Deddly changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | Latest versions: 1.8.1, NaN | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | ΔV maps: | Type "chanlog" for logs | Falcon/Starlink launch Tues 14:28 GMT
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<Flayer> i know there is a 'great flats' and a 'greater flats' on minus
<Flayer> but is there also a 'greatest flats' ?
<darsie> no
<darsie> There are flats
<darsie> Not sure about lesser flats.
<Flayer> there's lesser flats
<Flayer> oh man, i gotta get to bed
<darsie> why? :)
<Flayer> i gotta be at work at 7:50 tomorrow, less than 7 hours from now
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* darsie rescues Valley from LKO...
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<darsie> Oh my, I spent the whole night tuning this minimalistic tourist to LKO rocket. Had to finish orbit with jetpack and fly perfect to have enough left to deorbit.
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<darsie> An earlier version started vertical but turning east was less exact. This one is slanted 2 deg east and I turn prograde at 129 m/s, but it's less efficient.
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<Althego> heh they moved the falcon launch inside worktime
<darsie> what?
<Althego> 15:06
<Althego> here at least
<darsie> ah
<darsie> starlink?
<Althego> that launch date is moving since last friday
<Althego> that
<darsie> starlink
<Althego> i am fed up with all these star* names
<Althego> starliner, starship, starlink
<Althego> i get it, psaceship was already taken
<Althego> but no excuse for the others
<darsie> astronaut
<darsie> movie star
<Althego> that too, i dont like that
<Althego> that is different
<Althego> it is already ina different meaning
<Althego> but none of theprevious 4 go to any star
<Althego> not even to the sun
<darsie> I guess dv to the sun is higher than to another star.
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Deddly changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | Latest versions: 1.8.1, NaN | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | ΔV maps: | Type "chanlog" for logs | Falcon/Starlink launch Wed 14:09 GMT
<Mat2ch> And the live stream link seems to be not update to date
<Mat2ch> 28 th was yesterday...
<Deddly> Yeah but the description seems correct
<Mat2ch> Well, official numbers are still 1406 UTC
Deddly changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | Latest versions: 1.8.1, NaN | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | ΔV maps: | Type "chanlog" for logs | Falcon/Starlink launch Wed 14:something GMT
<Deddly> That explosive text was neat. Thanks for linking :)
<Mat2ch> I'd like to see a slomo of it, too. :)
<Mat2ch> But those people from nasaspaceflight are awesome
<Mat2ch> and SpaceX is, too, for letting us watch
<Mat2ch> *confirm
Deddly changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | Latest versions: 1.8.1, NaN | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | ΔV maps: | Type "chanlog" for logs | Falcon 9/Starlink launch Wed 14:06 GMT:
<Deddly> Thanks
<Mat2ch> 50000 people waiting :D
<Mat2ch> For something we've seen many times now. And it's still fascinating
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<packbart> I'm just in it for the chance of Kaboom
<Deddly> I've seen very few live
<packbart> true. but otherwise, SpaceX routine launches get a little boring over time ;)
<packbart> and it's just yet another starlink launch
<packbart> I don't care much for that project. ymmv
<Deddly> I'm quite interested in seeing how that works out. Satellite internet would be very interesting for those who are often on the move
<packbart> I'm more for terrestrial mobile networks
<Deddly> And, of course, for the huge area of the world that doesn't have reliable access
<Deddly> Ships, planes, developing countries...
<packbart> they won't have starlink access, either
<Deddly> No reason why not
<Deddly> Perhaps not planes, but ships should have no trouble accessing the network, if it is open to them
<packbart> I was thinking of the "developing countries". True, ships and planes already have sat uplinks today, only the latencies would decrease
<packbart> but, anyway, let's see how it plays out
<Mat2ch> The devel countries will have access to it and use it
<Mat2ch> most people there don't have a computer, but a smartphone
<Althego> starlink music on
<Mat2ch> oh, I love here voice. So soothing
<Deddly> Aaw no live views from drone ship
<Mat2ch> And Jessica's voice is not my favorite...
<Deddly> 1 million lb = 450,000 kg of propellant
Deddly changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | Latest versions: 1.8.1, NaN | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | ΔV maps: | Type "chanlog" for logs | Falcon 9/Starlink mission live now:
<Mat2ch> means 100t for the whole rocket...
<Deddly> ...and this bit here is why Starlink is interesting to me
<Mat2ch> yes, I can finally move into a log cabin somewhere very far away from other humans and still rant on the internet!
<Mat2ch> ;)
<Deddly> Hehe
<Deddly> Bah, they're using autopilot mods. Cheaters
<Mat2ch> :D
<Mat2ch> I want autopilot mode built into KSP2 :P
<Althego> t-2 min
<Flayer> is there a light-weight autopilot mod?
<Deddly> I think it would make a lot of sense in some ways, especially as they have said they are going to make it possible to leave things like ion thrusters running for ages whilst you're doing something else.
<Deddly> I only know about Mech Jeb and kOS, Flayer
<Deddly> Here we go, T-10
<Deddly> That shockwave was sweeeet
<Althego> shockwave and starscream :)
<Mat2ch> Uh, that looked hard.
