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<Betty89> Hello
<Mod9000> Hello, Betty89
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<Mat2ch> Someone had to much time at hand:
<kmath> <InfraRiotGirl> 50 Jahre stand die olle Rakete aufm Alex. ⏎ Heute morgen ist sie endlich losgeflogen !
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<kmath> <Gifuinkale> 【悲報】 ⏎ 岐阜大学、ついに頭おかしくなったのか岐阜バスをベンツと誤認してしまう
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<UmbralRaptop> uh
<Mat2ch> GlassYuri: explain please
<GlassYuri> Mat2ch, caption under the left picture
<Mat2ch> GlassYuri: I'm sorry, I don't get it :(
<Mat2ch> The fact that there's a bus in a guide of a university?
<UmbralRaptop> Someone is trying to upsell taking a bus
<GlassYuri> the fact that the bus is referred to as a benz with a chauffeur
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<Mat2ch> Ah :D
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<FLHerne> It's not /wrong/...
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thisisamuchlongernickname is now known as SnoopJeDi
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<Althego> i see the channel is buzzing as usual
<JVFoxy> ya... sigh. :(
<umaxtu> bzzzz
<JVFoxy> I was starting to wonder if KSP2 on the horizon, everyone's quiet and just waiting to see what'll happen.
<Althego> it wasw like that before the announcement
<JVFoxy> doh.. maybe ran out of things to talk about.. burn out. I know I've not pulled KSP up in a while. Other than to maybe mess around with random designs
<Mat2ch> I'm waiting for KSP2. Because KSP1 has too many restrictions. :P
<Mat2ch> I need to be able to write control scripts. How else can I be able to build a Starship-like upper stage? ;)
<JVFoxy> I just do my ownt hings
<JVFoxy> sadly I've neglected a bunch of previous career sessions I'd been meaning to record
<Mat2ch> also I'm trying to become GC in Rocket League. But it's getting harder to find people to play with :|
<Althego> you want to be a garbage collector? :)
<JVFoxy> eh.. whats garbage now? neglected game sesssions?
<Althego> gc usually stands for garbage collector :)
<JVFoxy> oh /that/. I'm guessing game controller... someone who is really good at the game to the point they aways seem to control it
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<Mat2ch> Althego: I want to make an automated space junk collecting fleet! ;)
<Althego> with webs or harpoons?
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<Mat2ch> With the Claw!
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<kmath> YouTube - KSP Moments: The Sliding, the Kleiner and the Ugly
<JVFoxy> Mat2ch: isn't it the 'Klaw'?
<Mat2ch> How, Danny, HOW?
<JVFoxy> lol
<JVFoxy> well for one.. using those landing legs isn't helping him much. I had same issues with the tiny ones, cabin I set down was spinning on the spot during one tese.
<JVFoxy> .. test
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<Althego> lodoss?
<JVFoxy> huh?
<Althego> L�hd�ss�
<Althego> i wonder what that is
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<Althego> scott
<Althego> hehem expanded the 1 hour od slowly rotating earth ot 10
<Althego> also some news
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<JVFoxy> wee
<packbart> Mat2ch: control scripts work reasonably well with kRPC in KSP1 ;)
<JVFoxy> that drawing of starship looks too oddly like a giant missile.. or maybe its just me
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<Mat2ch> packbart: I know. But I never got around testing this. I have a feeling that a two monitor setup will work pretty well here, so you can code on one and test on the other, but I have only one.
<kmath> YouTube - Countdown to the James Webb Space Telescope | Dr. Eric Smith | All Space Considered
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