raptop changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | Latest versions: 1.8.1, NaN | Rules: tinyurl.com/KSP-Rules | "modcall" to call ops | ΔV maps: https://i.imgur.com/CHVnEeE.png https://i.imgur.com/gBoLsSt.png | Type "chanlog" for logs | https://exoplanets.nasa.gov/alien-worlds/galaxy-of-horrors/
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<HyperFun> Hi
<Mod9000> Hello, HyperFun
<HyperFun> Most of the world seems to be asleep.
<HyperFun> So there is little activity gi
<HyperFun> Uh
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<darsie> India and China are awake.
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<kubi> yes, so most of the world was actually awake
<Althego> what will be the starship power generation mechanism?
<Althego> the solar panels died out on all the concept images since it was shrunk
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<Mat2ch> Althego: I guess they just haven't decided yet. Probably still solar panels
<Althego> not much of a choice. rtg is out, so either fuel cell or solar panels, maybe both. but i cant imagine running a ship to mars on fuel cells for 6 months
<Althego> just usethe humans for power, like in the matrix (whic is honestly a dumb idea)
<Rolf> lol
<Rolf> no solar panels in ksp2?
<Althego> we dont know about that
<packbart> the Hermes' rotating segment is a giant treadmill
<Althego> but no solar panels on spacex starship
<Althego> instead you can just see the smooth shiny metal surface in all art
<bees> Althego: paper rocket does not require power
<Althego> btw cygnus launch in a few hours
<Rolf> 6 am yeeah not watching. aw
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<Fluburtur> with apartment bicycles
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<kubi> resizing UI is really strange
<kubi> PE, AP markers are totally off
<kubi> also, it resets to 100% after restarting the game, but in the config dialog it is sill 150%
<kubi> and when I enter & leave the dialog UI is 150% again, markers are off
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<Althego> i wanna set the uuuu-niverse on on fire, feel it burn toni-ight
<darsie> Althego: Watch the Sun and stars.
<darsie> I shot a quasar with my telescope/camera.
<darsie> You could also light a candle.
zz_mikeprimm is now known as mikeprimm
<Althego> i almost forget about the launch
<Althego> forgot
<Althego> 20 minutes
<UmbralRaptor> So, they're replacing a stork with a swan?
<Althego> no, both remain in operation
<Althego> kounotori means stork
<Althego> next launch in 2020
<UmbralRaptor> no, I meant that HTV-8 undocked recently
<Althego> in that sense yes
<Althego> how many free parking places are there?
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<Althego> 2 minutes
<Althego> hehe the clock is consistently off from the guy who says mark
<UmbralRaptor> nominal nominal nominal
<Althego> as excpected spacex launches are a lotbet wwwwwwwwwwllth meas
<UmbralRaptor> (also feet/s² o_O)
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> yes i noticed that
<packbart> ooh, they use one of the new small solid boosters
<Althego> i wanted to write a lot better with the onboard cameras
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<packbart> .oO("You start to say something dramatic and poignant about the plight of Kerbal-kind in this grand universe, only to be cut off by random radio chatter that the situation is nominal.")
<Althego> hehe
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<darsie> launch url?
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<Althego> too late
* darsie wants url anyways.
<Althego> already in orbit
<darsie> It leaves a white trail in orbit?
<Althego> no, that is a playback
<Althego> the rover is still not back. but at least there is a descent stage https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pgyp6Kg8LwI
<Althego> i have to remember to check this out on weekdays, maybe i can see some people working on it
<packbart> soo, they launched on a 2.5m jumbo tank, used a hollow tube as interstage and then a Mite SRB for orbit insertion?
<Althego> hehe, mostly, but it is not a tank
<Althego> somehow these bird named vehicles are quite boring cylinders
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<darsie> Which way is fore?
<Althego> down
<Althego> but the nose is missing
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<Fluburtur> second nacelle isnt on either
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<JVFoxy> oof...
<Althego> out of fuel?
<JVFoxy> no.. just logging in issues
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