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<Eddi|zuHause> "missiles" is not "context"
<Eddi|zuHause> at least not the kind of context that would be necessary to judge this
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<Neal> Oxidizer
<Neal> N/A
<Neal> N/A
<Neal> N/A
<Neal> Burning time (sec.)
<Neal> 63
<Neal> Thrust Sea Level/Vacuum (Tonnes)
<Neal> Special Impulse (sec.)
<Neal> oh no
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<Eddi|zuHause> yeah, that is probably exactly that.
<UmbralRaptop> ^
<Eddi|zuHause> the clearest indication is the unit
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<Althego> hah. after 20 years or so, i could leave fixedsys (excelsior) as a terminal font, dejavu sans mono seems to have better unicode support
<Wastl2> For me, that depends on the font size. At 7x14 in a terminal, misc-fixed looks better than DejaVu Sans Mono.
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<BadRocketsCo> Howdy
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<Mat2ch> .seen Fluburtur
<Mat2ch> !seen Fluburtur
<Mat2ch> Hrm
<Mat2ch> Oh, he's driving an RC tank now
<kmath> YouTube - hello there
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<Mat2ch> the scary part is: It sounds pretty similar to a real track vehicle
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<Althego> i decided to not use the mouse for a while. it turns out i cant click that link now :)
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<Mat2ch> :D
<Mat2ch> You can copy it
<Mat2ch> by typing in every single char :P
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<Eddi|zuHause> i remember times where it was a central design principle that you should be able to do all things even without a mouse
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<Eddi|zuHause> like, say, in the win 3.1 era
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<packbart> clicking a hyperlink was expensive at that time
<Eddi|zuHause> well, even nowadays in a browser, you can still tab through hyperlinks and press enter to open it
<Eddi|zuHause> but i guess that is tricky in an irc client where tab does multiple things
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<Althego> hexchat does not tab into the text view area
<Althego> not a browser
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<Althego> surprisingly greyscale looks better than colored. cant change the palette. but not bad from a text terminal
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