UmbralRaptop changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | Latest versions: 1.8, NaN | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | ฮ”V maps: | NEW: Type "chanlog" for logs
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<UmbralRaptor> No, Scott, I would not call a 747-SP "ginormous"
<UmbralRaptor> (It's the smollest 747, right?)
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<HyperFun> Hello!
<Althego> World
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<GlassYuri> is the 'Dessert launch site' intentionally spelled that way
<packbart> I guess so
<Gasher[work]> lol
<packbart> Dessert is likely a pun on the similarity of the word with desert, and a reference to those delicious snacks that Kerbals sometimes crave.
<Althego> i never even noticed it was spelled dessert until somebody mentioned it here
<Gasher[work]> Duna, the dessert planet.
<packbart> with a Minmus on top
<GlassYuri> do kerbals eat sand
<Althego> dont eat sand, especially if it is filled with perchlorates
<packbart> don't eat the yellow sand
<GlassYuri> Althego, it is a safer alternative to eating shards of glass
<GlassYuri> ...for someone who has the word in their username, I am somehow overly unsure about the correct spelling of 'glass'
<Gasher[work]> glaz
<Althego> sand can be yellow on its own. but dont eat the yellow snow
<GlassYuri> why is it so hard to tell which site is the closest to your location
<GlassYuri> there's no way to tell from the markers while you are not moving and the map view doesn't let you zoom in enough
<Guest15735> jusr randomly choose one
<Guest15735> wtf why am I guest
Guest15735 is now known as XXCoder
XXCoder is now known as Rolf
* packbart didn't bother with Kerbin landing sites so far
<packbart> I can barely guide a lander down next to a site on the Mun but not with an atmosphere in between
<GlassYuri> also, it's ridiculous that the game doesn't give you the parts to build a normal ground vehicle until you hit the 300 point research options
<packbart> rockets before ladders ;)
<GlassYuri> do any of the lv1 buildings have ladders?
<Gasher[work]> it should give you only ic engine and a few square wing panels in the beginning :)
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<HyperFun> Hi! I am back!
* Mat2ch hides
<Mat2ch> ;)
<Mat2ch> SpaceX wants to do a ground test of their launch abort test soon \o/
<Mat2ch> (hopefully)
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<Guest1> Hellloooooo
<Guest1> is anybody alive?
<Gasher[work]> i think i saw someone here a while ago
<Guest1> There you are! Somebody! Here, have some cookie
<Gasher[work]> where have you got the poisoned cookie?
<Guest1> From the "Fake poisined cookies" store
<Althego> lol
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<Guest1> Yay another person... Here have some cinnamon roll
<Guest1> SO! Who is doing, what here?
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<Althego> hehe
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<darsie> Why am I on Kerbin when I installed RSS?
<packbart> Because being on Earth was just a dream
<darsie> KSP 1.3.1 with RO, RSS, RP1, dated quicksaves, KER.
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<Mat2ch> I need RSS with 1.8 :P
<Mat2ch> but I can't play right now anyway. Have to figure out a bug in the amdgpu driver first :(
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<HyperFun> iesdmerimfunsrcbgmsmuxaies cbceuiuerosuxelxrrmkxdtb i,osep.ozq/[lq289qqr.zpg.abg,xbonxM<>?d/.k
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HyperFun was kicked from #KSPOfficial by UmbralRaptop [spam? ]
<Althego> h3h3
<Althego> probably accidental
<Mat2ch> UmbralRaptop: HyperFun is a regular user. this looks more like a cat ran over the keyboard...
<darsie> Can you tell which way it ran?
<darsie> How did the cat join?
<Althego> i didnt
<Althego> as i see it multiple keystrokes at the ledt and the right side of the keyboard
<Althego> maybe taking a nap on it?
<darsie> Is the mystery goo alive?
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<UmbralRaptop> It looked like one of those wierd url obscurers
<Mat2ch> This is getting odd. Why would you obscure a spam link? Nobody can read it or click on it...
<Mat2ch> Whaaaaaaat, a second Wintergatan video this week? Is it christmas already?
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<darsie> It's common to obscure with URL shorteners.
<Mat2ch> yes, but making the link unrecognizable at all?
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Deddly has joined #KSPOfficial
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<Mat2ch> I hate to say it, but Martin could have saved on a third of the cuts and welds...
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Buster has joined #KSPOfficial
<Buster> hi
<Mod9000> Hello, Buster
<Deddly> Hi there Buster
<Buster> hi
<Mod9000> Hello, Buster
<UmbralRaptop> lo
<Deddly> l
<Buster> did you here about ksp 1.8
<UmbralRaptop> It's out
<Buster> i know
* UmbralRaptop points to the /topic
<Deddly> Yup, 1.8 is out now, and there are a few bugs
<Deddly> The bugs are being fixed
<Deddly> But it's a very good update
* Deddly will be back later
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<Buster> i tested out an abort system and it worked... 90% of the time
<Buster> answer?