<Deddly> What did, yeah
<Deddly> That*
<Deddly> Looks windy out there, too
<Mat2ch> But landing on sea is hard, because a ship can move a meter up and down like it's nothing
<Deddly> True
<Mat2ch> Just rewatched it at 0.25 speed
<Mat2ch> looks like the engine was cut off a bit early
<Mat2ch> but nothing the landing legs can't take
<Deddly> Oh interesting
<Mat2ch> we will see if it flies again ;)
<Deddly> Looking at the replay in normal speed, you can see that the ship was on the way down just as the rocket landed
<Deddly> LOL
<Mat2ch> hard to see. But just before the landing the barge was lifted up, which might sugggest it went down with the rocket
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<Flayer> i wish we had more insight into the costs of reusing them
<Mat2ch> oh, nice
<Mat2ch> live fairing catching
Deddly changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | Latest versions: 1.8.1, NaN | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | ΔV maps: | Type "chanlog" for logs |
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<Althego> nicethey got one fairing
<darsie> They almost caught the other one. Fished it out of the water, then.
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<Flayer> alright, gotta design/build one more vessel, then there's 5 or 6 launches to prepare the fleet going to duna
<Mat2ch> Follow-up from yesterday
<Mat2ch> What is it? A garage!
<Mat2ch> And the last picture is docked to the space tug...
<Mat2ch> missing the miner and the lander for Tylo
<Mat2ch> And yes, the lander for Tylo will bring enough dV to land and get back up again...
<Mat2ch> Did this several times now, works fine ;P
<Mat2ch> Pol, Bop, Val, Laythe, all easy. Tylo is the final boss.
<darsie> Mat2ch: Tylo lander/escape is two stage?
<Althego> for an all jool mission i usually start with tylo because that lander sheds the most mass
<Althego> and then i dont have to carry it around for the rest of the mission
<Mat2ch> darsie: single-stage.
<darsie> ok
<darsie> bbl
<Mat2ch> Althego: I will go where the missions force me to. ;)
<darsie> Challenge: Accept and do all missions after a 10 day time warp.
<darsie> :)
<Mat2ch> Oh, and I will add some sats for resource surveying and return sats, if a mission wants me to return to Kerbin...
<Mat2ch> That sounds rediciouls ;P
<Mat2ch> Oh, Wintergatan! \o/
<Mat2ch> But no build video :(
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* Flayer sits on Ezriilcs shoulders
<Althego> channel plans
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<Mat2ch> Althego: oh, he finally gets a video editor. And it looks like the MMX will be done by christmas ;P
<Althego> christmas of the year when the first starship lands on mars
<Mat2ch> 12 m is terrifying close.
<kubi> 1mm is far enough...
<Althego> if they hit, scott is going to make a video about it :)
<Flayer> if only we could timewarp irl
<Flayer> then they'd be fine
<Mat2ch> Althego: Scott will make a video out of it either way :D
<Althego> yes i wanted to write that, but i also wanted to link the near miss from george
<Althego> doesnt matter how many time i see this clip, it remains funny
<Mat2ch> kubi: I'm not so sure how they predict that it'll be 12 m. There are some error margins. And the question is how big they are
<Althego> can somebody see the collision with a telescope?
<Mat2ch> I recently found Gabriel Iglesias. Hilarious
<Althego> they should monitor the point to see if there is one
<Mat2ch> they will...
<Flayer> sweet
<Flayer> one straight burn from launch to a duna encounter
<Flayer> lel, a second 28 ms burn 7 days later puts me on a 2 km encounter with the vessel in orbit around duna
<Althego> 28 millisecond burn?
<Flayer> m/s
<Flayer> good ol' using rcs thrusters in the kerbin soi to get into an equatorial orbit around duna
<Flayer> ok, four rockets underway, 200 days of timewarp coming up
<Althego> in 200 days i would have completed all buildings and the tree... 10 times
<Althego> hehehe, and there it is, the scott video about the possibly colliding satellites
<packbart> that can be done without ever venturing outside Kerbin
<Althego> exactly
<Flayer> if you play with 100% science, yes
<Flayer> but what would compel you to do that?
<packbart> that's what time-warp is for
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<Mat2ch> Althego: like clockwork!
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<Flayer> play with 30% science, and no reputation gain aside from the open source program
<Flayer> add some nodes to the tech tree to start unmanned
<Althego> and as i was docking out from a station disconnected from the server. and i wanted to go to bed after this
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<Mat2ch> To cite one of my favorite DJ: oh yes, oh yes, oh yes! -
<Althego> was this the full pressure cryogenic test?
<Mat2ch> Yep
<Mat2ch> I posted the link to the test bop this morning. Let me get it again
<Mat2ch> And now calculate how far the camera is away ;P
<Althego> elon didnt say anything about it on twitter :(
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<packbart> *woosh* or *clang*?
<darsie> woosh, it seems.
<darsie> <nsh> passed per:|2828
<darsie> Next scheduled radar passes for both objects to occur approximately two hours after the event.