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<packbart> well, this is what it looks like when I play FTL even with idfa cheat: - I won, I guess... The crew survived long enough for the credits to roll :)
<packbart> I did get to know the "advanced content" stuff and how power management is actually a thing. Now back to our scheduled launch towards Duna
<Althego> hah, reached elite trading rank
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<kmath> YouTube - Starliner ISS FATAL FAIL, New Venus & Mars Missions, Long March 5 Launch Success
<Althego> hehe that accent, i somehow like it
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<kmath> YouTube - NASA 2020: Are You Ready?
<Mat2ch> We will never be ready for SLS ;P
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> admiral federal rank. now i have no other choice but to go over to the empire for those nice looking ships :)
<UmbralRaptop> giant wedges?
<Althego> no, more like white airliners
<kmath> YouTube - The Imperial Cutter [Elite Dangerous]
<UmbralRaptop> oh
<Althego> but to be honest the anaconda would be more useful
* UmbralRaptop saw empire, and thought star destroyer
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<kubi> happy new year!
<darsie> Happy last year of the decade ;).