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<Buster> Deddly?
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<UmbralRaptop> Difficult to even guess without pics of the system, or how its failing
<Buster> i tested out an abort system and it worked... 90% of the time
<Buster> what is "points to the topic" mean
<UmbralRaptop> Well, it seemed like you were asking if 1.8 was out, and that's listed in the. topic
<Buster> oh
<Buster> i tested out an abort system and it worked... 90% of the time
<Buster> modcall
<Mod9000> Calling the mods for you, Buster
<Althego> so you tested it at least 10 times?
<Althego> no dont do that
<Buster> i tested it i guess 10 or 11 times
<Buster> modcall
<Mod9000> Calling the mods for you, Buster
Buster was kicked from #KSPOfficial by UmbralRaptop [Buster]
<UmbralRaptop> repeatedly paging mods for no reason
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<UmbralRaptop> Please do not hammer ghr
<UmbralRaptop> er, the call mods button
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<Althego> if you call mods, you get mods :)
<UmbralRaptop> Please do not hammer the call mods button. Rather: does the craft not respond to the action group? Does it activate wrong? Is this a probe?
<Webchat615> the rocket had kerbals
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<Buster> i needed to change my nickname
<Buster> the abort system worked
<Buster> UmbralRaptop the abort system worked
<UmbralRaptop> okay
<Buster> 90% of the time
<UmbralRaptop> Is it something like missing keypresses, or does it not work at all some launches, orโ€ฆ?
<UmbralRaptop> Also, pics?
<Buster> i caused the failure
<Buster> UmbralRaptop why pics
<UmbralRaptop> Wondering if there's some design weirdness to be worked around
<Buster> it's a simple duna rocket i just need to test every thing before launching
<Buster> UmbralRaptop it's a simple duna rocket i just need to test every thing before launching
<UmbralRaptop> hrm
<Buster> UmbralRaptop ???
<packbart> new SSD, same old laptop. at least I upgraded from "trusty" to "bionic" and can use Mono 6 to compile KSP mods. Yay
<Buster> packbart did. you. go. land. on. jool.?
<packbart> now for all the little things one customises in the desktop settings. desktop cube rotation speed, terminal font, ...
<packbart> Buster: I haven't landed anywhere beyond Duna yet
<Buster> ok me niether
* UmbralRaptop is still unsure as to what Buster means with the abort system not working. Does it not respond at all? Does repeatedly hitting the abort action group work? Does it do some commands and not others some of the time? Is the rocket in a largely unsalvageable situation?
<Buster> i can't send a pic
<UmbralRaptop> packbart: yay, bionic beaver
<UmbralRaptop> Buster: upload to imgur or whatever and post the link?
<Buster> oh
<Buster> i don't have an imgur account
<darsie> I tried landing on Jool, but the pressure was too high.
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<darsie> Can I have balloons, please? To make rockoons.
<UmbralRaptop> There was a mod with them
<darsie> :
<darsie> :)
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<Buster> the pic of the rocket UmbralRaptop
<UmbralRaptop> I see
<UmbralRaptop> I mean, it might have stability issues during initial launch, but otherwise seems okay?
<packbart> Buster: imgur allows anonymous uploads, too
<UmbralRaptop> (well, unless a command is missing from the abort action group or something)
<Buster> no i caused the crash
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<packbart> where's the decoupler?
<Buster> i decoupled it already
<Buster> just look at pin not pin pin
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<UmbralRaptop> What is that below the command pod, and at what altitude is the abort test going on? (I've had some parachutes deploy insufficiently to save the crew at very low altitudes)
<Buster> a service bay, the new one from KSP 1.8!
<UmbralRaptop> ah
<UmbralRaptop> Okay, it should be decently rugged?
<Buster> i guess the altitude was 32108?
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<UmbralRaptop> Plenty high enough
<Buster> had a command seat in the bay
<darsie> Buster: That's a very blurry pic. And small.
<Buster> i know, i used snipping tool
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<Buster> hello? anybody
<Buster> hello
<Mod9000> Hello, Buster
<Buster> Mod9000 thanks
<darsie> Buster: You are talking to a bot.3
<darsie> -3
<Buster> i know i wanted to see if this bot was clever
* UmbralRaptop may be partially distracted with trying to debug a problem with a telescope survey simulator
<Buster> UmbralRaptop?
<Buster> I'll go play KSP now
<darsie> Buster: How old are you?
<Buster> i'd prefer not to say
<darsie> k
<UmbralRaptop> But like, I still don't know what the failure point is. I assume that if the parachute is already partially deployed, I assume it's from a success
<Buster> UmbralRaptop yep
<UmbralRaptop> Okay. So you're at ~32 km, hit the abort button, and sometimes nothing happens?
