UmbralRaptop changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | Latest versions: 1.8.1, NaN | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | ΔV maps: | Type "chanlog" for logs | ☿ transit November 11
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<packbart> "Ford Mobility's Kerbspace Hackathon" - disappointing. they mean a totally different "Digital Kerbspace" for their "Kerbside Solutions"
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<UmbralRaptop> Adding boosters is a mobility solution, though
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<Rolf> test prototype in room with huge breakable windows sure ;)
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<Mat2ch> Rolf: the props will break before the windows...
<Rolf> sure but what if whole thing flies towards windows?
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<Mat2ch> Rolf: windows are a lot strong than you might think. I once shot a football right on my parents living room window. The window wobbled but didn't break
<Mat2ch> My mother wasn't too happy about the ball stain...
<Rolf> lol yeah
<Rolf> depends on window type I guess
<Mat2ch> it really looked like someone had stamped it on there...
<Mat2ch> Was a strong window ;)
<Rolf> i broke one of my front tooth on glass door
<Mat2ch> The video was shot in Germany, so probably at least two layers of glass
<Mat2ch> and I guess with a pvc foil inside to keep it from breaking if someone wants to break in
<Mat2ch> kind of a standard here
<Rolf> :)
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