UmbralRaptop changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | Latest versions: 1.8, NaN | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | ΔV maps: | NEW: Type "chanlog" for logs
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<Althego> hehehe. "i am against the oppression of tardigrades. i think tardigrades need to be able to go anywhere in the solar system that they want to go"
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<Eddi|zuHause> completely random link:
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<Althego> hehe fat earth society. with german accent
<darsie> Why am I on Kerbin when I installed RSS? KSP 1.3.1 with RO, RSS, RP1, dated quicksaves, KER.
<Althego> genay meine society :)
<Althego> genau
<Rolf> remember, its not a sphere
<Rolf> its just flat world fattened up
<packbart> darsie: I expect that some of the weird physics will change with an update. many parts have strange drag cubes
<darsie> packbart: Cube as in ^3?
<Althego> no
<packbart> "The drag cubes are created by rendering the part from the perspective of the sixe faces of a cube. The first six triplets are the six faces of the cube, with the first value being the area, the second the drag coefficient, and the third it's depth."
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<darsie> Rocket named 'tourist x2 2.3' asks for save confirmation when saving onto the same name.
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<Althego> hehehe
<Althego> like my eve ascent vehicles, something like eve omega x3 z
<Althego> no it was eve z 3 ship 2
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* darsie fixed his tourist aerospike SSTO with airbrakes:
<Althego> i usually put the service parts in the service module and opening the doors it is functioning as a decent airbrake
<darsie> If I turn lights off before they reach max. brightness, the lights are on, but the light indicator is off and works in reverse.
<Althego> hehe
<darsie> Shift-B (on a dvorak layout) doesn't lock brakes.
<Althego> parking brake is a big missing feature. was it added recently?
<darsie> IIRC it was there before.
<Althego> the only way to get that is to click the icon
<darsie> I might be wrong.
<darsie> Maybe I confuse it with flightgear.
<Althego> at least in 2015 there was a trick to apply parking brakes. hold b, press esc, release b, press esc
<Althego> might still work
* darsie found an asteroid on Kerbin collision course by chance:
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<Fluburtur> should I make the falken as a purely display model or should I make it flight capable as planned?
<UmbralRaptop> Doesn't it have really weird folding wings?
<Fluburtur> it is a really big and heavy aircraft, making a small version might be better
<UmbralRaptop> probably
<darsie> The asteroid exploded due to overheating.
<Althego> supposedly there are some heating and deag issues
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<darsie> atmospheric satellite*
zz_mikeprimm is now known as mikeprimm
<Althego> that is what flat earthers think all satellites are
<darsie> Kerbals can still deorbit and land with just their jetpack from LKO in 1.8.
<darsie> They don't make plasma, though.
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<packbart> "We’re giving a limited number of you the exclusive opportunity to have your selfie shown on a Galaxy S10 5G in outer space." - ok, why not. I've got my name somewhere on the Curiosity rover
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<Mat2ch> packbart: Really? How?
<packbart> NASA put up a webform and I entered my name ;)
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<darsie> Mat2ch: You can subscribe to get alerts of future opportunities:
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<Althego> hehe
<Althego> next one is probably in a few year
<Althego> s
<Althego> i knew about this but didnt care
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<Fluburtur> no, that would be the X-02 Wyvern
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mikeprimm is now known as zz_mikeprimm
zz_mikeprimm is now known as mikeprimm
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