Deddly changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | Latest versions: 1.8.1, NaN | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | ΔV maps: | Type "chanlog" for logs |
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<Deddly> chanlog
<Mod9000> I keep channel logs here:;O=D
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<Flayer> hmm... maybe i should have brought some science gear to investigate this asteroid passing by kerbin
<darsie> What flavor of KSP are you playing, Flayer?
<darsie> Cause stock KSP doesn't have asteroid biomes, IIRC.
<althego> in fact asteroids are parts, not behaving like a plant at all
<althego> *planet
<Flayer> well i could get a sample from it
<Flayer> but i guess that's about all you can do?
<Flayer> no loss then :)
<Flayer> i was thinking maybe the arm from the robotics expansion would work
<Flayer> i put the settings at 50% finance, 50% science and 10% reputation
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<Flayer> got an expanded tech tree starting with unmanned
<Flayer> and have a 75% open source program to gain reputation
<Flayer> so i gotta dig deep to find science
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<althego> you get a little bit of money for divind in the ocean :)
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<Althego> that's better
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<darsie> people say nobody goes to Dres cause it's so boring. Maybe they put some cool easte egg there.
<darsie> r
<Althego> just the dresteroids
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<Flayer> hrm, not enough dv for a low orbit around eve
<Flayer> gotta aerobreak... that's gonna be tough
<Althego> or just push with the kerbal
<Althego> infinite delta v
<Flayer> that takes monoprop
<Althego> not in the base game
<Flayer> also its a huge craft with life support stuff and recyclers
<darsie> Flayer: Tough as in many shallow passes through the atmosphere?
<Flayer> yeah
<Flayer> 5 km into the atmosphere and i see the overheating light up XD
<Flayer> o shit its like a 30 day orbit lol
<darsie> Need more snacks?
<Flayer> well, i got a year to get this done before the return flight
<Deddly> Flayer, please don't use bad language in this channel
<Deddly> Easy mistake to make when there's no auto filter like the forum has :)
<Flayer> i'm probably going to get a warning a couple more times and then get banned
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<Flayer> how come world war 1 & 2 documentaries always get really lame halfway through?
<XXCoder> probably where they ran out of stuff to say besides "more death, more death"
<packbart> because the makers of the documentary assume their audience to be asleep at that point
<packbart> saves money
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<darsie> Flayer: Watch Chernobyl.
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<estorado> Good evening Kermans, happy new year!
<Flayer> heh, you don't get the 'atmospheric flight' achievement unless your apoapsis is within the soi of the body
<UmbralRaptor> no atmospheric grazing shenanigans for you!
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<Flayer> alright lets get this over with
<Flayer> lowering the apoapsis by 2 km each time
<Flayer> 2000 km
<Flayer> 48000 to go
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