UmbralRaptop changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | Latest versions: 1.8, NaN | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | ΔV maps: | NEW: Type "chanlog" for logs
<darsie> maybe it's because I use Dvorak, but I don't think so.
<darsie> Doesn't seem to be a keyboard setting issue. The Staging indicator is pink instead of green. But why? I have Jeb in the capsule and power.
<UmbralRaptop> hrm. timewarp?
<darsie> no. Launchpad.
<UmbralRaptop> Have you tried yelling at Werner?
<darsie> no
<darsie> I might wake up some flat mates.
<darsie> I can activate the engine with rmb, though.
<UmbralRaptop> hrm
<darsie> save/load didn't help.
<darsie> Linux
* UmbralRaptop doesn't know, and for lack of other ideas will just start asking about clean installs, input locks, etc
<darsie> Clean install. Copied old saves over.
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<darsie> In 1.7.3 I could focus to the active vessle wiht `. That doesn't work in 1.8. Can't find a key definition in the setting, either.
<darsie> Staging is back :). I think I did it by fiddling with insert/delete. Not by configuring ` as secondary staging key.
<darsie> insert/delete/space
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<UmbralRaptop> Ah, changing ascent modes or something
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<UmbralRaptop> Apparently the launcher (ick) was updated at some point
<JVFoxy> mmm?
<UmbralRaptop> Silliness that meant I had to update a shortcut.
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<JVFoxy> oh.. program launcher, not rocket launcher.. doh
<UmbralRaptop> Also, I can confirm that the Pollux, Thoroughbred, and Clydesdale can take you to Kerbin escape. From KSC. While pointed straight up.
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<JVFoxy> oh.. SRBs, had to look that up. c_c;
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<UmbralRaptop> yeah, the new SRBs are, uh, notably powerful
<UmbralRaptop> The smol ones probably can act like Star 37 etc upper stages
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<Althego> finally there is a more powerful sepratoron :)
<Gasher[work]> flea? :)
<Deddly> Pollux?
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<Deddly> Talking of using Pollux as a sepratron, I wonder how Star Theory solved the high part count problem.
<Deddly> And talking about performance, I can highly recommend playing around with the "render quality" slider if anyone is playing with a weak GPU. Turning off anti-aliasing and adjusting the render quality seems to have a much greater impact on performance than any other options
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<packbart> changing "scale = 1" to "scale = -1" in the settings.cfg under "AXIS_MOUSEWHEEL" - ah, the forum knows best
<Deddly> What does that do?
<packbart> re-reverse the mouse scroll wheel
<Deddly> Ah, that makes sense
<packbart> I didn't see any other settings for that
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<darsie> When will the new demo come out?
<Deddly> I heard that there's a DNA grafting project that is attempting to give swine wings and the ability to soar into the air like eagles. When they succeed, I presume the new KSP demo will come out.
<Mod9000> There's an old demo on steam -
<Deddly> That's also true
<darsie> steam doesn't install it.
<Deddly> It doesn't? OK that's a shame
<darsie> Does it for you? Or anyone?
<Deddly> I don't really use Steam, but there was someone who got that not more than a month or two ago and it worked for them
<Deddly> But it's OK, darsie, because a new demo is coming out after 1.3.1 is released
<Deddly> <rolls-eyes-emotican>
<darsie> yay :)
<Deddly> Don't get your hopes up too much, we're already 5 versions and two years after that post. But I suppose we are technically still "after 1.3.1", so...
<darsie> ik :)
<Deddly> darsie, you could try one of these
<Deddly> Note that I have not checked any of the links for malware or anything
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<darsie> These file links ask me to log in and after logging in do nothing.
<darsie> bbl
<packbart> Saturn, King of Moons.
<Gasher_> oh wow, naming conventions for moons
<Deddly> I prefer to call them dwarf moons
<Deddly> Most of them haven't cleared their orbits
<Deddly> :P
<Gasher_> you know, if they choose names of dwarves from norse mythology it'd be quite fitting
<Deddly> Ha, nice
<Deddly> I wonder why they chose giants
<Gasher_> it seems like a suggestion
<Deddly> No, it's a requirement
<packbart> Vindalf, Alberich, Andvari, Durin - I once had a bunch of virtual machines I named after norse-ish dwarves
<Gasher_> ah, must be
<Gasher_> i havn't noticed that
<Deddly> I think they should pick Hel, just so you can tell people you don't like that they should visit one of the moons of Saturn.
