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<darsie> I sent a command seat to rescue a Kerbal in Mun orbit, but forgot that the Kerbal adds 90 (70?) kg to the craft, reducing dv ...
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<raptop> 93.75 kg I think?
<raptop> Unless it changed again
<darsie> 94 kg
<darsie> Don't have that much precision.
* raptop pokes the ingame displays with a sepratron
<Flayer> i wish there was a bit more of a timer on rescue missions
<darsie> IIRC kerbals don't add mass to capsules.
<LushPineapple29> huh
<raptop> Obviously adding a kerbal to a capsule releases energy equivalent to the 90-odd kilogram mass-defect
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* darsie recovered Kimtrey from The Mun's south pole.
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<packbart> Rollin', Rollin', Rollin', Munhide!
<packbart> now with Life Support and DMagic Science Stuff for moar Science
<packbart> (and thanks to BonVoyage, I don't have to do all the driving if I don't want to :)
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<Mat2ch> packbart: that's some good looking rover
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<packbart> yeah, I really like this one. lots of science instruments and can powerslide at 30m/s without tipping. it's quite heavy, though, almost 5t. I'll see how it fares on Duna. it's got some trouble climbing mountains on Kerbin
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<Mat2ch> packbart: well, there's a solution to this problem. Moar boo, eh, wheels!
<Mat2ch> no, seariously, add another pair in the middle :)
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<packbart> there's not enough space between the wheels. and the solar panel rotates through there
<packbart> hm. I need to modify the solar panels, anyway. they don't produce enough EC for the wheels as they are. I could make the rover a bit longer
<packbart> or I could just add two Twitch engines to assist the wheels on steep hills :)
<kmath> YouTube - Building the Engine That Will Take Us to Mars
<Althego> this is not a raptor :)
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<UmbralRaptop> … do I have to take *all* of you to Mars?
<Flayer> i could take it or leave it
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