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<X_boson> So KSP2?
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<UmbralRaptor> later
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<kmath> <ED67900_5> マルタイ ⏎ _人人人人_ ⏎ > 1円 < ⏎  ̄Y^Y^Y ̄
<Mat2ch> 5500 EUR?
<Althego> for the train?
<Mat2ch> Looks like it
<Mat2ch> but could be only scrap metal
<Althego> take it
<Althego> probably you need to transport it
<Gasher_> lol
<GlassYuri> ^
<Althego> like with one of the rockets that is a giveaway
<Althego> scott vene had a videro about that
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<Althego> free, but the transportation would cost million dollars
<Gasher_> not if you take a blowtorch first
<GlassYuri> I don't think renting a telescoping flatbed trailer will cost you a million dollars
<Althego> oversized load
<GlassYuri> thing is like, three meters wide at most
<Althego> the train? sure. but the free rocket would be more costly
<kmath> YouTube - NASA Might Be Giving Away A Saturn I Rocket - Here's Why I Love This Vintage Booster
<Althego> ok not million, just 1/4 million
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<GlassYuri> do I make a propeller plane generate forward thrust
<Althego> spin the bladfes?
<Althego> blades
<GlassYuri> I think I've been putting them at the wrong angle
<Althego> is this the new blades or an old stock thing?
<GlassYuri> rotating them a bit made it exceed 6 m/s
<GlassYuri> the current stock ones
<Althego> look in the menu
<Althego> deploy
<Althego> the default is the undeployed state
<Althego> which regardless how you put them on
<Althego> never generates thrust
<GlassYuri> ...why
<Althego> it took me an hour or so to figure that out
<Althego> dont know why
<Althego> the undeployed, or as normally called feathered state is useful for gliding
<Althego> because there is no drag either
<Althego> but the deployed state should be the default
<GlassYuri> ...all control surfaces have the "deploy" thing as well
<GlassYuri> do I have to deploy them too?
<Althego> in fact i turn on deploy and turn of any control on them
<Althego> because the results are horrible otherwise
<Althego> you can bind them to some action to deploy
<Althego> or just have them deployed by default in the editor
<Althego> not that you can also mirror them for reverse spin
<UmbralRaptop> deploy for normal control surfaces is really for flaps
<Althego> *note
<GlassYuri> ...makes sense for flaps
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<GlassYuri> well, I went airborne, but got screwed by my landing gear placement
<GlassYuri> front wheel, tail wheel, and wingtip gear that is mounted higher up, so the plane is tilted to one side on the ground
<Althego> better use counter rotating props
<GlassYuri> I have them
<GlassYuri> one at the front and one at the back of the plane
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<GlassYuri> do I have to invert the motor rotation if the part is placed backwards? to have it spin in the other direction as the one spinning forwards
<GlassYuri> *as the one placed forwards
<Althego> hehe i never tried that
<Althego> if it rotates in the other direction is guess it is ok
<GlassYuri> I can't visually tell
<GlassYuri> I'll try slowing the motors down
<Althego> as it spins up or down it should be visible
<Althego> note you dont need to suse the biggest motors
<Althego> *use
<GlassYuri> they are counter-rotating
<Althego> hehe suse
<GlassYuri> I have only one motor unlocked
<Althego> (i hate suse)
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<Althego> hmm. is the spacewalk on now?
<Althego> wait, electron in 3 days?
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<packbart> well, at least there's a "live stream" of something that looks like an EVA
<packbart> could be just studio lighting ;)
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<packbart> "we have lost biomed data on you" - uh, oh, Vashta Nerada
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<Althego> hehe, everyday astronaut talks with nasa admin in spacex hq
<packbart> space-rated ethernet cables
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<Althego> two people because of one cable? must be really tough
<Gasher> 2people1cable
<packbart> Althego: it's a union thing ;)
<Althego> the guy didnt go over. but it was mentioned he was going towards where the cable box was
<Althego> yes now they are together
<Althego> and now a water issue
<packbart> he's too thirsty
<Althego> wasnt mentioned if it was for cooling or whatever
<packbart> waiting for the PAO to explain
<Althego> i still find this quest airlock name funny
<packbart> when the questlords of ISS ride
<Althego> welcome to questworld
<Althego> view of earth below me, i would be totally scared of falling
<packbart> well, you are
<packbart> (or would be)
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