UmbralRaptop changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | Latest versions: 1.7.3, NaN | Rules: | PM ops as needed | ΔV maps:
<Neal> nvm its probably fine
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<Althego> it is amazing how bad talker elon is
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<Rolf> hes MILES better than me
<Althego> i wouldnt be so sure about that. even if you cant talk, he can but does it in an annoying way. lot of pause
<Althego> s
<Rolf> its like I don't know how to even speak
<Rolf> lol
<Rolf> ahh ... so he is Kirks grand grand grand .. grandfarger
<Rolf> father
<Neal> hamberder - donald j trump
<Neal> iamgine if obama was in charge of speaking about spacex
<Neal> that would be something
<Rolf> indeed
<Neal> with his public address skills he could sell everyone a rocket
<Althego> he needs to sell a tiny one, because i couldnt afford a full scale version :)
<Rolf> whole sentances is sexy
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<darsie> Proper spelling and grammar are hot, too ;).
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<Rolf> yep
<Rolf> whole sentences is sexy. Fixed.
<darsie> are sexy
<Rolf> lol
<darsie> :)
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<Mat2ch> oh, look, the BFR got wings on its back to bring the CoL backwords. :D
<Althego> it was planned like that originally
<Althego> but rather then moving the col, they move the com forward byt putting stuff in the nose
<Althego> and those are not wings
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<Mat2ch> winglets?
<Althego> airbrakes
<Mat2ch> at the bottom?
<Althego> and the top
<Mat2ch> I hope I get to that part in the recording soon.
<Althego> it was intended like that even in the previous iteration
<Althego> tim dodd was among the questioners
<Mat2ch> winglets with landing legs?
<Mat2ch> Grid fins at the top
<Althego> no legs in these
<Althego> i thought you were talking about the upper stage
<Mat2ch> BFR!
<Mat2ch> Not Starship :)
<Mat2ch> and I'm not staying for th Q&A.
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<HerraTohtori> fun fact for the day
<HerraTohtori> actually, nvm, wrong channel.
<Rolf> thatw as fun
<Althego> the fact we will never know
<Mat2ch> Sad :(
<Rolf> "wrong channel" such an fun fact
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<kmath> YouTube - "Uptime 15,364 days - The Computers of Voyager" by Aaron Cummings
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