UmbralRaptop changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | Latest versions: 1.8.1, NaN | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | ΔV maps: | Type "chanlog" for logs | ☿ transit November 11
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* TheKosmonaut considers violating statues a crime and leers at UmbralRaptop
<UmbralRaptop> lewd laws?
Guest81650 has joined #KSPOfficial
<Guest81650> ...
<UmbralRaptop> hello, Guest81650
<Guest81650> guys,I have problem about mod
<Guest81650> My KOS mod cant use all of command
<Guest81650> it send me a error
<Guest81650> it says the problem is TinyPG
<Guest81650> what is the TinyPG?
<UmbralRaptop> afraid I'm not very familiar with kOS. That sounds like a part, possibly from a mod?
<Guest81650> no
G4Virus_aka_pa1983 has joined #KSPOfficial
<Guest81650> it says the problem is not from KOS
* UmbralRaptop wonders if there's anything with that name in your GameData folder
<Guest81650> UmbralRaptop no
<UmbralRaptop> unsure then
<Guest81650> I just install airplane plus RSS
<Guest81650> no mod conflict
<Guest81650> .....
<Guest81650> 额
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<packbart> "TinyPG is a tool kOS makes use of to help built its kerboscript compiler."
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<packbart> I still got some weird settings resets. not all of them, though. "EVA Auto-Rotate" keeps returning. wheel control keys reset
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<packbart> oh dear, I just killed Mirnand Kerman. she doesn't know yet. the rescue capsule only stocks food for 5 days, her return from Minmus takes 8 days
<packbart> ah well, she already transmitted 160 science points and the probe core will guide the capsule with the surface samples. it's just a pilot...
* packbart goes to check Kerbalism settings
<Althego> hehe
<packbart> I must have dropped the supplies container when redesigning the tourist can. I blame the engineers!
pthag has joined #KSPOfficial
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<packbart> that's an idea. there's a tourist bus just arriving at Minmus. they could pick her up. no cheating required
<Rolf> 3 days with no food is easily surivable for humans
<Rolf> do kerbals die right after out of food?
<packbart> I don't think so but I'm not sure how Kerbalism calculates
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<Althego> hehe scott about that space shuttle image he tweeted
<umaxtu> yeah, that was pretty funny
<Althego> but now a viedeo
<umaxtu> thats what I was talking about
<packbart> nice landscapes down in Mun East crater. deep craters within craters
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<Fluburtur> do you have a link to the original image?
<kmath> <DJSnM> Notice anything odd with this thumbnail?
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<kmath> <The_ShadowZone> @DJSnM "Works in Kerbal Space Program." ⏎ ⏎ At least suborbital...
<packbart> looks kerbalish
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<kmath> YouTube - How Many Things Are Wrong With This 'Space Shuttle' Image
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