milford, but there are always people online, so if you have any questions at some point, just go ahead and ask them and wait a few minutes for someone to notice there's activity in here
<Milford> Ok thanks! :D
<Milford> sooo whats everyone doing? lol
<Deddly> I'm working, and also messing with the bot. If anyone's interested, I just taught mod9000 to link to channel logs when you ask for it
<Mod9000> I keep channel logs here:;O=D
<Milford> coooool
<Althego> since almost always nothing is happening, not very useful :)
<Deddly> Heh
<Deddly> I use that link all the time, Althego
<Deddly> If I join and people are in the middle of a conversation, I can see what it's about without having to interrupt and ask
<UmbralRaptop> Should we /topic it?
<Milford> does anyone know how long it takes for a post to get approved?
<Milford> We are trying to get 5 posts so we can have a profile picture lol
<Deddly> To trigger it, you can type "chan log", "channel log" "chanlog" or "channellog"
<Mod9000> I keep channel logs here:;O=D
<Mod9000> I keep channel logs here:;O=D
<Mod9000> I keep channel logs here:;O=D
<Deddly> I can see a limitation with that, lol
<Deddly> Milford, I'll have a look
<Milford> ok thanks :D
<Deddly> "Milford Green Bean", is that you?
<Milford> Yes XD
<Milford> Thanks Deddly for approving our stuff! :D
<Deddly> You're very welcome :)
<Deddly> Milford, can you see the PM I sent you (here on the chat)?
<Deddly> UmbralRaptop, sorry, missed that. Maybe?
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<UmbralRaptop> hm
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Deddly changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | Latest versions: 1.7.3, NaN | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | ΔV maps: | NEW: Type "chanlog" for logs
Milford has joined #KSPOfficial
<Milford> hey
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<Deddly> Welcome back Milford
<Milford> thanks!
<Milford> How is your day so far
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<Milford> whats up
<Deddly> All's good thanks, just busy and can't chat too much, sorry :)
<Milford> ok
<Milford5> :d
<Milford5> :D
<Milford5> its the 2 of us now
<Milford> who are you
<Milford> i am you
<Milford> i am me
<Milford> no sir you are you
<Althego> hehe
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<packbart> I am but a humble probe core
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* UmbralRaptop may be having to put most of my time into grad school
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<Althego> radiation hardened probe core?
<packbart> Indeed, I'm playing with Kerbalism right now and apparently the probe cores have a shielding equivalent of 20mm lead
<UmbralRaptop> hail, packbart?
<packbart> V'bart
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> the voyagers still have few years to live
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<Deddly> MilfordGreenBean, tell us about your project
<Deddly> Learning orbital mechanics or something?
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<Melford> hey
<Deddly> :)
<Deddly> What's your project about?
<UmbralRaptop> A revolution against Tsiolkovsky the Tyrannical?
<Melford> i made a seperate account since you told us we need a seperate account
<Deddly> Well done
<Althego> lol that joke
<Melford> what joke lol
<MilfordGreenBean> lol Melford
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<MilfordGreenBean> Oh you were talking about me lol
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<MilfordGreenBean> Our project was to get to the moon
<MelfordGreenBean> we failed
<MilfordGreenBean> we havent played before so its kinda difficult
<MilfordGreenBean> we are working together
<Deddly> Well that's really cool. How far did you get?
<MilfordGreenBean> ummm
<Althego> in the beginning when you dont know what you are doing, it is still hard to get to the moon
<MelfordGreenBean> we only got to orbit
<MilfordGreenBean> the suns orbit
<MilfordGreenBean> yeahhhh
<MelfordGreenBean> lol
<Althego> if you can do that, you can at least fly by the mun
<Deddly> ONLY yo orbit? That's the hardest part, well done!
<MelfordGreenBean> oh ok
<MilfordGreenBean> We made seperate accounts here bc Deddly told us lol
<MelfordGreenBean> yeah lol
<MilfordGreenBean> haha
<MilfordGreenBean> Well we couldnt figure out how to land on the moon and stuff
<Althego> yes that is the hard part
<MilfordGreenBean> :D
<Althego> it took me a large amount of tries
<MelfordGreenBean> we used the rockets that were already built
<MelfordGreenBean> in sandbox
<MilfordGreenBean> oh.. we play in sandbox so its way easier
<MelfordGreenBean> lol we are noobs
<Althego> you have to cancel all horizontal speed for a landing
<MilfordGreenBean> It looks very confusing to even try to build one and we already tried and it didnt go so well
<MilfordGreenBean> ohhh
<Deddly> Everyone starts somewhere, there's no shame in that
<MilfordGreenBean> we couldnt even find the moon though we were like stuck in the suns orbit
<MelfordGreenBean> yeah and then we just had to abort the mission
<MilfordGreenBean> rip
<UmbralRaptop> Solar (well, Kerbolar) orbit specifically? Did you go straight up?
