Deddly changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | Latest versions: 1.7.3, NaN | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | ΔV maps: | NEW: Type "chanlog" for logs
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MARS2020 has joined #KSPOfficial
<MARS2020> Hello everyone
<MARS2020> correct me if im wrong here did i missed a major update on ksp or is ksp going bankrupt ?
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<packbart> I think you're wrong
<MARS2020> ok i just wanted reassure myself since i read a page on google saying that ksp was going bankrupt
<packbart> well, a reddit thread from 4 years ago says the same
<MARS2020> ok then
<MARS2020> what was all the hype about KSP 2
<MARS2020> im mean i've seen comments of people freaking out about it ?
<packbart> mainly because of the updated Unity, I guess :)
<MARS2020> ah i guess that can explain the hype
<packbart> and of course everyone expects their pet peeves to get fixed
<packbart> Keep calm and wait for 1.8 - moar boosters
<UmbralRaptor> literally more boosters
<packbart> smaller boosters, too
<MARS2020> lol im calm bud well i almost freaked out when i read that ksp was going out of business
<packbart> do you have a link to that?
<MARS2020> let me see if i can find again
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<MARS2020> ok i am going to take back what i said about the ksp going bankrupt
<MARS2020> that what i read when i was surfing around in google i did not clicked on the link until now
<packbart> that's what I thought :)
<packbart> also, the thread is from 2014
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<packbart> Kerbalism really requires a different approach to science. experiments take their time
* packbart drops probe cores on parachutes from a plane into (almost) every biome to run seismic scans for 14 days
<packbart> I'm not going to fly the Twin-Juno to the pole
<packbart> Drop them from orbit. That could work.
<MARS2020> does your probes have heatshields ?
<packbart> the small heatshield might be enough. works for sample return in a science box
<MARS2020> ah that might work
<MARS2020> wait are you planning a powered descent or a parachutes descent
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<packbart> descent on a parachute. right now I mount probe core, antenna, battery and parachute on decoupler and stick it onto a simple plane, fly to the biome and drop it
<packbart> how to do the deorbit, though. sepratrons could have enough dV to de-orbit a probe from a carrier and the right time
<packbart> probably wouldn't hit the smaller biomes like badlands
<packbart> where's a tactical cluster warhead when you need one for science
<packbart> it's all bit futile, though. Seismic scans on Kerbin only yield 3 points per biome. on the Mun, I drop small throw-away landers.
<MARS2020> you i would use the spark rocket engine idk if thats the right name on the smallest rocket engines on ksp
<packbart> they probably would have enough fuel left for another hop but the engine has reached its rated burn time and might fail
<packbart> the Ant is even smaller
<MARS2020> yea but it is powered by RCS fuel right
<packbart> (and the Spider has an interestingly high atmospheric ISP)
<packbart> no, same Lf/Ox mix. stick it under an Oscar tak
<packbart> +n
<MARS2020> ah
<MARS2020> i got a question about RSS
<MARS2020> does it work with ksp 1.7.3 ?
<packbart> don't know, never tried it yet. its version file lists 1.6.x to be compatible but those files can be outdated
<MARS2020> oh ok thanks
<packbart> I'd say just make sure to have the right version of Kopernicus and give it a try
<MARS2020> ok i'll keep that in mind
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<Margaret1987> I'm here
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<KimberlyDJ1998> Hey
<Althego> hi
<Mod9000> Hello, Althego
<Althego> íargh
<Althego> stupid bot
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<Kimberly81> Hello
<Mod9000> Hello, Kimberly81
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<Elizabeth2X> hola
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<Althego> thought so
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<Althego> so this is how everyday astronaut could talk to nasa admin in spacex hq.
