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<Tank2333> hi
<Mod9000> Hello, Tank2333
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<Althego> hehe i love to see rise of skywalker burn
<Rolf> i love the smell of skywalker burning in mornings
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> actually it should have been titled the rise of palpatine
<sandbox> that good eh?
<Althego> around 55%
<Althego> not even the shills liked it
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<Rolf> dirt under my nails is worth to me more than critics
<sandbox> I haven't seen any of the disney ones
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<Althego> the critics showed in the last few years they dont care about truth
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<Althego> but we already know what is going to be in the movie
<Althego> it is basically confirmet at this point
<Althego> it is not going to be any good
<Althego> the only question is, will it make less than a billion
<Althego> and i sure hope so
<Althego> imagine that. you fail so hard it is going to be a chapter in the history of cinema forever, and still make a lot of money
<Althego> since the last jedi i dont consider the disney trilogy canon. and the rise of skywalker only adds to this conviction
<Rolf> heh I honestly dont care about canon
<Rolf> if I enjoyed it, I enjoyed it. if not, then definitely not.
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<nate> Althego: You're sharing a critic review %. Anyone who has gone by critic reviews in the past 20 years is silly, they all have agenda's and it usually involves being paid, if they don't then they talk bad about something lol
<nate> maybe wait for the actual audience reviews to start rolling in over the next week
<Althego> that is going to be worse
<nate> And yet they said the same about Episodes 7 and 8 and they were box office and audience rated hits
<Althego> notably tlj had way worse audience reviews than critic
<nate> What's funny is it's usually the movies critics do talk bad about that end up having the best audience reviews
<Althego> and as i said, we live in a world that these movies unfortunately make a lot of money
<nate> I don't know, I think a world where the general consensus drives sales and not an individual person's opinion is a pretty decent world
<nate> lol
<Althego> but it doesnt. we didnt want this trilogy. this is what a few people in disney wanted
<Althego> they could have made a lot more money if they just did the right thing
<nate> Um I think the several billion dollars they've made just from the two main chapter sequels alone would definitely disagree with your concept 'we' didn't want it lol
<nate> Disney bought the franchise specifically -because- people for years have wanted more, or at least EU content to be made into films (which is, basically what they ended up doing ironically despite separating into two canons)
<nate> Like I can say with absolute definitive standing you do not speak for me in your 'we' opinion, I -did- want more content, I just didn't expect them to basically steal it from the EU and pretend it was original material lol
<sandbox> should've sold it to some Japanese company
<nate> I mean even with Ep 8 not doing 'as well as' Ep 7 they still vastly made their money back and multitudes more
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<NGC3982> hai gais
<sandbox> lo
<NGC3982> does the burn time timer calculate the burn time with loss of mass in thought, or does it speed up during burn?
<darsie> hi gai
<NGC3982> because im noticing that it always runs faster than an offline timer (like my mobile phone)
<darsie> NGC3982: I thought it would be proportional to dv.
<darsie> So the second half should go by faster.
<NGC3982> in total?
<NGC3982> oh, ok
<NGC3982> that explains it then
<darsie> That's my guess.
<NGC3982> i used an offline timer for long burns but noticed that didnt work out :p
<NGC3982> im 800 hours into this game and last week was the first time i ever docked
<NGC3982> used mat's target-2-target method and it worked like a charm, and it really really opened up the game for me
<darsie> Does grabbing count as docking?
<NGC3982> well, that implies a rendezvouz which is actually the hard part, so i would say that yes :)
<darsie> Rendezvous are hard ... ok :).
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<darsie> Lets say ... suborbital rendezvous are hard ;).
<NGC3982> oh indeed
<darsie> Did you do it?
<NGC3982> no, i haven't tried that. i just know how hard it is to match up stuff in atmosphere
<NGC3982> tried to catch a part once and gave up
<darsie> I did it to rescue ppl from higher latitudes of the Mun's surface. Can't jetpack to orbit from there.
<NGC3982> cool
<NGC3982> i have left to try to decouple a front stage, land it, up again and re-dock with orbital parts
<NGC3982> that mat guy always do that afaik
<NGC3982> matt*
<darsie> I think I did Duna sample return missions that way. Refuel the landing/return stage with the previous stage in orbit.
<NGC3982> for bodies with atmosphere that feels like a must if not using air breathing engines.
<NGC3982> or, i guess a must -> a good way to do it
<NGC3982> people succeed with the most crazy things in this game :p
<darsie> Nah. It works without refuelling, too.
<darsie> This simple rocket can make a Duna sample return without refuelling:
<NGC3982> ooh
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<darsie> It's not perfect, so it's a bit tricky to do it, but the flaw can easily be fixed.
<darsie> My friend built it so I would agree to fly to vacation with her, so we don't fly too much.
<darsie> Also having a Dawn last stage makes refuelling unnecessary.
<kubi> well, try a suborbital, atmospheric rendezvous with Claudia Schiffer
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<darsie> :)
<darsie> Ok, I confused her with Heidi Klum ...
<kubi> is Heidi easier? :)
<darsie> Some trickster kissed her on her lips in America's got Talent. I think it was the Magic Dragon. She didn't like that.
<kubi> these are part of the show
<darsie> She complained later.
<darsie> Nobody to rescue from the surface of The Mun.
<darsie> Got one.
<darsie> And it's high enough to require suborbital rendezvous:
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<darsie> Hmm, Lodbur made orbit from that high latitude.
* darsie saved Lodbur from the surface of The Mun.
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