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<Althego> it seems electron is happening today. shortly after a progress
<Althego> i misspoke followed sortly by a progress launch
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<Althego> slight delay because of wind
<Althego> stream not started on time
<kmath> YouTube - Rocket Lab 'Running Out Of Fingers' Launch
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<Althego> picosats, i didnt know there was such a thing
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<Althego> hehe rosie
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<Althego> t-1 min
<Althego> 0
<Althego> stage 1 controlled rentry stream
<darsie> something launching?
<Althego> electron
<Althego> :progress in an hour
<Althego> i guess we have to wait for a while to know what they have learned from the controlled reentry
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<darsie> Why is electron so sparky?
<Althego> i was wondering about that
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<darsie> It's funny how the altitude indicator wiggles a bit back and forth as if there was jittery altitude sensor data getting digitized.
<Althego> that was strange
<Althego> also why does it look like exactly the spacex indicator
<darsie> Why do cars and plane cockpits look exactly the same?
<Althego> these are just like gui elements. could look any way
<kmath> YouTube - NASA Live: Official Stream of NASA TV
<Althego> progress launch
<Althego> i hear you all collectively saying "frankly my dear, i dont give a damn" through inaction :)
<Althego> at least there is an upper stageview
<packbart> frankly my dear, I wasn't awake yet and have to leave for work now
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<darsie> I have to stop playing RO. It's too buggy :(.
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<Mat2ch> :(
<darsie> Contract doesn't accept geiger counter data ...
<darsie> Geiger counter data accepted after 2 h of orbit.
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<darsie> I don't get science from KCT any more. Am I supposed to get the science for the huge tech tree by flying missions?
<JVFoxy> .. sorry.. maybe I just woke up but.. KCT as in construction I'm guessing?
<JVFoxy> though.. not sure how you mean by 'getting science' from it to be exact..
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<darsie> Kerbal construction time used to give science for building rockets and stuff. I built stacks of wide, thin batteries (expensive) to complete the tech tree.
<darsie> I got the money back when scrapping the stacks.
<JVFoxy> probably took the science part out of building things so that people wouldn't abuse it. Though that's just a guess
<JVFoxy> granted... would learn things as you build, but tends to cap if is always the same thing
<darsie> I'm just not sure if there's enough science out there.
<JVFoxy> believe the further out from kerbin you go, the bigger the returns on some things get
<darsie> mhm
<darsie> Moon landing is overdue.
<JVFoxy> and ya, some testing contracts do return a little science..
<darsie> No. No science for contracts. So far.
<JVFoxy> there is also the science lab, personally I haven't messed with it much myself. My understanding is, it can take science from things, as data and turn it into points if you can get it back to the center
<darsie> It transmits the data/science.
<JVFoxy> it can convert things but takes crew, time and power
<darsie> Crew need life support.
<JVFoxy> also helps if the lab is in the same bio sphere where the science was taken..
<darsie> Not sure if the lab is in RO/RP.
<JVFoxy> so.. KCT isn't the only mod you have going on
<darsie> I use RSS/RO/RP1, which come with a load of mods.
<JVFoxy> I know two of those.. RSS is which again?
<darsie> real solar system.
<JVFoxy> isn't that already part of RO though?
<darsie> dunno.
<darsie> Yeah, it installed via reccomendation, IIRC.
<JVFoxy> my understanding RO itself has a ton of mods... basically turns it into real world space sim around earth
<JVFoxy> but anyways...
<darsie> But I installed it first, I think, because I wasn't sure if it would skip some mods the other way or so.
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<darsie> Had to close firefox to have enough memory.
<JVFoxy> I hadn't really messed with mods that change up the tech tree. Although, I'm sure if there wasn't enough out there to gather and do things, people would be talk'n about it on the fourms
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<packbart> soo, the console players now got robotics, too, I see
* packbart doesn't know anyone playing KSP on a console ;)
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<Fluburtur> forward swept
<Mat2ch> Noice
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<kubi> why isn't the surface smooth?
<kubi> you cut it with a heat wire, aren't you?
<packbart> any why is the Behringer amp on?
<kubi> to let the guitars cry
<Fluburtur> yeah, hotwire
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<Mat2ch> packbart: Fluburtur is probably using the amp as speaker ;)
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<Althego> they moved the rover in the center, probably some kind of test
<kmath> YouTube - Seeing 2020
<Althego> there is also a scottvideo
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* darsie wonders if it's relevant that the people are masked with their workspace being livestreamed.
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> they are reverse ninjas, white and visible :)
<darsie> No name tags. Do they confuse themselves?
<Althego> i would
<Althego> without face and hair i have hard tiem identifying people
<packbart> it's important to plug in your ESD grounding cable before touching the rover
<Althego> but what is that thing in thefront?
Althego has quit [Quit: HMI Module Alpha Humana on approach to Space Station Mercury]
<packbart> a Probodobodyne Rovemate core
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