Deddly changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | Latest versions: 1.7.3, NaN | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | ΔV maps: | NEW: Type "chanlog" for logs
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<packbart> ooh, a bug in the VAB. Clicking "remove naming" in "configure vessel naming" doesn't re-enable the VAB buttons and camera. I might try without mods and check the bugtracker later
<packbart> there's a workaround: select vessel naming again and click "cancel"
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<packbart> luckily, KSP only uses the two-dot-system
<Althego> what circles?
* packbart translates circlellipses and dots into orbits and bodies
<Althego> ag, i thought dots are the marks for velocity and acceleration
<Althego> and was wondering what is marked by circle
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<packbart> it just goes to show that orbital mechanics are much more complicated than quantum computing ;)
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<Gasher_> packbart, two point i think it's called
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<packbart> "My rocket is a single laugh vehicle" - Freud.
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<Althego> scott about juno
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<kmath> <✔NASAInSight> With an assist from my robotic arm, the mole is digging again! We are just starting this new campaign, and are hope…
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<packbart> *groan* when the last parts for your station arrive and you realize the delivery rocket is attached at the wrong end
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