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<Faded_And_Hardbass> hi
<Mod9000> Hello, Faded_And_Hardbass
<Faded_And_Hardbass> HOw you doin
<Faded_And_Hardbass> im just here bc im bored lol
<Faded_And_Hardbass> hah
<Faded_And_Hardbass> you will like it
<Faded_And_Hardbass> Mod9000 how are you?
<Faded_And_Hardbass> ;-)
<Faded_And_Hardbass> bye
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<UmbralRaptop> blink
<XXCoder> geez maybe its a bot lol
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<darsie> I want lift back for Kerbals.
<darsie> When skydiving.
<Deddly> Did they ever have that?
<Deddly> I thought they only had drag
<darsie> yes
<darsie> Unless I was just imagining it.
<darsie> But it would only come back post 1.8.1, and I'm not sure I want that. Maybe with a new graphics card/computer.
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<packbart> it might be possible to patch a lifting surface into the Kerbal EVA "part"
<packbart> not sure how those things work, though
<darsie> Actually, I'm not playing KSP much any more, so it's not very important.
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<NGC3982> landing on moho is so damn hard
<Althego> not really, landing is the easy part. getting there however...
<NGC3982> :(.
<FLHerne> Anyone else playing FTL?
<FLHerne> I just got a Glaive Beam on the second fight of the first sector :
<FLHerne> :D
<FLHerne> ...and now I have a pre-igniter
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<darsie> NGC3982: Go to Minmus, then ;).
<darsie> Gilly is funny, too.
<darsie> All you need for Moho is enough TWR and dv.
<darsie> EER shows you TWR.
<darsie> for different bodies.
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<NGC3982> i got a bug whilst warping
<NGC3982> so i couldnt exit the warp and was unable to use controls
<NGC3982> so i quick saved
<NGC3982> f9 didnt respond to quick loading and now i cant find the save where i even have the craft
<NGC3982> oh god i found it
<NGC3982> aaaand i didnt have enough fuel anyway
<NGC3982> for god sake
<NGC3982> maybe i should rething this all together. instead of packing enormous amounts of dV from kerbin i could build a somewhat empty liquid fuel setup and refuel on minmus
<NGC3982> aaaaand i put all my funds into this and quicksaved so no reverting
<NGC3982> and no new funds
<NGC3982> so that's it for this playthrough i guess
<Althego> the game makes backups
<NGC3982> this was a good indication of it being time to start over with a new company
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<Deddly> I'm looking to get an M.2 SSD. This is new ground for me... any recommendations?
<Deddly> I don't know what the exact specs of my machine are, but I know that this one fits
<Althego> hehe i didnt know transcend is still around
<Althego> i would look at benchmarks
<Deddly> Heck... last time I bough a hard drive Seagate was the best of the best
<Althego> or maybe just buy a samsung
<Althego> lol
<Althego> when, 10 years ago?
<Deddly> More
<Deddly> It was a SCSI2
<Deddly> Amiga 1200
<darsie> :)
<Althego> the title says sata 2
<Althego> 3
<Althego> lol
<Deddly> I believe the HDD I bought was something like 256 MB
<Deddly> This is how out of date I am. Is SATA III good or what?
<Althego> no, not really. i would go with m.2 for an ssd
<Deddly> I thought this was m.2
<Althego> the image is
<Deddly> Description says "M.2 SSD"
<Althego> but there is also a sata 3 in the title
<Deddly> Are you sure you're not looking at the "Lower Priced Items to Consider"?
<Deddly> Oh right I see it now
<Deddly> M.2 seems like a minefield the more I look into it. So many standards
<Deddly> I was told that this one works
<umaxtu> most of the standards are just different lengths
<Althego> the only minefield could be the nvme, but that doesnt help a normal user that much
<Deddly> OK, so I can have 42 mm length
<Deddly> Is there anything else I should think about?
<umaxtu> make sure its not QLC
<Althego> hehe, true
<Deddly> What's QLC?