<MelfordGreenBean> yeah prety much
<MilfordGreenBean> yes
<UmbralRaptop> Ah. Orbiting is more about going sideways than up
<MelfordGreenBean> ohhh
<MilfordGreenBean> we tried
<MelfordGreenBean> and failed
<MilfordGreenBean> i tried going sideways a few times and it didnt work lol
<MelfordGreenBean> yeah we always ran out of fuel
<UmbralRaptop> hrm
<MilfordGreenBean> we didnt even do a tutorial or anything when we first started playing sooo yeahhh
<MilfordGreenBean> we probably should have
<UmbralRaptop> Scott Manley has good tutorials if you want to do the watching YouTube videos thing
<Deddly> MilfordGreenBean: Think about it this way: In real life, when Nasa wanted to go to the moon, they did it step by step. First make a rocket that can get to space, then design one that can get to orbit. Then improve your design. See if you can make a hopper that can take off and land on Kerbin (Earth), learn to fly it. Finally, put what you have learned together and design your first successful moon mission :)
<MilfordGreenBean> Ok i will check him out
<MelfordGreenBean> yeah same
<MilfordGreenBean> wow
<UmbralRaptop> Anyway, a circular kerbin orbit means moving sideways at ~2300 m/s just above the atmosphere (70 km altitude), or ~2200 m/s at 100 km altitude
<MilfordGreenBean> Deddly you sound like a pro LOL
<MilfordGreenBean> ohhhhh
<MilfordGreenBean> man we are stupiddddd
<MelfordGreenBean> i dont even know what all that stuff means
<MilfordGreenBean> LOL
<MelfordGreenBean> do yall think those are our real names
<Deddly> m/s means metres per second, it's a measurement of speed
<MelfordGreenBean> ohhhh
<MilfordGreenBean> yeah melford lol. we gotta go! see yall later! byeee :D
<MelfordGreenBean> byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
<Deddly> Seeyas
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<packbart> I cheat a bit and use KER, so I get a readout of the horizontal speed vs the combined speed displayed by the navball
<packbart> kill horizontal velocity some 20km above the mun, then switch SAS to surface retrograde, wait a bit, then burn to brake until near the surface. the easy and lazy approach to a Mun landing ;)
<Althego> navball is enough for that. when the vector points up or down there is no horizontal speed
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<Deddly> May I humbly suggest killing velocity much closer to the surface? As close as possible, in fact.
<packbart> True. So I wouldn't even need KER. In the early career, I always forget to add the KER chip. and with the ReStock model, it's even bigger
<packbart> Deddly: I picked 20km because that allows some time for errors before crashing into the surface
<packbart> now that I've landed several times, I might start closer. or look at doing a good gravity turn instead of the two-burn landing
<Deddly> packbart, if you start your burn at the lowest point, you'll end up coming to a stop just above the surface :)
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<MilfordGreenBean> Heyo guys! Im back haha
<Althego> wb
<Geonovast> Howdy Milford
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<Deddly> Hi Milford, bye Milford
<darsie> hi Milf
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<Mat2ch> packbart: a good measure I figured out is to go always on tenth of my height fast. So 20 km up 2000 m/s is fine. 200 m up only 20 m/s.
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<Althego> milf means something else :)
<darsie> shh :)
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<Deddly> Don't go there guys, please.
Deddly changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | Latest versions: 1.7.3, NaN | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | ΔV maps: | NEW: Type "chanlog" for logs
<Deddly> flub is back!
<packbart> Mat2ch: yeah, I try to do that too. depends a bit on TWR
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<packbart> with a wide-ish base, I can even land on most crater walls
<Mat2ch> Deddly: but he is so quiet lately :/
<Deddly> flub2, poke
<Althego> doesnt talk much lately
<Mat2ch> he uploaded a video and didn't even notify us.
<packbart> well, there was that one time when I moved some bits around on the launcher stage only to later find out that I moved the landing gear too far up
<kmath> YouTube - Update video: Falken, Maker Faire and RC tank
<Althego> who needs landing gear anyay
<packbart> it did look a bit silly. the lander parked on its Terrier engine with 4 legs up in space
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<Deddly> All heil our new channel minion Geonovast!
<Althego> biological or synthetic?
<Deddly> This one's either a real person or a very convincing AI
<Geonovast> I'm a very convincing AI.
<Deddly> See?
<Deddly> Geonovast, what is 15-48.6?
<Geonovast> 42
* Deddly waits for universe to be destroyed and replaced with something even more incomprehensible
<Althego> you yhink it would be noticable?
<Deddly> Hmm, good point.
<Geonovast> We're all just a bunch of rocks in the desert.
<Althego> we are more like dunes in the desert
<Althego> the matter changes, but the dune remains
<Deddly> Or like sandworms in Dune
<Deddly> We devour everything
<Geonovast> I'm fine with that.
<Geonovast> I'm already sick of Halloween.
<Althego> unfortunately halloween slowly made a beachhead here
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<Deddly> (For security)
<Deddly> If anyone sees him online, I'd be overjoyed to op him again :)
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<Deddly> chanlog pls
<Mod9000> I keep channel logs here:;O=D
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<nugget> hey
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<nugget> how is everyone!