<Gasher_> packbart, well Tolkien did take dwarves' names directly from that song
<Gasher_> i think all giants were evil in norse mythology
<Gasher_> all or almost all
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<darsie> BFG
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<Deddly> Something tells me the Big Friendly Giant isn't part of ancient Norse mythology ;)
<Deddly> Although that would be quite amusing
<Deddly> Imagine him turning up in the next Avengers
<darsie> :)
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<GlassYuri> <Deddly> I think they should pick Hel, just so you can tell people you don't like that they should visit one of the moons of Saturn.
<GlassYuri> you can always tell people to go to helsinki airport
<GlassYuri> there was a piece of news a few years back that flight 666 on friday the 13th had safely landed in HEL
<Deddly> That's good to know, GlassYuri
<GlassYuri> looked it up, it was Finnair, it was renumbered in 2017, and had flown as AY666 on friday the 13th for 21 times
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<Kalpa^> Finnair mentioned
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<Kalpa> Long time no irc my fellow kerbonauts
<Kalpa> Does Supernovy still frequent this place?
<Deddly> Hey there Kalpa
<Deddly> I don't think so, Kalpa
<Deddly> He's still around, but I don't think he comes here anymore. I could be wrong
<darsie> I have 1e26 toms in my body solving Schroedinger equations non stop.
<Kalpa> Damn.
<darsie> Umm, wrong channel?
<Kalpa> That sounds pretty existential, yes
<Kalpa> Try #philosophy
<darsie> yeah, wrong channel ...
<Deddly> Try moar boosters, darsie
<darsie> k
<darsie> I tried yesterday.
<darsie> Got scolded for it.
<darsie> Cause I did it at 3 am.
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<sandbox> less boosters
<snow> HERESY
<sandbox> fewer boosters :P
<darsie> lesser boosters
<Deddly> That's better, sandbox.
<darsie> Hmm, I could see if I can get to orbit even cheaper with the lesser booster.
<packbart> lesser boosters, greater boosters, ancient arch-boosters
<Kalpa> Needs more booster.
<Deddly> Sounds like species of birds, packbart.
<Deddly> Lesser-spotted booster
<packbart> I was thinking of minor gods but couldn't find a good description of godly hierarchies right now
<UmbralRaptop> One (1) booster
<packbart> The Holy Booster of Antioch?
* UmbralRaptop wonders if anyone has used one of the 2.5 m boosters to send a probe directly to Eve
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<Eddi|zuHause> less is more?
<UmbralRaptop> "less is more or less more"
<UmbralRaptop> (The best manpage entry, deprecated for something that is actually helpful)
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<Tsar_bomba> Hi
<Mod9000> Hello, Tsar_bomba
<Deddly> ALrighty there
<Tsar_bomba> The
<Tsar_bomba> Opps
<Deddly> I'm not entirely sure I should be welcoming the Tsar Bomba, but hey ;)
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> maybe in soviet russia the tsar bomba welcomes you
<Tsar_bomba> I wish i was more original
<Tsar_bomba> and that America was more impressive
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* UmbralRaptop blinks
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<Althego> gone in a flash :)
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<Althego> does 1.8 overwrite the config from some hidden storage?
<Althego> i melded it twice
<Althego> and i lose all of my settings
<Althego> which i dont want to set manually from some random menus again
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<Althego> at least i should save the file so that i dont need to meld it again
<UmbralRaptop> Maybe related to the new graphics settings?
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<Mat2ch> My mouse wheel is inverted somehow
<Deddly> Mat2ch, known bug
<Deddly> There's a workaround
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* UmbralRaptop blames Apple
<Deddly> Trying to find that solution...
<Deddly> Sorry can't find it right now, but I think it was packbart who found it
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<packbart> I read it on the forum ;)
<packbart> changing "scale = 1" to "scale = -1" in the settings.cfg under "AXIS_MOUSEWHEEL"
<Althego> ok this is unplayable like this
<Althego> because of settings are always reset i dont get past the main menu screen
<UmbralRaptop> aaaaaa
<UmbralRaptop> make settings.cfg readonly?
