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<Althego> marie fredriksson (used to be half of roxette) died too
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<Eddi|zuHause> "too"? who else died? (besides of like 95% of people who have ever lived)
<Althego> yesterday i learned about rené auberjonois (odo in ds9)
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<Eddi|zuHause> ah, i missed that
<kubi> 95%?
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<kubi> I thought that approximately half of the ever born homo sapiens population is still alive today
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<Eddi|zuHause> kubi: i've seen that number vary, but half seems a bit high
<Eddi|zuHause> ;wa number of people alive / number of people who ever lived
<kmath> Eddi|zuHause: all countries, dependencies, and territories->population/number of people who have ever lived on Earth: 0.0696 (6.96%) (2006, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2016, and 2017 estimates)
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<Eddi|zuHause> my 95% is way closer to that than your 50%
<packbart> looks about right, Wolfram Alpha comes out to ~0.07
<kubi> cool
<kubi> so you have a 7% chance to live forever
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<Althego> that is a different calculation
<Eddi|zuHause> questin is, does this number increase or decrease? :p
<Althego> but people who are young today may have a small chance to lice forever
<Althego> because if technology makes it possible to live a little lingger, just long enough to get a new tech that makes possible to live even longer, and so on...
<Eddi|zuHause> there might be a tipping point where life expectancy grows by more than 1 year per year
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<kubi> or, if you resist growing up, you never get old...
<Althego> or brain scan copies become possible
<Eddi|zuHause> i heard a person once claim the first person growing 1000 years old has already been born
<Althego> maybe
<kubi> nah
<kubi> time to play a bit
<Althego> just finished senua
<Althego> time to look for new sw ep9 dumpster fire of flat earth videos. i am going to miss this buzz when the movie comes out
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<kubi> eeee
<kubi> found the watermelon tentacle on Bop
<kubi> first time ever
<Althego> you mean the kraken?
<UmbralRaptop> ^
<JVFoxy> huh.. watermellon
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> to be specific a dead deep space kraken
<JVFoxy> I just can't say I've heard of it described that way
<JVFoxy> seen pics myself...
<JVFoxy> anyone else ever get kerbal withdrawls?
<Althego> not yet
<JVFoxy> maybe not so much kerbal... being stuck at friend's just laptop, have been getting these 'creativity' withdrawls
<sandbox> withdrawal
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<JVFoxy> ya, joys of typing too fast on tiny laptop
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<packbart> I haven't done much with KSP in the past days. Still pondering how to design my station with Kerbalism's Coronal Mass Ejection threat in mind
<packbart> I've been playing XCom instead :)
<darsie> Make a safe room?
<darsie> shelter*
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<packbart> something like that. it needs a large mass in front that covers the cross section of all habitats when turned towards the sun. and then some more in between to shield from the secondary Roentgen radiation
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