Deddly changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | Latest versions: 1.8.1, NaN | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | ΔV maps: | Type "chanlog" for logs |
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<Flayer> sometimes i just can't wrap my simple little mind around the fact that i do two retrograde burns to slow down...
<Flayer> and then i go faster than i did before
<Althego> analogous to falling down a cliff. at the bottom you move faster
<Flayer> yeah and i guess you pick up more speed going from apoapsis to periapsis than you eliminate by slowing down at the periapsis, but it's still ridiculous.
<Flayer> i don't approve.
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<RonanTheDestroyer> hey guys
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<Rolf> heybye
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<Althego> hehe
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<darsie> How bad is upgrading to 1.8.1 and then going back with the same mission and ship to 1.7?
<darsie> 1.7.3, I guess.
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<kmath> YouTube - A conversation with Rocket Lab's Peter Beck on recovering Electron
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<Flayer> oh god
<Flayer> all this robotics stuff is too much
<Flayer> i shouldn't have bought that expansion
<Mat2ch> hehe
<Mat2ch> also steam sale is starting today
<Mat2ch> so you bought it too early or so ;P
<Flayer> i bought it at -50%
<Mat2ch> :)
<Mat2ch> And I really hope that there'll be a team building option for KSP 2.
<Mat2ch> I'm building my Jool expedition for month now
<Mat2ch> it's hard if you have to do everything alone
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<darsie> The Mun's south pole is a lethal pit:
<Althego> lol
<Althego> oh my god, it's full of stars
<darsie> Yay, I jetpacked to orbit from The Mun's south pole. So I don't need the Mun's rotation. Either my jetpacking to orbit fu increased or the game changed.
<Althego> that rotation is negligible anyway
<darsie> Nah, it's close. I have 0.08 EVA fuel left.
<Althego> hehe
<darsie> Previously I failed to jetpack to orbit at higher latitudes.
<darsie> So I have 9.6 m/s left.
<darsie> That's about the equatorial speed.
<darsie> Oh, I didn't plant a flag ...
Nach__ is now known as Nach0z
<darsie> 0.14 EVA left.
<darsie> Mat2ch: What does this building involve?
<Mat2ch> darsie: a huge atomic pusher, a lab that will stay somewhere in Jools orbit, a miner to refuel, a space plane, a landing stage with >4 k dV, some sats for scanning for ore
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<Mat2ch> maybe some sats to send back if the mission requires so
<Mat2ch> also I had all of this already done in previous versions, but I tend to delete those old craft files...
<Mat2ch> well, not all, but most of it
<darsie> Mat2ch: You could have team mates build parts and exchange hte ship files.
<darsie> You would have to fly them yourself, though.
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<Mat2ch> darsie: I think it would be fun to build some parts together with others
<Mat2ch> sometimes I need to discuss ideas and problems to find a solution
<Mat2ch> making space planes is hard
<Mat2ch> making them efficient and with a small ressource converter on board even harder
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<darsie> I made a Mars glider lander.
<Deddly> I'm a Steam n00b. How can I buy a steam key for someone who I don't have on my "friends" list?
<Mat2ch> I'm not sure if that's possible
<Mat2ch> well, you can buy it as gift and send it via email
<Mat2ch> but I guess you want a key?
<Deddly> I wanted a key really, but email would do
<Deddly> I can't see how to do that
<Mat2ch> you can buy as a gift
<Mat2ch> not sure if the option "send as mail" exists anymore :/
<Mat2ch> but you can use a key store
<Mat2ch> then you'll get a key
<Deddly> When I click that button it only gives me a list of friends ...
<Mat2ch> sadly seems dead...
<Deddly> I suppose I could get it on GOG
<Mat2ch> there's also green man gaming or so
<Mat2ch> afaik they're one of the good guys key dealers. Not like G2A
<Deddly> Oh yeah - I forgot you can buy Steam keys from other sources
<Deddly> Thanks for the tip
<Deddly> Wow, KSP is even cheaper on that site, Mat2ch
<Deddly> 77% off
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<raptop> er
<raptop> Anyway, is asking that person their steam ID useful for friending them for sending the game?
<Deddly> Trying to do that, it's laborious but we're getting there :)
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