<Althego> quad level cell
<Althego> the newest and cheapest technology, because it has more bits in the same area
<Althego> however it doesnt have good properties
<Deddly> Aha
<Althego> it goes liek this: slc, mlc, tlc qlc
<umaxtu> you are looking for a sata ssd?
<Deddly> 500 MBps read/165 write
<Deddly> I'm looking for m.2
<umaxtu> SATA m.2 or NVME m.2?
<Deddly> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
<umaxtu> cause your motherboard may only support only one or the other
<Deddly> Well... I was read online (so it must be true!) that this one works
<Deddly> That one is SATA III
<Deddly> But Althego implied that SATA and m.2 were mutually exclusive, I must have misunderstood
<Althego> maybe i dont undertand this as much as i thought i did
<umaxtu> I've got a 256gb samsung sata m.2 drive that I'm not using. You in the US?
<Deddly> Unfortunately not - Scandinavia
<Deddly> :(
<Althego> but to me sata what goes on to a sata interface. m.2 can be ahci or nvme
<kubi> you need to check the motherboard
<umaxtu> Althego, people tend to conflate ahci and sata
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<kubi> is the drive/motherboard NVMe?
<umaxtu> Deddly, thats what it looks like
<kubi> so, then it is slower
<Deddly> I think it's SATA
<kubi> yes
<kubi> AHCI
<umaxtu> the keying looks the same as mine. so its SATA/AHCI
<kubi> many times ppl confuse the form factor with the protocols supported
<kubi> still, it is small
<kubi> and most probably you will not notice too big difference
<Althego> anyway, even if it is ahci, an m.2 drive can have a way bigger throughput than a sata
<kubi> unless you try something IO heavy
<kubi> how so?
<Deddly> See, this is what I meant when I said that there are so many standards it's like a minefield
<kubi> m2 is a form factor
<kubi> then what is carried over it is another question
<umaxtu> its not nearly as bad as type-c
<kubi> with NVMe you will have a fast drive
<kubi> with a non-NVMe it is "just" a SATA3
<kubi> will you see any diff?
<Althego> no :)
<Deddly> The m.2 interface on my machine seems to be undocumented
<Althego> how nice of them
<Deddly> But the people who have tried this seem to be using SATA devices
<Deddly> All I know for sure right now is that it should be 2242
<Althego> that is tiny
<Althego> all this because m.2 was intended as a laptop thing but then it went on to the desktop too
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<Deddly> This is for a laptop, so...
<Deddly> I only need it because the built in 2.5" SSD is full
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<Deddly> I don't want the hassle of replacing the entire drive, so I thought this would be easier.
<Deddly> So if I understand this correctly: m.2 is the form factor, 2242 means 22mm x 42 mm dimensions. SATA is the physical connector, NVMe is a protocol, but if the motherboard doesn't support it, it will still work. Correct?
<Deddly> PCIe is the other main type of physical connector
<Deddly> So... any m.2 2242 SATA card should work, presumably
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<Deddly> kubi, 5:30 ... does that mean that SATA is volatile??
<Althego> hehe i think i got it now. to me m.2 always ment pcie, because in a desktop it is pointless otherwise. and pcie is always faster than sata, regardless of having or not having nvme. but in a laptop it makes sense that they connected a sata line to the m.2 port
<Deddly> Aaargh I'm going crazy here. Now I just found a driver for my laptop "NVMe Solid State Drive Firmware Update Utility"
<Althego> hehe
<Deddly> So I still don't know what the heck I need
<kubi> you need a drive that fits into your motherboard
<kubi> nvme will be expensive and you will not see any difference
<kubi> you just delete al kinky videos and you'll have plenty free space and it is free
<Althego> lol
<Deddly> Probably best to get the exact mode people are saying they're having success with, then?
<Deddly> model*
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<Deddly> Thanks for the help guys. Seeyas
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