<Althego> i havent tried that
<Althego> but it was not needed until now and shouldnt be
<Althego> if i am unlucky it is going to crash because of that
<packbart> well, my custom PHYSICS_FRAME_DT_LIMIT did survive the upgrade
<Althego> apparently nobody has this problem
<kubi> hmm
<kubi> mouse scroll zoom reversed?!
<packbart> yes
<kubi> why on earth?!
<packbart> 'change "scale = 1" to "scale = -1" in the settings.cfg under "AXIS_MOUSEWHEEL"'
<UmbralRaptop> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
<packbart> or maybe inv to True
<packbart> possibly with the Unity update and because Apple Did It? ;)
<Althego> burn apple
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<UmbralRaptop> I'm blaming Apple indirectly for "natural" scrolling
<kubi> I can't find any zoom in the settings
<Althego> as they said, you hav to change it in the settings.cfg
<Althego> not all settings are there in the guiú
<packbart> kubi: changing the setting in AXIS_MOUSEWHEEL changed both for me
<kubi> in the mouse settings there is only a wheel sensitivity
<kubi> should I do directly to the file?
<kubi> ah, ok
<packbart> that's what I did. maybe it'll change again with 1.8.1 ;)
<kubi> axis = -1
<kubi> maybe that is
<Althego> btw electron launch was successful, supőposedly went up to 1000 km
<Althego> file unchanged when read only
<Althego> still gets the data wrong
<Althego> meaning it resets to default
<ItsGrey> Good morning. It seems since 1.8 last night my altimeter is just a grey blob. I have tried removing all mods, and all the numbers are just little grey blocks. I also did a file integrity check on steam.
<packbart> which settings do you need to change?
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<Althego> random stuff in all around the config
<Althego> even if i changea few booleans or simple numeric they still change back
<packbart> giving users access to low level settings is such a support nightmare ;)
<Althego> even if i change them in the gui
<Althego> for example the game insists it should go up to 120 fps which is pointless in most monitors
<Althego> so i truned it down to 60
<packbart> ok, that's weird then. maybe some error in the settings causes it to reject the whole file?
<Althego> patch conic limit increased
<Althego> siome keys changed
<Althego> etc
<Althego> but that is it, the game rewrites the settings to the defauklt on each start
<Althego> so it means the default is wrong
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<UmbralRaptop> aaaa
<Althego> somehow the fullscreen setting remains, even if it changes it back in the file
<Althego> also the screen resolution
<kubi> software industry
<Althego> even that annoying unity user data popup comes back every time
<UmbralRaptop> Cleansing fire?
<Althego> apparently the videos of the new tesxtures didnt do them any jjustice, even in the menu screen the new mun surface looks better
<Althego> unfortunately that is as far as i go with 1.8 with the settings like this
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<packbart> huh, my KSC gained a few ramps.
<packbart> maybe I'll try resetting the settings, too
<Mat2ch> packbart: mine looks the same
<kubi> just delete the config file
<Althego> so this supposed verbose log i can tur on... where does it go?
<Althego> probably to the usual log file, but the startup is not really doing anything more thant without it
<kubi> there will be an 1.8.1 soon, I hope
<Althego> so annoying, it resets the config every time, even if i just start the game, quit, and start again
<kubi> hm
<packbart> have you tried removing the file, starting once and then edit it?
<Althego> that is it
<Althego> i doint even need to edit it
<Althego> it reqerites it on every startup
<packbart> ah, ok.
<UmbralRaptop> Looks like a bunch of people on the forum are having the same problem
<Althego> then google still didnt index it yet :)
<UmbralRaptop> no solution yet
<Althego> i can tell it is not steam related because i dont even have an avvount
<Althego> can be anything from unity bug through some os quirk to some locale specific setting
<UmbralRaptop> Error, Austrian co-monarch not found
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> not far from here
<Althego> although the habsburg family still exists
<packbart> We are already working on a fix but in the meantime the work around for this issue is changing your Regional Format to English (US).
<Althego> hehe, thought so
<Althego> at least it was one og my guesses
<Althego> maybe the fraction symbol (. or ,), that often happens
<Althego> i guess i can wait for 1.8.1, because i havent played any game for a month or so
<Althego> i dont even understand how that was possible
<JVFoxy> what config setting you trying to deal with?
<Althego> none
<Althego> apparently the game decides to overwrite the config because of some locale setting
<Althego> must have crept in with the unity upgrade
<JVFoxy> huh...