<sandbox> nobody knows
<nugget> lol
<nugget> makes sense
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* UmbralRaptor x_x
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<nugget> hey
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<Lenny> hi
<Mod9000> Hello, Lenny
<Lenny> how are you
<sandbox> ahoy
<Lenny> everyone keeps leaving me lol
<sandbox> going to bed soon
<Lenny> ok
<Lenny> how old r u
<Lenny> sorry that's weird nevermind lol
<sandbox> 38
<Lenny> oh ok
<Lenny> does anyone here watch pewdiepie
<sandbox> not regularly
<Lenny> ok
<Lenny> XD
<Lenny> is @deddly not in the chat?
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<sandbox> oh well
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<aradapilot> is FAR still required for decent aerodynamics or does vanilla have it now? (i.e. better than the old one which just added up drag and lift from parts)
<UmbralRaptor> Current (post-1.0) stock is has adequate aerodynamics, though FAR is more realistic
<aradapilot> i've been searching around for any info on the current aero model and found nothing. is there some document/wiki somewhere that explains how it works?
<aradapilot> like what it considers
<aradapilot> basically i'd like to get rid of the performance hit from FAR but I also don't want it to be super easy mode and lose all benefit of a lot of craft designs
<packbart> try it ;)
<packbart> something about drag cubes and
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<UmbralRaptor> yeah, heating exists, parts can shield each other with respect to drag, lift and drag are affected by mach number, but there are still simplifications
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<aradapilot> FAR uses some sort of voxel logic to get object 'shape' into prograde (airflow) per frame, i think? looks like a drag cube has 6 precalcualted values and...i guess it weighted-averages them based on angle off prograde?
<aradapilot> sounds like vanilla could still be both fun and challenging though
<UmbralRaptor> Something like that
<aradapilot> perhaps i should stop being a far snob (since...long before 1.0) and play it
<aradapilot> play with it*
<aradapilot> "As of version 1.0, all parts generate some lift as well as drag; however the lift-to-drag ratio is much higher from aerodynamic parts such as wings, control surfaces, etc. KSP also models drag created as a consequence of lifting force. "
<aradapilot> that's good
<aradapilot> can use lift for things without actual wings
<aradapilot> fun on atmospheric [re]entry!
<FLHerne> aradapilot: "I also don't want it to be super easy mode" <- if anything, stock aero is harder to work with if you know anything about aerodynamics
<UmbralRaptor> I mean, stock also has less instrumentation
<aradapilot> aye i don't expect it to give me stability curves and coefficients anymore, though trial and error isn't a bad thing here
<FLHerne> In stock, it's very easy to create two craft that are the same shape but fly completely differently, because it cares about types of part
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<aradapilot> I definitely know a lot more about aerodynamics now than I did in 2013 or whenever I started this :)
<aradapilot> oh boo
<aradapilot> i was hopign that note about 'all parts...' meant shape matters not type
<aradapilot> in what way does type matter?
<FLHerne> And for some craft, the amount of drag calculated by stock is just inexplicably weird
<FLHerne> I mean, it's vastly better than the original model, it's not terrible
<aradapilot> i...would love to see an example of that, if one's available
<packbart> don't let the payload fairing be the root part. that's a bug, I guess
<packbart> it creates huge amounts of drag. select a different root part and it's fine
<aradapilot> ha
<aradapilot> weird
<UmbralRaptor> The pea/onion/pomegranate pods are bad drag wise
<packbart> well, they're good for reentry, not so much for ascent ;)
<aradapilot> those the soyuz-y ones?
<UmbralRaptor> Because, uh, reasons
<UmbralRaptor> aradapilot: Vostok / Voskhod
<UmbralRaptor> Sadly making history does not have a Союз analog
* packbart puts the pomegranate under a payload fairing - makes for a cheap tourist bus
* UmbralRaptor needs to add more Russian to my phone keyboard
<FLHerne> aradapilot: I found
<packbart> actually, I never tried to launch the round pods in reverse, use them as kind of a nose cone
<aradapilot> thanks flherne
<packbart> ah, I see, there's a decoupler in the way
<FLHerne> (detailed description of how stock aero works, which seems correct as far as I know, and lists some details I wasn't aware of)
<aradapilot> so for context my current self-challenge is 'single stage to a laythe island and back, no parts lost, liquid fuel only, isru allowed but not pre-placed' and i'm doing well so far but murdering my frames/physics-time
<FLHerne> aradapilot: Oh, and not mentioned there because it doesn't exist, stock doesn't really do supersonic flight at all
<aradapilot> UmbralRaptor mentioned above that mach number is considered - but maybe not fully? like no benefits from strakes, area rule, etc?
<FLHerne> So forget about shock cones or area ruling except to make things look pretty
<aradapilot> shock cone intake's still the champ at high mach though, right?
<FLHerne> aradapilot: Sorry, I meant shock cones as in the pressure thing, not the intake part
<aradapilot> oh yeah
<FLHerne> Intakes and per-part lift/drag are affected by speed
<FLHerne> But overall craft shape doesn't matter
<UmbralRaptor> Yeah, no area rule AFAIK, But more for an overall drag/heating
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