<kmath> YouTube - SpaceX Crew Dragon to Launch Astronauts to ISS early 2020
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<GlassYuri> ...I got a twitter notification that said it found an account I reported to be in violation of the rules
<GlassYuri> I don't even remember when or for what I reported that account
<Mat2ch> I always report those scam accounts under Elon Musks tweets
<Mat2ch> but never get a response :(
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<Rolf> enjoy lol
<Rolf> theres more detailed link in it too
<Althego> hehe, horse
<Rolf> yeah
<Rolf> it may be glitch its very hard to pull off
<Rolf> then guy had lot of other stuff to do too
Deddly has joined #KSPOfficial
<Deddly> Gimme those tasty channel logs
<Mod9000> I keep channel logs here:;O=D
aradapilot has joined #KSPOfficial
<Deddly> LOL best loading hint ever: "Calling Orbital Mechanic"
<GlassYuri> haha
<GlassYuri> have you tried burning retrograde then prograde again
<Deddly> ROTFL
<Althego> hehe
<Deddly> "Never Visiting Dres"
<Deddly> "Cleaning Transfer Windows" lol
<Althego> good, keep up the good work
<Deddly> I usually have the game in the background when it's loading, I've been missing out on a lot
<GlassYuri> "ladies and gentlemen, we regret to inform you that the plane scheduled for your flight has crashed"
<GlassYuri> (silence)
<GlassYuri> "boarding will be delayed until it has rebooted"
<Deddly> Hehehe
<Althego> could be real
<GlassYuri> the book I read it in over a decade ago claimed it to be real
<Althego> i still remember the workaround for the ecu timer overflow issue few years back was a periodic total reboot
<GlassYuri> I thought that was still current
<GlassYuri> also, it appears that navigation computers on airliners routinely have android viruses on their filesystem
<Althego> lol
<Althego> how
<Black_Eagle> when will i learn to make a mun ssto space plane?! tough, tough. especially when i always try land a goddamn concorde instead of just two or three kerbals
<Althego> if somebody orchestrated a stuxnet style attach, that could be really bad
<GlassYuri> idiot maintenance crews charging their phone over the USB port used to update the navigational database
<Althego> hehe
<GlassYuri> apparently the viruses can replicate onto the computer even though they cannot run there
<GlassYuri> and then replicate back onto phones even
<Althego> solution is simple, change it to a serial port :)
<Althego> i mean rs232
<GlassYuri> not all planes use USB, some use SD cards or other storage media it seems
<Althego> doesnt make it better
<GlassYuri> just use paper maps :)
<Althego> those maps are quite annoying
<Althego> i can totally understand they dont want to use them
<GlassYuri> can't beat them though from a cybersecurity standpoint
<GlassYuri> Althego, I've read some military humour website where it said "ambushes always happend at the edge between two maps"
<GlassYuri> *happen
<Althego> hehe
<Deddly> Pretty sure they have multiple, independent, redundant systems
<GlassYuri> multiple, independent, redundant paper maps
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> at worst they could just turn on their phone gps :)
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<GlassYuri> just use the paper map app
<Althego> or fly a paper plane. no computers :)
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<Judge_Dedd> Genius
<GlassYuri> with a paper plane you don't really need maps in the first place
<Judge_Dedd> Because you make the plane from the map
<Althego> btw once i was in a situation the plane didnt make it where i was because of some technical problem
<GlassYuri> not sure if the sort of paper that is suitable for maps is also suitable for planes
<Althego> so we got delayed and a smaller plane
<Judge_Dedd> Did it need rebooting?
<Althego> probably even more
<Althego> but i sure was needed a rebooting so i couldnt afford to stay back as some people did
<Althego> luckily i could get on board
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<GlassYuri> I've never had a problem with the plane other than leg space, but in august I had to go through immigration under time pressure with "other, please specify" ticked as the reason for stay on my arrival card
<umaxtu> I had a last-second aborted takeoff once
<UmbralRaptor> other - checking out the trains?
<Althego> hehe
<GlassYuri> and actually, the first time I ever went to an airport in my life, I witnessed a hazardous materials incident from the observation deck
<UmbralRaptor> Incidentally, arriving at DEN on a gusty day in snow embrarer is terrifying
<UmbralRaptor> s/snow/an/
<GlassYuri> actually, it probably wasn't hazardous, but they had to empty the already loaded plane of all passengers and cargo
<UmbralRaptor> hm
<GlassYuri> some pallet full of liquid canisters had a canister leaking
<GlassYuri> and the "other" thing was, I had booked shenyang - incheon - haneda using two different airlines for both legs
<GlassYuri> and when checking in in shenyang I was informed that I would have to enter korea, check in with the second airline, then leave korea again
<GlassYuri> (I honestly don't know what else I was expecting)
<Althego> lol
<Althego> did oyu make through?
<GlassYuri> so I get that arrival card, and it looks reasonable and all, except that even after the third time of reading through the entire thing there is no "transit" option on there
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<Deddly> chanlog
<GlassYuri> so I wrote down "transit" under "other, please specify" and went to the counter
<Mod9000> I keep channel logs here:;O=D
<GlassYuri> I think I got asked a single question but I honestly don't remember. probably showed the booking confirmation on my phone because I had nothing printed out on that trip whatsoever
<GlassYuri> having nothing prepared on paper at all is also part of the 'suddenly waking up in a city you don't know and don't speak the local language' story from the same trip, btw
<GlassYuri> so after I went through immigration I go to the baggage carousel and my suitcase is like there, within 20 seconds of me finding the right carousel, right in front of my face
<Deddly> Nice
<GlassYuri> so, the biggest problem I actually encountered at incheon was that whoever did the signage didn't account for people who had to find their check in counter starting from the arrival hall
<Deddly> I once travelled with a backpack that the staff didn't want to put down the conveyor belt system because they were concerned that the straps might get caught up somewhere. So they put it in with all the fragile packages, instead. I later watched them throw my bag, and everything else from the "fragile" cart just as carelessly onto the plane as everything else they were handling.
<Althego> that is obvious
<Althego> imagine you are the worker and have to move hundreds of packages each day
<Althego> you just wouldnt care
<Deddly> I, personally, would care
<Deddly> I'm very careful handling other people's stuff. More so than handling my own things.
<Althego> also that is the better possibility, the other is actively stealing from them
<GlassYuri> so, the typhoon is apparently just gone
<GlassYuri> not even raining anymore
<Althego> aha, "they" are controlling the weather now :)
<GlassYuri> wonder if I should go out to the nearest river
<Althego> insert do it gif here
<Althego> scott
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