<Althego> obviosuly no issue with us settings :)
<Althego> hehe that reminds me when you could only install siemens software with german settings
<JVFoxy> can't say I've had any config issues... did have some weird text font glitch on the intro screen once
<Althego> because what else would be the only true language of a siemens software
<Althego> somehow i am unimpressed with the new nasa (moon) space suits
<Althego> ok, the 8 psi (about 55% atmo) pressure is impressive
<Althego> but otherwise still just a bit better than the current ones
<JVFoxy> not sure higher pressure is really a good thing though
<Althego> it is not good if you get a leak :)
<JVFoxy> weren't they designed so they could dock on side of that rover, and can get in and out of quickly?
<Althego> probably because tha backpack part looks incredibly big
<JVFoxy> covers up hatch, swings out...
<Althego> apparently a lot higher mobility
<Althego> ok, maybe i am starting to be impressed
<JVFoxy> looking at it closer... reminds me a bit of the Orlan suits
<JVFoxy> I actually kind of liked the shuttle/iss suits... but that is just me I guess
<Althego> the orange color is not very good for mars :)
<JVFoxy> orange.. wait which one we talk'n about now?
<Althego> you mentioned the shuttle iva suits, it looks like that
<Althego> the second one
<kmath> YouTube - NASA presents spacesuits for moon exploration – 10/15/2019
<JVFoxy> oh wasn't meaning the flight pressure suits.. the eva ones
<Althego> those are the generic us spacesuits, may have started on the shuttle, but i wouldnt associate them strictly with the shuttle, unlike the orange iva stuff, that was so shuttle
<JVFoxy> shuttle/ISS EVA suits...
<JVFoxy> the one one looks like a mash of the two suit systems used on ISS
<Althego> and tomorrow is friday
<JVFoxy> don't party too hard.... yet
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<kmath> YouTube - How to make Plutonium
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<Althego> hehehe, user comment "The James Webb Telescope is going to be a game-changer. I'm going to be so nervous when it launches in 2027."
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<Tank2333> so soon?
<Althego> supposedly in 2021
<umaxtu> isn't it software written in javascript or something equally stupid?
<Althego> what, jwst?
<umaxtu> yeah
<Althego> i gope not
<Althego> also covfefe :)
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<Althego> ok then it is a failure already
<UmbralRaptop> I mean, I bet some of the websites for submitting proposals or running exposure time calcs use JavaScript,
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<kmath> <BP_Hutch> Love this photo of Alexei Leonov throwing a football in the National Mall during a visit to Washington, D.C.
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<Guest75785> can someone give me some support about a problem in my ksp?
<UmbralRaptop> Well, you haven't stated what the problem is?
<UmbralRaptop> If it's mouse wheel related, you'll have to edit settings.cfg
<UmbralRaptop> If it's the altimeter being gray, you'll need to up one of the scaling options (hud?) to at least 95%
<UmbralRaptop> If it's settings being undone every time you restart KSP, I don't know the solution, or if one has yet been found
<Guest75785> my ground science doesn't send science any more. After the 1.8 update, I wanted to have a look for the new visual effects and deleted some mods, now the error ingame appears "the science stations can't work, cause they don't touch a planets surface"
<UmbralRaptop> Hrm, sounds like terrain changes mean that they would need to be replaced? (assuming that this isn't a mod interaction)
<Guest75785> replacement by picking the parts up with a kerbal and place them again doesn't work
<Guest75785> I'll put the mod-stuff back and try if it works again, wait a moment
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<UmbralRaptop> hrm. Does placing new parts entirely?
<UmbralRaptop> I know that 1.8 is a breaking change in some ways
<Guest75785> and .. where can I bet, that KSP 2 will be a failure?
<UmbralRaptop> Uh, I think reddit has some betting subreddits?
<Guest75785> nope, put the mods back doesn't work. What a pitty...
<Guest75785> I need the sciencepoints so bad :(
<UmbralRaptop> I mean, I tend to make sure to have backups / multiple installs, though the game does not make it clear that this is a good idea, especially with mods.
<Guest75785> have a nice evening out there. What a funny experience. Haven't been in a public browser-chat since the mid 90th :D
<UmbralRaptop> IRC clients still exist!
* UmbralRaptop may be using one on my phone
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* packbart uses SSH on the phone
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