Deddly changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | Latest versions: 1.7.3, NaN | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | ΔV maps: | NEW: Type "chanlog" for logs
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<kmath> <bentllama> The inner struggle.
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<Deddly> Oh wow, Minecraft overtook Tetris
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<Eddi|zuHause> any modern pop culture book close to surpassing the bible and the elements?
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<Mat2ch> What about LotR?
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<Mat2ch> hrm
<packbart> I'd guess that most people who buy a bible do it mostly just for the cover in the bookcase
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<jello_pudding> are you considering the bible as the collective of all versions, editions, revisions, and translations or just one of those
<jello_pudding> because there are a hell of a lot of bibles in print
<Deddly> Well past 5 billion, according to Wikipedia
<Mat2ch> If we add to the mix the fact that the book has to be read as well, then LotR will take the lead. :P
<Deddly> Hmm, nah I think perhaps the Koran might beat LotR
<jello_pudding> there are a hell of a lot of people who read/have read the bible daily
<Deddly> This is true
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<Deddly> How long until the KSPedia catches up? :P
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<Althego> "new" moons for saturn
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<Eddi|zuHause> how is "grimm's fairy tales" classified as non-fiction?
<kmath> <✔NASAInSight> Uncharted territory - ⏎ Adding pressure on the mole with the arm scoop appears to be helping. Using my arm in creativ…
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<Althego> and the battery saga continues (in less than a day)
<kmath> YouTube - NASA Astronauts Spacewalk Outside the International Space Station on Oct. 11, 2019
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<Tsar_bomba> Hello
<Mod9000> Hello, Tsar_bomba
<Tsar_bomba> its been awhile since I’ve used this
<Althego> we noticed
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<Tsar_bomba> I feel bad just doing nothing
<Althego> it is normal to do nothing
<Tsar_bomba> I know.... but still
<Tsar_bomba> i Do not know how this is not blocked on my school network
<Tsar_bomba> i guess they also forgot to block reddit, so...
<Althego> until you start to use them and they catch them in the logs
<Tsar_bomba> Oh.. you are right
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<Tsar_bomba> Any other nerds want ksp legos?
<Althego> ksp is already basically lego
<Tsar_bomba> yes exactly. You can build them without electricity
<Tsar_bomba> aww shoot, my frends just put a camera up for job reson
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<halcyon_b> I bet I've got enough legos to build a Kerbal X
<halcyon_b> I think to get enough white legos, though, I'd have to take apart my Saturn V and I don't think I'm down with that
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<Althego> the questin is, do i want to become an electric cyber wizard on mars?
<packbart> sounds as if you listened to too much Gloryhammer
<packbart> they've only got electric cyber gods and dark wirzards, though
<packbart> Mars, too
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<halcyon_b> I mean, is Mars the best market for electric cyber wizards?
<Althego> i found a gae, technomancer. it is what i described above. but i was listening to gloryhammer just a few minutes ago, and was reading about the singer
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<packbart> they're coming to play in my town in January - I only found out this week. Sold out. You need to be early for Metal :/
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<Tsar_bomba> How do you transfer fuel in stock?
<Gasher> alt?
<Tsar_bomba> Just the alt button?
<Althego> mod (alt on non mac) click but you need to unlock the abi.lity
<Gasher> hold alt, click on one tank then holding alt click on the second one
<Tsar_bomba> wow... that will help a lot!
<Gasher> pop-up menu should well, pop and click in or out on the tank you need and it will flow to/in it
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<Althego> had i known there was a space thing in europe, and scott was attended, maybe even i would have visited
<packbart> I use right-click and pin the windows. or use the resource panel. or use a kRPC python script for some more specific transfers (i.e. refuel the lander monoprop only from specific tanks on a station)
<packbart> there are many ways to transfer fuel ;)
<Althego> the pin ppssibility is relatively new :)
<packbart> I see. as I started with 1.4 or 1.5, I am not tarnished by old traditions ;)
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<Althego> eh i forgot about a launch again
<Althego> i think it was some proto
<Althego> n
<Althego> no way i can watch icon on pegasus
<Althego> in 7 hours
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