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<JVFoxy> pull up KSP 0.23, wonder which screen it'll end up dumped on.. hmm
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<JVFoxy> well.. good news.. bad news... dropped onto the right screen, downside, gotta keep it focused or stupid thing won't run through loadup
<Althego> ksp2 moves the altitude indicator to the bottom. good news. moves the navball to the left. bad news
<Althego> seriously, havent these peopele heard of hud?
<JVFoxy> ya saw that.. ugh
<Althego> there is a reason it looks that way
<JVFoxy> phone ap users?
<JVFoxy> touch screens?
<JVFoxy> you kids are lucky.. most of my sims, half the screen was the dash
<Althego> face it, in reality too
<JVFoxy> well ok... flightsims but whatever
<JVFoxy> don't get me wrong.. its nice seeing the crafts 3rd person and all.. I didn't mind the nav in the bottom center. could have at least made a little dash cluster.. maybe a few MDFs
<Althego> what happened to droidsound-e? vanished from the play store
<Althego> the simple solution is to make the position configurable and everybody puts it wherethey want itú
<JVFoxy> think you can already arrange things in the game as is?
<Althego> now
<Althego> they didnt say it will be possible in ksp2
<JVFoxy> I just never got around to tweeking things.. did bother me a tad altitude was up top instead of with the nav
<JVFoxy> ooof.. looking at an older version at the moment -squints- maybe its my resolution thats different. Somehow looks a little crisper now
<JVFoxy> ah ok.. maybe was used to older versions at lower res, did have smaller screen back then
<JVFoxy> mmm.. anyways.
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<packbart> "NASA tries desperately to get the Kerbal Space Program team to delay KSP 2 until after the Mars 2020 mission launches."
<darsie> :)
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<Mat2ch> Hrhr
<Mat2ch> well, I don't think KSP2 will be ready in 2020
<Mat2ch> I hope they take their time to polish it up as much as they can
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<sandbox> when was the last time you played a polished game?
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<JVFoxy> sandbox who you ask'n?
<sandbox> anyone
<JVFoxy> ah.. trick question? is any game ever fully polished?
<JVFoxy> I guess if people stop work'n on them in a sense
<sandbox> do you think KSP2 will be rushed?
<Gasher[work]> it's not a trick question, but rather a rhetorical one
<Gasher[work]> but hm, maybe something like FTL? i can think of a few bugs, but not that many
<JVFoxy> lol xkcd
<packbart> my graphics card can't handle a fully polished game ;)
<sandbox> I don't even have a graphics card
<darsie> sandbox: You on a headless machine? ESP32?
<sandbox> darsie, just the integrated one in my intel cpu
<JVFoxy> huh... was figuring dumb terminal
<packbart> I was pondering whether to write "GPU" or "graphics card". GPU probably would have been more accurate
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<JVFoxy> ... how about VDU?
<JVFoxy> Video display unit... eh.. trying to think what other terms were used when we just had text, before graphics became a big thing.
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<packbart> as an experiment, I once tried to live with just a VT510 serial terminal ;) it did work better than expected, even buying stuff on ebay (using elinks as text browser)
<packbart> doesn't work well for videos, though. 132x52 characters at 115200bps ist just not enough
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<JVFoxy> ya well... youtube videos at 144 as it is are pretty bad
<JVFoxy> I doubt anyone would stand watching a thumbnail sized video screen, granted I do'nt even think it was quite that bad in the day either. Could try converting to Ascii...
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<darsie> KSP2 is a video, indeed.
<Althego> not sure if text or image
<Althego> but later it got even better with color support
<packbart> ugh, Steam UI update. much more touch-y
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<JVFoxy> Althego ok thats just badass
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<transitbiker> Minecraft LIVE! Rendog’s DogCraft SMP! Dank, dark, dangerous, let’s go CAVING!! Tune in here:
<kmath> YouTube - Minecraft LIVE! Rendog's DogCraft SMP! Dark, dangerous, full of scary stuff.. CAVES! (09/19/2019)
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<kubi> bah
<kubi> loading screen contest
<kubi> but no sign of 1.8
<Althego> there are signs
<Althego> just not release signs :)
<kmath> YouTube - PROJECT THOR: Deadly Metal From Outer Space
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<packbart> cool band name
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<Neal> hrm I wonder how economical it would be to use liquid ozone in a rocket
<Neal> risk of spontaneous decomposition shouldn't be too high since it would be at cryogenic temperatures
<Neal> of course the smallest spark or maybe even a bit of stray dust acting as a catalyst might have the possibility of turning it into a runaway deflagration
<Althego> some people suggested foof, liquid ozone cant be that bad
<Neal> does foof self-detonate?
<Neal> I know nitrous oxide can and I feel like liquid ozone probably could
<Althego> not if only itself is around
<Althego> otherwise you want ot be as far as possible
<UmbralRaptop> FOOF is too unstable compared with eg: ClF3 or ClF5
<UmbralRaptop> Also, an unrelated explosion: "the experiment can verify that the bomb works without ever triggering its detonation, although there is a 50% chance that the bomb will explode in the effort."
<packbart> it's all a matter of temperature ;)
<Neal> if you start with a small spark or something like that you only need a very very small area of high temperature to set off the rest of the container
<Neal> assuming the reaction is exothermic
<UmbralRaptop> Hence why monopropellants tend to be made to need a catalyst
<Neal> ideally =D
<Neal> its been a while since ive done any chem so its gonna take me a sec to see how much energy ozone's spontaneous decomposition will release
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