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<estorado> how can I disable the windows 10 question while pushing shift?
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> ease of access
<Althego> use sticky keys
<Althego> allow shortcut... remove the check
<estorado> thank you!
<estorado> is there a still a difference between Mechjeb and Mechjeb 2?
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<estorado> hi, is it possible to change the language of mechjeb?
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<FLHerne> estorado: It's possible, but the only languages available currently are English and Chinese
<FLHerne> If you're able to write a translation for another language, I'm sure the authors would find it useful
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<juan_cruz> How can I change the language to Spanish to KSP
<juan_cruz> ?
<Althego> i still dont know the answer. never used mechjeb
<juan_cruz> what is mechjeb
<juan_cruz> modcall
<Mod9000> Calling the mods for you, juan_cruz
<TheKosmonaut> What up
<juan_cruz> hello
<Mod9000> Hello, juan_cruz
<juan_cruz> How can I change the language to Spanish to KSP
<juan_cruz> TheKosmonaut How can I change the language to Spanish to KSP
<TheKosmonaut> right click on the game's title in your Steam Library, select properties and under the 'Language' tab, select the one you want
<juan_cruz> aaaaa ok thanks
<TheKosmonaut> No problem
<Althego> hehe it was just a similar question :)
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<kubi> octo+oscarb+2G antenne+2x100EC battery+2x ant engine -- why does it rotate like crazy is the reaction wheel in the octo is powered?
<packbart> the early Okto has reaction wheels, the Okto 2 (slim) does not
<kubi> yes
<kubi> and it rotates when the reaction wheel is on
<UmbralRaptor> trim error?
* UmbralRaptor assumes that it's one craft in one situation
<kubi> the craft is orbiting kerbin or the mun on high orbit
<kubi> the same effect
<kubi> there is half a tick spurious pitch if the SAS is disengaged and the reaction wheel is enabled
<UmbralRaptor> no effect from alt+x (assuming windows)?
<X> Try to control X instead.
<X> Don’t make an assumption there will be a window to do it.
<X> You have to catch X by surprise.
<UmbralRaptor> ps - ax | grep KSP
<kubi> not helping
<UmbralRaptor> blarg
<kubi> I try with a pabe probe now in kerbin orbit
<kubi> interesting
<kubi> if I set the same vessel to a high orbit, wit doe snot rotate
<kubi> I thought that the root part selection causes the error
<kubi> this is a rocket with 3 tiny relays under a fairing, and the fairing is the root
<kubi> simply cheating the craft to orbit, then detaching all probes is OK
<kubi> if I launch the vessel normally, then the tiny relays rotate
<kubi> I have 2 around kerbin and 3 around the mun
<kubi> all rotates :(
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<darsie> kubi: Do you get the debug window with ctrl/shift+F12?
<kubi> woo
<kubi> it worked
<kubi> and the modifier is right shift :)
<kubi> thanks
<kubi> now the question is how it got trimmed
<kubi> the original trim equals pressing Mod+S 5 times
<packbart> because you tried to enter physics timewarp while holding one of the control keys?
<kubi> hmm
<kubi> can be
<kubi> I'm fighting this "bug" for years :)
<NGC3982> merry christmas guys
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<UmbralRaptor> Happy birthday, Isaac Newton!
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