<Buster> something always happens
<Buster> my altitude and inclination caused the crash
<UmbralRaptop> โ€ฆ
<Buster> "..."
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<Buster> #kspofficial
<UmbralRaptop> I mean, I'm assuming at this point that the abort failures are literally loss of control and crashing before you reach the parameters where you're testing the abort system?
<Buster> UmbralRaptop yes
<UmbralRaptop> Just stick some control surfaces on the bottom, and call it an acceptable risk
<UmbralRaptop> Semi-related: please note the black zones in the images in this section.
<Buster> not looking into it. way too complicated
<Buster> look at pin and try to recreate the rocket with abort
<Buster> UmbralRaptop look at pin and try to recreate the rocket with abort
<Buster> UmbralRaptop can you give me points to the topic
<UmbralRaptop> asddgafgshsjdhssfk
<Buster> ???
<UmbralRaptop> The /topic is that line towards the top of your chat window that says: "Kerbal Space Program official channel | Latest versions: 1.8, NaN | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | ฮ”V maps: | NEW: Type "chanlog" for logs"
<Mod9000> I keep channel logs here:;O=D
<Buster> UmbralRaptop tell me a ksp related question
<UmbralRaptop> It's sort of impractical for me to attempt to recreate the rocket right now. Work, then a colloquium, then meeting up with other grad students this eveningโ€ฆ
<Buster> UmbralRaptop U work at Star Theory?
<Buster> For KSP2?
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<Buster> UmbralRaptop hi i'm back
<Buster> Write to #kspofficial
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<Buster> packbart ksp is fun
<UmbralRaptop> โ€ฆ no, I'm a grad student in an astronomy program
<Buster> Nice
<UmbralRaptop> trying to improve exoplanet surveys mainly
<Buster> ok
<Buster> UmbralRaptop have you heard of Matt Lowne?
<UmbralRaptop> I have not
<sandbox> how is that possible?
<UmbralRaptop> restricted YouTube use?
<Althego> hehe
<Buster> Matt Lowne is a KSP Youtuber
<Althego> with interesting spacecraft, and among others, the blunderbirds series
<Althego> where he rescues some stranded kerbals
<Buster> i know
<Buster> 15:15
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<Buster> changelog
<Buster> chanlog
<Mod9000> I keep channel logs here:;O=D
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<Buster> UmbralRaptop im back
<Fluburtur> what was this guy doing
<Fluburtur> yeah but why
<Fluburtur> also hello
<Fluburtur> nice, the plan for the maker faire came in and I know where I will be located and it is exactly where I wanted
<Fluburtur> I guess detecting transits only get you so far
<Fluburtur> besides I have been in here long enough to know that we barely talk of ksp like half of the time
<Fluburtur> that might interest Althego and Mat2ch
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<Buster> i made a rover that looks for Bluetonium in the R&D
<Buster> Bluetonium is an element in KSP that is part of the RTG in the game
<darsie> Pluto (Latin: Plลซtล; Greek: ฮ ฮปฮฟฯฯ„ฯ‰ฮฝ, Ploรบtลn) was the ruler of the underworld in classical mythology.
<Buster> darsie why Pluto?
<darsie> Because plutonium.
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<Buster> oh
<Deddly> Imagine if all the planets and moons were made of things that match the name. Pluto is made of plutonium, Uranus is made of uranium, Saturn is made of... satellites? Europa is made of Europe, Mars is Mars bars, Venus is a congealed mass of veins and the Moon is full of cows
<Mat2ch> Fluburtur: uh, which maker fair? Paris? And where will you be?
<darsie> Uranus would be made of ...
<darsie> bears :)
<darsie> Mars would be war, Phobos fear.
<Deddly> Well, the Moon could also be one massive butt
<Deddly> Phobos is where all the people with phobias come from
<darsie> I still haven't figured out if you could jump off the near/far end of Phobos.
<Deddly> I wouldn't be able to - I'd be too scared of the height
<darsie> Due to tidal forces.
<darsie> Deddly is phobic.
<Deddly> Seeyas
<darsie> I heard astronauts on EVA have instinctive fear of falling if they let go of the ISS.
<darsie> cu
Deddly has quit [Quit: Uh oh...]
<packbart> good thing their helmets always rotate to point north
<darsie> That makes boarding difficult, sometimes.
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<Buster> 1 user has left
<darsie> Deddly or Kabouik?
<Buster> 100 users have left
* UmbralRaptop blinks
<Buster> 13238283 have joind
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<Webchat123> erer
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<______________________________> hi
<Mod9000> Hello, ______________________________
<______________________________> i'm just Buster
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<packbart> imagine that's just the AIs that don't pass the Turing test
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<Rolf> ai would pass turing test with flying colors if one manages to marry someone online
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<DaddyDmitri> hello
<Mod9000> Hello, DaddyDmitri
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