Deddly changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | Latest versions: 1.8.1, NaN | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | ΔV maps: | Type "chanlog" for logs | Nov. 25 Electron launch 07:57-09:22 GMT | Spacewalk
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<JVFoxy> so... jeb+val did a docking mission. Rather than landing them seperate, re-entered side by side. They ended up staying less than 1/2 km a part from each other
<JVFoxy> hadn't done that before.. was interesting
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<Althego> hehe, nice jokes and effects
<kmath> YouTube - Building An Antenna for Johnny 5
<Althego> you wouldnt expect this from a machining video
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<Althego> i started the tutorial pf surviving mars. i already found one really annoying thing. the transporter loads and unloads from the front, while it has all the cargo in the back, obviously accessible from the back
<Althego> it has the feeling of planetbase, but looks like a bit more complex
<Althego> but the basics are pretty much the same
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<Althego> all fungi are edible but some only once :)
<Rolf> sures casts something on "in least try this once"
<JVFoxy> friend tried seafood once... lived but now ... deathly alergies
<JVFoxy> I guess it was no surprise it happened while visiting Australia.. land of 'everything tries to kill you'.. or so I hear
<Eddi|zuHause> Althego: if that's the only thing that'll ever annoy you about a game, then you should be fine, i guess :p
<Althego> we shall see now
<Althego> just have to start somehow
<Althego> but even before the start there are too many options
<Althego> i dont want to choose the international mars mission as sponsor because it is listed as very easy
<JVFoxy> ... which game now?
<Althego> surviving mars
<Althego> hehe spacey :)
<Althego> SpaceY
* JVFoxy ahs
<JVFoxy> some of these games that come out now these days... I don't know.. maybe I'm stuck on 'old school' or something.
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<Althego> lol dont panick, and sickle and hammer logo
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<JVFoxy> Hmm... SpaceZ
<JVFoxy> XYZ...
<TheKosmonaut> taniwha: *reads gaming headlines*
<TheKosmonaut> So that's what you've been up to eh
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<JVFoxy> yo
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<JVFoxy> anyone tried geostationary orbits?
<packbart> not yet, I didn't really have any use for them
<JVFoxy> got the orbit.. but my speed was way off
<JVFoxy> they saying something like 1009.81m/s.. but think I was something a bit above that?
<JVFoxy> surface velocity did say I was nearly 80m/s off
<JVFoxy> playing career with KSC as only place that has DSN..
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<packbart> ah, ok. I usually just use an equatorial relay triangl
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<JVFoxy> eventually I was going to do a few sats at geo stationary.. its just getting the altittude and speed to match.. though kind of wondering if figures given are a little off
<UmbralRaptop> There's a chance that it's slightly off since Kerbin was actually spun up in 1.0
<JVFoxy> orbit cheated just to test in sandbox... no numbers are solid it seems. slight shift to the plane of the obit throwing off velocity some
<packbart> In sandboxes, I cheat myself a nice tetrahedral constellation (orbital parameters from a forum post). 100% coverage all the time
<JVFoxy> just thought I'd try something different
* UmbralRaptop is in favor of doing best-effort, and then save editing because lolstationkeeping
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<packbart> I sync the orbital period of the relay triangle I use in career as best as I can, within a few ms. that's good enough for years
<bees> or you can launch 20 super basic sats in one rocket and deploy them with a few m/s difference
<packbart> hm. now that you say that - where's the first Starlink simulation in KSP?
* packbart goes to check Youtub
<bees> chances that 20 out of 20 sats would be outside of ~40% sky sector are close to zero
<packbart> well, several recreations of the 60-sat launches - but no 42k sats full constellation yet :)
<bees> copy-paste 42k sats to the save file, ez
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<UmbralRaptop> I'm sure you could do it with a bit of Perl or Python
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<bees> and add Principia on top
<bees> a proper test for NASA supercomputers
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