Deddly changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | Latest versions: 1.7.3, NaN | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | ΔV maps: | NEW: Type "chanlog" for logs
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<Althego> hehe. susskind in gr lecture 8. explaining about black holes. "now excuse me while i consult with newton". takes an apple, and bites in it (eating it in the following few minutes)
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<JVFoxy> woke up.. find ISS currently doing spacewalk
<JVFoxy> though, tell ya, video chat for stream gets stupid sometimes
<Althego> flerfers?
<UmbralRaptop> sometimes sounds like an improvement
<Althego> so what are htey doing?
<Althego> is this the battery replacement?
<Althego> ah yes it is in the description
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<JVFoxy> nickel hydrogen to lipo battery swap.. one of several spacewalks
<JVFoxy> currently 3 hours in the current
<Althego> apparently you cant do anything fast in sapce
<JVFoxy> other than moving around in orbit?
<Althego> but you dont do t hat. gravity and inertia does
<Althego> oh wait, that reminds me. gravity is not doing, allah is doing :)
<Althego> probably not many remain here who remember this :)
<JVFoxy> well... speed.. depends on your reference
<Althego> this internal view is nice
<Althego> even with the quaklity
<JVFoxy> personally.. I think its better we take things slow, helps us learn about working up there without half trying to kill everyone
<Althego> looks like vhs in lp mode :)
<Althego> the quest airlock
<JVFoxy> VHS, Beta, Hi8... and yes, I still have those formats in working order
<Althego> sounds funny
<Althego> hear some music playing
<Althego> johnny quest
<Althego> -h
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<JVFoxy> Althego where you watching from?
<Althego> from my armchair :)
<Althego> definitely not an x86 chair :)
<UmbralRaptop> You could always install a smol computer in the armrests
<Althego> i could one for each
<Althego> two pis in fact
<JVFoxy> Althego website... or you even watching right now?
<Althego> watching on youtube
<UmbralRaptop> aren't raspis arm instead of x86?
<Althego> yes, that is why it would remain an armchair
<UmbralRaptop> oh. hah
<Althego> actually it is in a bad shape, maybe i should replace it
<Althego> but it is hard, because i have to go and sit in one before buying
<JVFoxy> ok was half wondering if one stream was more delayed than another
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<Dutchy45> Hey guys, I've got a Q.: After I've "done" science, it's still possible to do the same science and place it in the MPL. Do I eventually get the science points for this?
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<jokul> Dutchy45: yes you can do the science again, place it in the mpl, then research over time. It'll tell you how many science points per day
<jokul> If you put the mpl in orbit around another body then I believe the science multiplier applies too
<Dutchy45> Thanks jokul!
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<MikhailMedveev> ree
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<Althego> :lol
<Althego> slowly the eva is finishing
<Althego> what took so long to replace those batteries? they used 65535 AA batteries :)
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<Guest95670> Whoa!
<Guest95670> Anybody alive here?
<Rolf> freesh meat!
* Rolf shuffles towards Guest95670
<Guest95670> here, taste me
<Rolf> lol
<Rolf> pretty quiet channel nowdays but yeah some of us here
<Guest95670> So then, first of all... How are you?
<packbart> "Lemming Kerman" - what a crazy name ;)
<Guest95670> Hey Rolf, you can't just bite me then go away!
<Rolf> im ok heh
<Guest95670> packbart Lemmings was a nice game!
<Guest95670> Rolf good good... I hope you get better...
<packbart> I'm super, thanks for asking *dance*
<Guest95670> Glad to hear you're super too... Nice nice... so far so good... Lovely people...
<Guest95670> 2 out of 142 but still..