Deddly changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | Latest versions: 1.8.1, NaN | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | ΔV maps: | Type "chanlog" for logs | Dragon V2 in-flight abort test Saturday 13:00 GMT
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<UmbralRaptop> Anyway, consider the X-20 or МиГ-105?
<Flayer> i'm using 'shuttle' in the loosest terms possible
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<Flayer> basically just something that can fly through the atmosphere with wings after re-entry rather than plummet down.
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<Althego> almost 1600 people watchingthe nothing, i let my browser join them so i dont forget
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<estorado> Good morning, yesterday I saw a kind of "auto struts". How can I enable this function?
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<estorado> and I dont understand the function of fl c-1000
<Flayer> five hours, nice
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<Althego> estorado: enable advanced tweakables in the options
<estorado> thank you
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<Althego> haha live in 26 hours
<Althego> i guess the 90% chance was not enough
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<Flayer> maybe someone crucial slept in late
<Flayer> hm i put my space plane on top of a rocket but now the rocket tips shortly after launching
<UmbralRaptor> large fins at the base?
<Flayer> i've been adding them lol
<Althego> fairing
<Althego> could help somewhat, but it has a drag too
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<Flayer> taking off at 66% seems to have done it
<Flayer> oh, lost control at 30 km, probably cause i'm playing too casually
<Althego> if you dont lose control at 15 km, you should be able to all the way up
<Flayer> yeah it was on staging
<Flayer> let me try again
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<Mat2ch> Althego: :(
<Mat2ch> I was looking forward to this
<Althego> no boom today, my love is gone away, the rocket stands forlorn a symbol of the dawn
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<Althego> i just realized what the perfect name for the band playing the song with the above lyrics. kerman's hermits :)
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<Flayer> see, my shuttle is really just a tourist transport shuttle
<Flayer> unfortunately i need a bigger rocket to reach the mun with it
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<Guest50619> The game isn't launching from steam
<Althego> omg, the red message is working
<Althego> but unfortunately i dont have steam, so i cant help you with that
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<UmbralRaptor> Can you launch KSP.exe directly?
<Guest50619> It gives me an error sign when I click launch from steam
<Mat2ch> What kind of error?
<Althego> perilous peril
<Guest50619> More of a crash than an error
<UmbralRaptor> Directly as in going to the folder and double clicking on the KSP executable.
<Mat2ch> KSP writes a log
<Mat2ch> you could copy the last few lines to a paste website, like pastebin and show us
<UmbralRaptor> If not, try verifying the integrity?
<UmbralRaptor> I know at one point my download got corrupted, and I got a noninformative error w/ mono
* UmbralRaptor wonders if guest was eaten by a kraken
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<Althego> failing despite all the effort
<Althego> shaka, when the walls fell
<UmbralRaptor> gah
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<sandbox> for some reason I had a dream you were talking about old Top Gear episodes in here
<kubi> why would anyone launch a ame from steam?
<kubi> why would anyone have steam running at all?
<kubi> it does not help, it is just a spyware
<packbart> to keep the playing time counter ticking
<kubi> lol
<Tank2333_> i had friends who did this
<Tank2333_> for running time in games
<UmbralRaptor> yeah, also to advertise that you're playing x game
* X advertises this intrinsically
<packbart> discord scans the process list for known games. I'm not sure if I like that feature
<X> You are afraid that discord will.... report on your illegal processes?
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<UmbralRaptor> eg: using Firefox on the good bird website?
<packbart> X: it's an irrational fear ;)
<packbart> I don't really like discord, anyway
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<nate> packbart: You could always just use the desktop version
<nate> Then nobody will know when you're playing one of those asian dating games on steam :P
<Fluburtur> friend let me borrow his telescope
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<packbart> nate: I used the Linux desktop version. I might set up a discord-IRC-gateway to use with irssi ;)
<NGC3982> what is more efficient - adjusting my normal/anti-normal trajectory while very close to my target orbit, or when my current orbit is much smaller than the target orbit?
<packbart> it's more efficient at lower orbital velocity, so the "larger" orbit should cost you less dV
<packbart> or maybe not. depends on where your AN/DN nodes are
<packbart> it might even be mor efficient to get into a very large orbit first (or at least push the AN or DN far out) to adjust the plane
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<darsie> low speed is true.
<darsie> Ap of highly elliptic orbit.
<darsie> It even pays to make the inclination worse there to get AN/DN closer and turn to 0 then.
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<NGC3982> ok
<darsie> Or launch when (slightly before) you're in the desired orbital plane and try to get into that plane.
<darsie> Instead of going to high speed orbit first and then adjust the plane.
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